What is the diagnosis of IBS, the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome - a blood test, a colonoscopy, calprotectin

Some patients are interested in what is the diagnosis of IBS?It is nothing but an upset of the digestive organs, which is functional. At the same time during a bowel movement a person experiences pain, unpleasant sensations appear in the abdomen. Passes unpleasant symptoms usually immediately after emptying. The diagnosis is established in the case of the recurrence of such symptoms for six months for several days per month. To confirm the presence of this particular pathology in the patient, it should be borne in mind that there are several types of IBS:

  • The disease occurs with constipation;
  • The main concomitant symptom is diarrhea;
  • Mixed type;
  • Unclassified SRK.

Determining the exact type of ailment will help the specialist to choose a more appropriate treatment and will lead the patient to an early full recovery.

How is the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome diagnosed?

For the detection of pathology, a diagnosis should be carried out. For her, the "Roman criteria-II" is usually used. A diagnosis of IBS is made if the patient has experienced at least 12 weeks of pain and discomfort in the abdomen over the course of a year, with the following characteristics:

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  • The disease begins with a change in the shape of the stool;
  • The beginning is the increasing frequency of defecation;
  • After emptying, there is a reduction in discomfort and painful sensations.

Also pay attention to the consistency of feces, the presence of inclusions such as mucus and increased gassing. The diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome is established by the method of elimination. For this, it is necessary to conduct differential diagnosis, because it is necessary to exclude the presence of other ailments that have similar symptoms. For this, it is worth paying attention to the signs that are uncharacteristic for a diagnosis such as IBS:

  • Signs of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract begin to appear at night;
  • The patient loses weight;
  • The feces contain impurities of blood.

What does the appearance of such symptoms mean? It indicates that a person develops a more serious pathology of digestive organs than IBS.To put in this case the correct diagnosis, it is not enough just to pass the analysis of feces. It is necessary to undergo more in-depth diagnostic studies.

Analyzes for irritable bowel syndrome

In order to confirm or exclude the diagnosis of IBS, it is necessary to hand over more than one analysis to the patient. Among them, a general and biochemical blood test is carried out, the feces are checked for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and hidden blood in it.

Differential diagnosis of IBS also includes colonoscopy. What does this procedure mean in the detection of pathology? This method of research allows you to examine the inner surface of the colon and rectum, using a flexible fiber-optic or equipped with a video camera device with an illumination source. Also, thanks to a colonoscopy for IBS, tissue samples can be taken for microscopic examination, which is necessary for revealing gastrointestinal pathologies.

Also differentiate pathology with other organic or infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract allows the use of calciprotein in the diagnosis of IBS, which serves as a kind of marker to distinguish this pathology among others having the same symptoms. Calprotektin is very sensitive, so with the help of it it is possible to establish the disease with the greatest accuracy.

Due to the accuracy of these studies, it is easy to identify this functional GI disorder among other diseases. Therefore, when blood or other pathogenic inclusions appear in the stools, one should not ask questions about what this means, but urgently turn to a specialist and hand over the tests necessary for suspicion of IBS in order to reveal a developing ailment.

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