Average allergic otitis media: symptoms and treatment in a child or adult

Allergic diseases can have a variety of symptoms. Usually, problems arise from the skin, eyes and respiratory system. However, in some cases, pathology affects the area of ​​the ears. In such cases, doctors diagnose "allergic otitis," which is also called the secretory middle otitis media.

Causes of

This pathology is allergic and provokes inflammation in the outer or middle ear. The cause of the disease can be bacterial microorganisms or food products.

This type of otitis is external or moderate. In the first case, the reason may lie in the use of jewelry or a hearing aid. Often the use of ear drops often leads to external otitis.

Pathology can appear on the background of asthma or rhinitis. Sometimes this type of otitis is the result of exposure to food allergens.

However, antibacterial medicines do not have an effect in the treatment. Removing the pathology is helped only by antihistamines.

The following factors may be the prerequisites for the appearance of otitis:

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  • weakening of protective forces;
  • the person has an allergy;
  • eardrum damage;
  • subcooling.

Symptoms of

Pathology has a slow flow and does not provoke acute symptoms. When allergic otitis occurs, a person has unpleasant sensations in the ear, which is accompanied by swelling of the auditory canal. However, intense pain is absent.

In adults

Allergic otitis usually has such a clinical picture:

  • stuffing in the ears;
  • general weakness;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • skin hyperemia in the ear;
  • high fatigue.

Pathology often provokes purulent discharge from the ears. This symptom indicates a rupture of the tympanic membrane. After excretion of the exudate, the patient's condition improves significantly. In this case, the body temperature immediately normalizes.

How to recognize an allergic otitis in a child

In children, this type of otitis develops rather quickly, it does not always have an intense course. Pathology is characterized by such signs:

  • pains in the ears;
  • high irritability;
  • purulent discharge from the ears;
  • insomnia;
  • hearing loss.

Often, allergic otitis in children is accompanied by the same kind of rhinitis. In addition, inflammatory damage to the ear can be due to sinusitis or adenoid growths. If the time does not cope with these disorders, there is a risk of recurrence of otitis.

Detecting this form of otitis in a nursing baby is quite difficult. Usually this disease is accompanied by constant crying, deterioration of appetite, drowsiness or anxiety. A child can cry while feeding, because at this moment he has pressure in the nasopharynx, provoking severe pain.

In school children, this form of otitis can be noticed by the teacher, as the disease provokes such signs:

  • inattention in the lesson;
  • delayed reaction;
  • decline in academic performance;
  • a propensity for loud conversation.

Treatment of

Treatment includes such components:

  1. Elimination of the main allergens. If otitis is the result of food allergy, a person needs to adhere to a special diet.
  2. Taking antihistamines. The doctor can prescribe suprastin, diazolinum, tavegil.
  3. Use of glucocorticosteroid hormones. To eliminate the symptoms of pathology, local application of hormonal ointments or infusion of hydrocortisone can be prescribed.
  4. Vasodilating drops in the ear. These drugs help maintain the patency of the auditory tube.
  5. Washing of ears. For this purpose, a solution of hydrogen peroxide or boric acid with a concentration of 3% can be used.
  6. Use of immunomodulating agents.
  7. Compliance with a special diet.

If allergic otitis becomes chronic, it may be necessary to perform a surgical procedure. If the surgery is not performed in a timely manner, there is a risk of developing dangerous complications. These include paralysis of the face, development of cholesteatomy or atrophy of the tympanic membrane.

Children's doctor gives advice on the treatment of external otitis media in our video:


To prevent the development of allergic otitis media, it is very important to exclude any contact with allergenic substances. Also, doctors recommend a specific treatment aimed at correcting the work of the immune system.

It is very important to eliminate all sensitization reactions when the first symptoms appear. During the maximum allergenic activity, the doctor can prescribe the use of antihistamines for prevention.

Allergic otitis is a serious enough disease that can provoke negative health effects. To prevent this, it is very important to treat pathology at the initial stage of its development. For this, first of all, it is necessary to establish an allergen and eliminate any contact with it.

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