Biliary reflux-gastritis: symptoms and treatment

Biliary gastritis is one of the forms of chronic gastritis caused by the disruption of the bile excretory system, as well as the uncoordinated work of sphincters and motility, at which bile from the duodenum is released into the stomach, causing its inflammation. The development of the disease, the sequence of contractions and relaxation of the gallbladder, intestine and stomach depend on the quantity and quality of food, as well as on disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems.

The well-coordinated work of the whole organism ensures a correct and consistent digestion process, but in case of failures the force of pressure inside the intestine and bile ducts changes, which leads to a violation of the compression of the stomach and pancreatic ducts. As a result, the contents of the duodenum, as well as bile acids and their salts, enter the stomach, burning and causing its inflammation, which subsequently leads to chronic gastritis of the type C.

Very often, reactive gastropathy can occur against the background of biliary duodenitis and increased blood pressurethe duodenum. It is worth noting that this form of the disease is not so common and appears after a surgery on the stomach or taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

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Most often, biliary reflux gastritis occurs in adulthood, children are ill very rarely.

Causes of biliary reflux-gastritis

  • Pathologies of the bile excretory system.
  • Duodenogastric reflux.
  • Surgical interventions: gastric resection, enterostomy, vagotomy, gastroenterostomy.
  • Diseases of the organs of motion.
  • Frequent administration of analgesics like "Analgin".

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Biliary Reflux Gastritis

As a rule, the disease does not have pronounced symptoms, therefore, the appeal to a specialist is postponed for a long time, which leads to concomitant diseases of the digestive system and longer treatment.

The main symptoms of biliary reflux gastritis:

  • severity in the stomach during and after eating;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • nausea and vomiting of bile;
  • constipation or, conversely, diarrhea;
  • flatulence and bloating.

Such violations in the digestive system do not allow a person to eat normally, nutrients do not get to the full extent in the body and other accompanying symptoms develop. Patients begin to lose weight, there is weakness in the whole body, anemia, in the corners of the mouth you can see "seizures", which speaks of beriberi. Against the backdrop of all these manifestations, pain syndrome can develop: a dull, aching pain arises, which depends on food intake. Even with pronounced symptoms it is impossible to diagnose biliary gastritis with confidence, this can be done after an additional examination, which includes:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • ultrasound of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • biopsy of gastric tissues;
  • X-ray of the stomach and duodenum.

Only after careful analysis and collection of research results, a program for the therapy of patients with biliary reflux gastritis is created.

Treatment of biliary reflux of gastritis

Therapeutic measures are primarily aimed at eliminating provoking factors and restoring normal intestinal motility, sphincter tone and gallbladder tone. In this case, with biliary reflux gastritis, special antacid preparations with the content of magnesium and aluminum hydroxide, reparant, cholesteramine, prokinetics and vitamins are prescribed. In addition, with the diagnosis of "chemico-toxic-induced gastritis" should adhere to a properly selected diet and diet. The diet should contain a viscous, semi-liquid, food-enriched food. It can be porridges boiled on water, light soups, steamed meatballs and cutlets, low-fat cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs. After relieving the exacerbation, the diet is gradually led by fresh fruits, vegetables, sour-milk products and milk.

With biliary reflux-gastritis it is forbidden to eat spicy, fried, salty, fatty foods, any canned food, sausages, marinades, smoked products, chocolate, strong meat, fish and vegetable broths. Alcohol causes a disturbance in the digestive process, reacting with enzymes and turning them into harmful substances, which leads to an even more inflammatory process. From beer it is also better to refuse - it causes fermentation with the subsequent digestive system disorder.

Eating sick biliary gastritis should be fractional and frequent: 5-6 times a day in small portions. During meals, it is not allowed to take liquids, including water, the last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is worth considering that eating is better to postpone, if you are going to do physical exercises or lifting weights - such loads can cause a sharp release of bile and increased pain.

With all the recommendations, drug treatment of biliary gastritis is much more effective, and the process of remission is faster. Operative intervention is performed in extremely rare cases and can be recommended only with a neglected form of reflux gastritis with pronounced symptoms. As a rule, the cure of biliary reflux gastritis occurs quickly enough provided that all the recommendations of the specialist are followed, as well as when changing the lifestyle and improving the emotional background. Therapy for the diagnosis of biliary reflux lasts, usually about 2 months before the stabilization of the condition.

For the normalization of the function of the digestive system and the removal of the pain syndrome in reactive gastropathy, folk remedies can also come to the aid in the treatment: herbal sedatives with melissa and valerian, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory with chamomile and cholagogue, which will help normalize the motor function of the bile ducts and regulate the motor function of the ductsand the gallbladder. However, self-medication is not worth it! With any suspicion of GI disease, consult a gastroenterologist for advice. Only a specialist can put a correct diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.

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