Fibroma: photo, symptoms, causes, treatment without surgery, removal, price, reviews

There are many varieties of tumor formations. Some are malignant in nature and are considered deadly to patients, others are classified as benign tumors and do not pose a serious threat to the lives of patients. To good-quality formations includes fibroids.

The concept of

Fibroma is considered a benign tumor, which is formed from connective tissue or fibro-isolated cellular structures. Such an education can be found on any part of the body in people of any age.

Photo shows fibroma on the scalp

Equally often, fibroids are found in the adult and child population of the planet.

Types and varieties of

Several types of fibroids are distinguished:

  • Solid - usually located on any areas of the body, is formed as protruding, almost immobile formations of light pink or flesh tinge. Usually such formations are formed on a wide small foot with a smooth surface;
  • Soft - such fibroids are more often found in women of mature age. The favorite localization of soft fibroids are the armpits, chest and neck and groin area. In appearance, soft fibroids are wrinkled sacs of a brownish or fleshy hue that grow on pronounced legs.
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By nature, myomas are single or multiple. In the latter case, pathology is called fibromatosis.

In addition, fibroids differ in accordance with localization. There are pulmonary and bony, kidney and soft tissue, uterine and hepatic, dairy and ovarian fibroids.

Also similar formations can be formed on the mucous membranes of the cheeks and in the whole oral cavity, in the tongue and knee-joint tissues, on the ligamentous vocal apparatus and in the larynx, on the head and in the face area.

Causes of occurrence of

It is impossible to say unequivocally and for certain why fibroids are formed, since there are still a lot of white spots in the etiology of such tumor formations.

Although experts identify several factors that indirectly affect the formation of fibrous formations:

  1. Hereditary factors;
  2. Inflammatory processes;
  3. Traumatic injury;
  4. Hormonal disorders caused by damage to the body Trichomonas and other protozoa. These organisms, forming colonies, provoke the formation of fibroids;
  5. Treatment with β-blockers, since these drugs are capable of altering the structure of fibrous tissues;
  6. Pregnancy, because the level of hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which contribute to the formation of tumor processes, is increasing.

If we talk about uterine fibroids, it provokes the presence of chronic urinary inflammatory pathologies, surgical interruptions in pregnancy, frequent changes in sexual partners, endocrine pathologies, diabetes, stress and late pregnancies, difficult births, etc.

Symptoms of

Clinical manifestations of fibroids are caused by tumor localization.

The main manifestation of fibrous formation is the appearance of a built-up edge that rises somewhat above the skin surface, located on the stem, or snug against the tissues of the base.

In terms of color characteristics, such formations often do not differ from surrounding tissues, however, over time, the color palette of fibroma can vary from light pink to dark brown.

Similar tumor formations, as a rule, do not cause discomfort and do not disturb the patient. If the tumor appears on the surface of the body or face, it is often considered only as an aesthetic defect.

Although in some situations such formations are painful, they may itch and irritate, which is most often caused by unsuccessful localization of the fibroid, for example, on the sole of the foot, in the cervical region, in the groin, etc.


Fibrous formations can develop in various structural forms such as desmoid, chondromicoid, non-classified, odontogenic, lobular or ameloblastic


Desmoid fibroids are called fibrotic densituration structures that are most often localized on the back, peritoneum, chest, limbs.

Most often, such fibroids are formed due to skin lesions, traumatic factors, postoperative and post-traumatic scars, internal ruptures, etc.

The desmoid fibrous formations seem to be single, painless seals of 2-150-millimeters in size. They grow slowly, they have regular rounded outlines and a slightly bumpy or smooth surface.

The desmoid fibroma is formed by multidirectional interlocking connective tissue fibers. In the walls of the tumor may contain deformed inclusions with cartilaginous or bone tissue.

If such a tumor grows to a large size, then it may well lead to disruption of the activity of organic structures and damage to bone tissue. About 7% of desmoid fibroids malign, leading to the formation of squamous cell carcinoma.


This form of fibroid is a cartilaginous neoplasm formed in articulations of tubular bones. It has a favorable current, but it can recur and malign.

