Preparation Delagil: instructions for use, side effects, price, analogues, reviews, photo

Delagil refers to preparations of an antiprotozoic group that effectively eliminate infectious processes provoked by parasitic microorganisms. In fact, the remedy of Delagil refers to amoebicidal and antimalarial drugs.

Composition, form and packaging

Delagil contains:

  • The main active ingredient is chloroquine;
  • Auxiliary components like:
  1. Colloidal hydrophobic silica or aerosil R972;
  2. Acids of polyacrylic - carbomer 934P;
  3. Magnesium stearate;
  4. Talcum;
  5. Polyvinyl butyral or movital B30T;
  6. Cornstarch.

Photo of the drug Delagil

The drug is produced in tablet form.


The manufacturer of the drug is ZAO Alcaloid Chemical Company Ltd. for ASCN Poland Rzeszow Hungary / Poland.

Indications for use

Delagil is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • Prevention and therapy of all forms of malaria;
  • Amoebic hepatic abscess;
  • Subacute or chronic lupus erythematosus red;
  • Amybiasis of the extra-intestinal type;
  • Photodermatoses;
  • Scleroderma;
  • Arthritis in rheumatoid form.
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Delagilum is contraindicated if there is:

  • Pregnancy / Breastfeeding;
  • Neutropenia;
  • Severe forms of heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Porphyrinuria;
  • Psoriatic arthritis;
  • Intense blood circulation of the bone marrow;
  • Liver failure;
  • Hypersensitivity to the drug. Delagil refers to antiprotozoal, antimalarial, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agents, it is often used for basic therapy of rheumatoid arthritis.

    Chloroquine inhibits DNA synthesis, affecting the immunological and fermentation processes.

    In such a situation, the therapeutic effect is based on the immunosuppressive action of the drug, as well as its effect on metabolic processes in connective tissue structures and immunocompetent cells.

    The therapeutic effect of Delagil appears gradually: stiffness is eliminated and pain symptoms are reduced, articular symptoms improve, the risk of exudate formation is reduced. Along with this, when Delagil is taken, the protein composition of the blood is normalized.

    To enhance the drug effect of the drug, it is recommended to combine it with NSAIDs and glucocorticosteroid agents, as well as with Delagil analogues.

    Instruction for use of Delagil: dosage of

    Tablets should be taken after oral ingestion.

    • Prophylactic antimalarial use of Delagil is to take tablets in a daily dosage of 500 mg for 2 days, then take the drug in a similar dosage, but once a week.
    • Antimalarial therapy is carried out according to the scheme: 1 day - 1 g of the drug, and after 8 hours another 500 mg, for 2-3 days - 750 mg of the drug.
    • In the treatment of lupus erythematosus, the administration of 250-500 mg of the drug is indicated.
    • Amoebiasis is treated by taking 500 mg of Delagil three times a day in the first week, 250 mg three times a day in the second week. Then Delagil is taken 2 times a week for 750 mg for a period of 2-6 months.
    • In photodermatosis, 250 mg of Delagil is shown on the first week daily, and in subsequent - 500-750 mg.
    • Rheumatoid arthritis is treated by taking the drug in the first week 2 times a day for 250 mg, then 250 mg once a day throughout the year.

    Side effect of

    Delagil is capable of provoking a lot of adverse reactions:

    1. Nervous system disorders of are arousal of psychomotorics, dizziness, insomnia and psychoses, headaches, neuropathies and seizures.
    2. In the area of ​​the digestive tract - nausea and vomiting syndrome, abdominal pain, hepatotoxicity and anorexia.
    3. In the senses - visual disturbances and opacity of the eye cornea, hearing loss and extraneous noise in the ears, accommodation disorders, keratopathy and retinopathy.
    4. In the field of the musculoskeletal system , often the development of myopathy.

    Among other adverse reactions in the treatment of Delagil, skin rashes, swelling and itching, alopecia or elevated blood pressure are noted.


    In case of an overdose, patients experience symptoms such as unconsciousness, convulsions and visual disturbances, vomiting and collapse, respiratory depression, even death.

    To eliminate this condition, it is recommended to induce vomiting, rinse the stomach, take activated charcoal.

    In particularly difficult cases, dialysis and plasmapheresis are performed.

    Special instructions

    In the course of treatment, it is recommended that Delagil systematically give a general blood test and be examined by an ophthalmologist.

    Drug interaction

    If the drug is combined:

    • With glucocorticosteroid drugs, the likelihood of cardiomyopathy or myopathy increases;
    • With ethanol - a hepatotoxic effect is observed;
    • With cardiac glycosides - there is an increase in intoxication with glycosides;
    • With MAO inhibitors, the likelihood of neurotoxicity increases.

    Cimetidine increases the level of drug concentration in the blood, and antacids cause impaired absorption.

    Reviews about


    We met with my wife on vacation, so for the prevention of malaria we decided to drink the course of Delagil. There were no side effects. But they rested, not worrying about possible problems with malaria. Inexpensive and effective drug.


    I have been suffering from arthritis for more than 10 years. Periodically I drink courses Delagil. Excellent relieves pain and increases motor abilities. The stiffness disappeared, the puffiness disappeared. A good drug for a relatively low price.


    The average price of Delagila is about 167-234 rubles.


    Similar to Delagil, pharmacological action is possessed by preparations like Immarda, Plakvenila, etc.

    What is better than Delagil or Plakvenil?

    Plaquenil is the analogue of Delagil, but it also has significant differences from it.

    Among the positive differences Plakvenila can be identified:

    • No pobochek like nausea and stomach pain;
    • The possibility of a combination with antibiotic drugs;
    • Rapid analgesic effect for arthritis.

    But there are also negative aspects. For example, Plakvenil costs 5-6 times more than Delagil. Both drugs cause intestinal disturbances and visual disturbances, and Plakvenil also significantly reduces immunity.

    Synonyms for

    Synagogues of Delagil include drugs whose active ingredient is also chloroquine. Among the most common synonyms are Hingamin, Chlorokhin and Rezokhin.

    Storage conditions

    Store the drug in conditions not exceeding 25 ° C.Duration of storage or shelf life of the drug is no more than 5 years.

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