Implant Prodetoxon for drug addiction: description of the method, instructions for use, reviews

For the treatment of opium addiction, the Prodetoxone implant is used, which contains the effective opiate antagonist naltrexone. Subcutaneous implantation of Prodetoxone, known as "stitching", has few contraindications and has proven to be highly effective.

Implant Prodetoxon in the treatment of drug addiction

Prodetoxone is a domestic long-acting drug produced by pharmaceutical enterprise NKP EKHO, Moscow, meets the requirements of international standards for medicinal funds. ig story viewer

The drug blockade with Prodetoxone is designed for 8-12 weeks. It is allowed to implant a drug up to 3-5 times in a row. The longer the drug addiction experience, the longer it takes to be treated for addiction. With an experience of opium addiction for more than a year, a filing is made for a period of 6 to 18 months. The price of the medication itself and the implantation procedure varies from $ 30,000 to $ 50,000 thousand. rub.

With such a prolonged abstinence from drug use, physical dependence on the drug disappears or significantly decreases. The therapeutic effect is noted only in relation to opiates, and also to some extent against alcohol. The drug does not work on other drugs.

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Prodetoxon belongs to combined agents, it contains active ingredients:

  • naltrexone, an opioid receptor antagonist;
  • triamcinolone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid anti-inflammatory agent.

The medicine is available in the form of a capsule for implantation, injected with a syringe into the subcutaneous tissue of the skin fold on the abdomen or under the scapula. The implant contains 1 g of naltrexone, which is released within 2-2.5 months, which allows maintaining the therapeutic concentration in the blood during this period.

pharmachologic effect

Naltrexone - the active component of Prodetoxone blocks the attachment of opioids to opiate receptors, and also has the ability to competitively displace them.

Naltrexone in the implant treats drug addiction, eliminating the cause of the disease - physical dependence on opiates. The use of Prodetoxon is not addictive, does not lead to dependence.


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The implant remains active after being introduced into the subcutaneous fat for 2 months. It is destroyed in the liver with the formation of intermediate active compounds. Among the metabolites, 6-beta-naltrexone is the most active.

The essence of the method

The method is based on the fact that naltrexone blocks the action of opiates. This allows you to temporarily eliminate the craving for drugs, to enable the patient to restore the skills of a sober life, to get rid of drug addiction.

Subcutaneous insertion of Prodetoxon allows the patient to avoid the need to constantly take medications, and relatives - to control his every step. A drug addict can lead a normal life without experiencing any restrictions in actions other than taking drugs.

Indications and contraindications

Prodetoxone is implanted if necessary:

  • treatment of dependence on opioids (heroin, morphine, opium, methadone);
  • prevention of addiction formation;
  • preventing relapse of opium addiction.

Prodetoxone is not implanted in drug addicts:

  • with osteoporosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • liver diseases.

Contraindications for Prodetoxon take into account the effect on the body of an additional component of the implant - the glucocorticosteroid triamcinolone. This compound has an immunosuppressive effect, which does not allow prescribing a drug for infectious diseases of a viral, fungal, bacterial nature, pregnancy, lactation.

Instructions for use

Before starting treatment, you must abstain from drug use for 7-10 days. In case of heroin addiction, the patient should not take the drug for a week, in case of methadone addiction - 2 weeks.

Before filing Prodetoxone, a test for the presence of opiates in the urine is done and a provocative test with naloxone is performed. The implant is not sutured if the urine opiate test is positive. A provocative test is carried out after the absence of naloxone in the urine is confirmed.

The test consists in the intravenous administration of 500 μg of naloxone, followed by monitoring the patient's reaction for 40 minutes. If the patient has not taken the drug for 7-10 days before the procedure, then no changes will occur in the patient's condition, and the reaction to naloxone will be negative.

The procedure for the introduction of the implant is carried out in compliance with sterility by the surgical method in a procedural or operating room. The capsule is injected under local anesthesia, the procedure lasts 15 minutes.

The use of the drug can cause deterioration of the liver. To control the continuation of treatment, an analysis is carried out for the level of hepatic transaminase enzymes.

During the action of Prodetoxone, when contacting the hospital for any disease, the attending physician should be informed about the presence of an implant in the body. And in case of side symptoms, darkening of urine, you should consult a doctor.

Overdose and side effects

A side effect of the blocking action of naltrexone is the inaccessibility of opiate receptors not only for exogenous (external) opiates, but also for internal (endogenous) opioid compounds.

Endogenous opiates - endorphins and other hormones responsible for feelings of pleasure produced in the body. When opiate receptors are blocked, endogenous opiates are unable to bind to opiate receptors in the brain. This can lead to bad mood, depression, continuing throughout the duration of the implant.

A side effect of the drug can be changes in the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, respiratory systems, skin. The digestive tract suffers more often.

Symptoms of the negative effect of the implant on the digestive system are manifested:

  • nausea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • violation of the stool;
  • pain in the liver, stomach.

During treatment with Prodetoxone, the heart may suffer, which is manifested by a rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and inflammation of the veins. There is also a deterioration in mood, dizziness, decreased performance, insomnia.

Side effects of Prodetoxone implantation are also:

  • skin rashes, itching;
  • nasal congestion;
  • joint pain;
  • trembling limbs;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • deterioration in hemorrhoids, deterioration of potency.

The most dangerous action of Prodetoxone is the risk of overdose, when the patient tries to increase the dose of the drug to achieve a narcotic effect. By such actions, you can achieve respiratory arrest and death from an overdose.


The filing of Prodetoxone, according to drug addicts, deprives the euphoria of taking opiates. But the danger of a relapse of the disease after the expiration of the term of the implant remains. It consists in the fact that without sufficient motivation, patients find workarounds for obtaining drug pleasure, for example, switching to other drugs.

Narcologists also warn about the same danger. In the responses of doctors it is noted that without psychological support, participation in the rehabilitation programs of the patient and his relatives, the implant will have only a short-term effect.

Implanting Prodetoxone without psychiatric care can keep the patient under prolonged stress. A person, realizing that "now it is impossible to take a drug," with all his soul waits for the time when it will be "possible".

To be cured, it takes the addict's desire in the first place. On the forums, there are often positive reviews about the use of the Prodetoxone implant. It is noted that with 2-3 drug filings, a firm intention to part with drugs and participation in a rehabilitation program, it is possible to completely recover from drug addiction.

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