It develops slowly, gradually increasing the symptomatology associated with the pain syndrome in the affected area. In particularly difficult situations, chondromixoid fibroids may be complicated by muscle atrophy and motor limitations in the joint of the affected limb.

In children, fibroma of the bone is more pronounced and with rapid tumor growth, rather than in adults. The main symptom is the pain syndrome, which disturbs and in a calm state. The intensity of soreness can be different - from worn out minor discomfort to pronounced, intense pain.


This type of fibrotic formation is common in adolescents and older children.

Pathology, as a rule, is asymptomatic, and is detected with the occasional X-ray examination.

Some patients have bone tenderness. A typical manifestation of neosteogenic fibroids is a fracture of predominantly lower limbs.

On x-rays with a similar formation, a few rarefied bone tissue is noted. Such neoplasms are prone to self-resolving for several years. In appearance, fibrous neosteogenic formations are an oblong tumor with a reactive bone along the edges.

It consists of accumulations of different-structural cells like lipocytes, fibroblasts, collagens, etc. In most cases, the course of the pathology has a positive outcome with spontaneous healing.


These fibroids are also called Kenen's tumor. These are tumor-like tumors that form on the skin rollers, under the fingernail or at the base of the nail plate.

Usually similar fibrous formations are evidence of a systemic pathology called tuberous sclerosis.

Fibromas are considered the first sign of prognostic character. Usually such formations begin to grow intensively during the teenage years, not exceeding a centimeter-size, however, in exceptional cases, their dimensions can reach enormous proportions.

Such fibrous formations, as a rule, do not cause discomfort( unless cosmetic), unpleasant manifestations or painful sensations. But if the tumor is damaged, then it can get sick. For finger fibroids, frequent recurrence after surgical removal is typical, but it does not have other methods of treatment.


Such fibromas are localized in the intermaxillary tissues and often contain a tooth-forming epithelium. Often they are similar in structure to tooth pulp, they are formed mainly from periodontal tissue structures. Usually, such tumors develop secretly, without manifesting themselves.

For a long time there is no bloating of maxillofacial tissues. On the radiographic picture, education is often manifested by a homogeneous focus. An accurate diagnosis can be established only after a thorough pathohistological diagnosis.


This is a kind of odontogenic fibroid that is located in connective tissue structures, but does not contain odontoblastnyh cells. Most often found ameloblastic fibroma in 15-25-year-old patients in the mandibular zone.

Usually, tumor tissues are characterized by a soft consistency. Such formations are treated only surgically by means of jaw resection.


Fibromas of similar shape are localized in the oral cavity and look like rounded seals covered with a mucous tissue. Exotic growth is typical for this formation.

Localized lobular fibroma on mucous cheeks, lips, palate, gums, tongue, etc. More often occurs in 6-15-year-old children due to inflammatory or traumatic factors.

In addition, similar fibroids may also arise due to poorly fixed crown or prosthesis, oral mucosal injury, chronic inflammation in the mouth such as glossitis, periodontitis, stomatitis or gingivitis, etc.

Looks lobular fibroma with a pink hemispherical swelling with a smooth surface with mucous coating. Often, such fibroids arise due to repeated biting of the same site in the mouth. What is different from fibroids?

Myomas, fibromas, fibroids are all names of benign formations, differing in structural features and in the nature of the predominant tissue.

Myoma is formed from muscle tissue cellular structures, and fibroids are formed from connective tissue material. If the newly formed formation consists of half of the connective, and half of the muscle tissue, then it is a question of fibromyoma.

Than education is dangerous?

Fibrous tumors are considered relatively safe formations of benign nature. Fears can only be caused by some factors.

  • can be maligned only by fibroids localizing on mucous tissues( in the intestines, uterine body, on the tongue or cheeks, etc.).
  • The danger also comes from the fibrous formations that exert pressure on neighboring organs of , which breaks their functionality, causing side-effects.
  • In addition, can disrupt the activity of the body , in whose tissues it is located, for example, intestines, uterus, stomach, liver, etc. The tumor gradually increases, causes pain and spasms in the affected organ, causes bleeding, etc.
  • Whentrauma and damage to the integrity of the fibroid , the likelihood of associating associated infections with is high. This is especially true for formations on the skin and mucous tissues.


