Characteristic manifestations and peculiarities of treatment of pericoronitis

1 How to recognize the ailment

Pericoronitis is an inflammatory process of the gums around a cutting tooth. Most commonly, inflammation is observed around the wisdom tooth. Pericoronitis manifests itself in several forms, and in the case of severe form it causes cheek and neck disease. Pain with pericoronitis can be acute or aching.

Pericoronitis occurs when a part of the tooth has erupted, and during the eruption of the remaining part the process has slowed down. In this case, bacteria accumulate around the wisdom teeth and cause infection. Moreover, this disease progresses, as the remains of food remain on the dentition and are the cause of plaque formation. The plaque may also be under the gingival tissue that surrounds the eruption site. Remains of food at the same time fall under the gingival tissue and cause painful sensations. Pericoronitis can develop a gum disease, while the wisdom tooth itself can interfere with the dentition and thereby destroy it.

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Therefore, if you feel acute pain during eating or aching chronic, you should immediately consult a doctor.

2 Therapeutic actions

Dentists point out that treatment of the inflammatory process of this kind is one of the longest and most complex in the oral cavity. Treatment of pericoronitis depends not only on the tooth that is cut, but also on the health of the oral cavity in general, the patient's well-being, the health of the whole organism.

Before starting treatment, you need to take a radiograph of the oral cavity, which will help determine the doctor stage of neglect of the disease, as well as the location of the wisdom tooth, which causes a painful sensation. The dentist needs to know about the condition of the gingival tissue and teeth that are next to the focus of infection. The treatment of pericoronitis at different stages of the inflammatory process is different.

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Treatment at the initial stage can be carried out at home using available folk remedies. The effective agent is saline. A liter of boiled water should be added one spoonful of salt, then shake until the salts dissolve completely. Then moisten the cotton wool in this solution and apply to the inflamed place for 10-15 minutes. The procedure should be repeated several times a day.

In the same way, you can use a solution of lemon balm, infusion of wormwood and mint. These funds will help to remove inflammation, pain, and also help fight bad breath.

But every patient should understand that these drugs help in conjunction with the medications prescribed by the doctor. Most often with pericoronitis, Aminoquinol and Histodil are used.

Treatment at a late stage of the disease causes great difficulties. Most often in this case, surgical intervention is necessary, which can only be performed by a professional doctor. It avoids the appearance of purulent discharge and complications that can spread to the entire oral cavity. The doctor makes an incision of the gingival tissue and cleans the inflamed place from the pus, and then disinfects the place of the cut with antiseptics.

In the event that caries appeared on the tooth, it may be necessary to remove its root, since pericoronite can go into the stage of remission.

The success of treatment is only guaranteed if pericoronite is diagnosed in time. At the first signs it is necessary to contact the dentist so that he examines the oral cavity, determines the position of the wisdom tooth and, based on these data, prescribes treatment.

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