Diagnostic studies such as radiography, biopsy, etc. are usually used to identify fibrous formation. If there is an intra-organic fibroma, then an ultrasound is performed, the radiography is shown for bone and mouth fibroids.

Endoscopic examination methods are often used. With uterine localization of fibroids, hysteroscopy is used, with rectal - colonoscopy, with gastric - gastroscopy, etc. In rare cases, resort to magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

Treatment of fibroid

Regardless of the location of fibrous formation, the only effective treatment is radical surgical removal of the tumor.

The most common methods of removal are:

  • Surgical removal of neoplasm;
  • Radio wave removal;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Laser vaporization, etc.

Surgical removal

Surgical removal of fibroids is the simplest operation, during which the doctor performs excision of the formation, and then makes the stitching of the edges of the surgical incision.

Usually, this approach to removal of fibroids is appropriate for their location in the inorganic structures like lungs, intestines, uterine bodies, bronchi, etc. According to the specific localization of the formation, surgical removal can be performed endoscopically, for example, in gastroscopy, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and so on.

The endoscopic approach to the removal of fibroids is usually used when the tumor is localized in the abdominal organs, and the abdominal operation is performed with the location of the formationin the mammary gland, breast, lungs or bronchi.

Laser removal

Laser therapy for fibroids is used for localization on the oral mucosa or on the surface of the skin. This approach allows you to quickly and easily get rid of fibroids.

After the procedure there will be only a small spot, which in time will become completely invisible. The cost of the procedure for removal of fibroids depends on the size and localization of education.

The average price of laser removal of fibroids is about 1 800-16 000₽.

Quite a lot of patients prefer to treat fibrous formations with a laser method, which is left with many positive reviews.


I had a fibroma on my face, it did not seem to bother me, it did not grow, but somehow it turned out that I accidentally damaged it. Then the cone began to bleed, it hurt a lot, I had to go to the doctor. He recommended removal to me with a laser or a scalpel. Decided to dwell on a more sparing method and chose a laser. The same day, I was removed fibroma, after about five to six days, the sore disappeared, and within a month the scar on my face equaled to the rest of the skin and became invisible.


On the finger near the nail some kind of cone grew up, the wart thought, but the doctor said fibroma. She did not hurt, was not scratched, but terribly interfered with my work, I'm an auto-mechanic working. Then I'll hook it, then I'll scratch it, then I'll squeeze it, in short, I had to delete it. Have removed a fiber to the laser. No problems, quickly, without blood and nyxes. Very satisfied.

Treatment without surgery

Some fibroids can be treated with conservative non-surgical methods.

For example, with uterine fibroids, hormonal treatment aimed at suppressing estrogen production is quite justified.

Some fibrous formations may be accompanied by painful symptoms, for the treatment of which antispasmodic and anesthetic drugs are used.

However, the most effective way remains operative removal of neoplasms.

Folk remedies

Some patients avoid surgery and try to treat fibrous formation with folk remedies. Especially often such treatment is "sin" for women suffering from uterine fibroids.

Because fibroma of such localization can arise due to a violation of hormonal status, then for its treatment, folk remedies that normalize the hormonal background are used.

Prognosis and prevention of

In general, the predictions regarding the treatment of fibroids are favorable, if the treatment was provided in a timely, professional and adequate manner, then there is no danger of any complications or malignancy.

Since education is benign, it does not represent a threat to life. In almost all cases, when radio wave or laser radiation was removed, no recurrence was observed.

Regarding preventive measures, there are no such measures for fibrotic formations. It is possible to recommend general methods of prophylaxis, such as regular physical examination and healthy life. In the rest everything depends on the presence of factors that provoke the onset of fibroids.

Video shows excision of hip fibroid with Surgitron device:

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