Warty red flat lichen: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Warty lichen red flat is a chronic inflammatory process that affects the skin and mucous membranes. Among dermatological diseases, its frequency is up to 2.5%.In a number of diseases of the oral mucosa, the share of red flat lichen drops to about 10%.Periodically, lichen strikes nails, and rashes on the skin are troubling with itching. The number of patients is increasing every year.

The problem itself is of a long-term nature, where bright symptoms alternate with periods of remission of rashes. So, let's find out whether the red flat warty lichen is contagious, what its localization and pathogenesis are.

Features of the disease

Red dermatitis is a chronic skin disease with the appearance of characteristic rashes.

  • Lichen red affects 0.1-4% of people.
  • Women get sick a little more often than men in a 3: 2 ratio.
  • The main age group of the patients is 30-60 years old, but in general, the flat lichen is found in all age groups.

If we talk about diseases of the oral mucosa, then this type of lichen is one of the most common diseases. The defeat of the oral cavity is deprived of 1,27-2% of people. This form is practically not detected in children. According to some reports, about half of the women, with oral red flat lichen, have a latent lesion of the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

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Skin rashes often involve the mucosa in the process, and in some patients the nails also suffer. Men often acquire the disease at a young age, and in women the peak falls at the age after 50. About 10% of red flat lichen can pass into tumor diseases.

Children receive this kind of dermatosis rarely, especially at an early age. But the current depriving them is aggressive. The structure of the skin of children is distinguished by the increased ability of the tissue to retain water and many vessels. The skin becomes swollen, and the rash has a bright red-lilac shade, the surface of the rashes is covered with blisters. The


Stages of

The red flat warty lichen has 2 stages:

  • Progressing.

    . What is lichen planus and what forms it has, the specialist will tell in this video:


  • Regressive.

This means:

  • In the first variant, new elements of the rash appear on the skin, and nodules and plaques appear for a short period of time. Doctors call this process an isomorphic reaction.
  • During the regressive stage, the skin from the surface of the nodules and plaques begins to peel off, the elements themselves gradually leave leaving pigmented spots. There may also be new rashes.


For forms of red lichen planus can be:

  • typical;
  • hypertrophic;
  • atrophic;
  • is bubbly;
  • monoliform;
  • erosive;
  • ring-shaped;
  • pointed;
  • is Zosteriform.

Depending on the form of lichen on the skin, warty growths similar to plaques may appear, and next to them are typical for typical form elements.

  • In atrophic form, nodules and plaques are destroyed and leave atrophy or sclerotic changes on the skin. Appears small focal alopecia.
  • Bubbles with a liquid appear when the bullous form, their size reaches the cherry or pea.
  • Eruptions of the circular form are arranged by a chain in moniliiform deprivation. Affect any part of the body, only the palms and feet can remain clean.

The causes of the warty red flat lichen are discussed below.

Warty form of red flat lichen( photo)

Causes of occurrence of

Exact reasons for the appearance of red flat lichen can not be revealed. But there are several possible versions:

  • nervous breakdowns;
  • viral diseases;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • immunoallergic reactions.

Suspected are depriving people with an identified diabetes, or those who have traumas of the oral mucosa. More often there is a rash in those who are prone to gastrointestinal illness, or is in a stressful state.

Now let's find out what the red flat lichen warty looks like, what are its symptoms.

Symptoms of

The main characteristic of the disease are shiny, red-pink, small nodules with a diameter of the circumference of up to 1 cm and more. In the center they have a groove, the shape is multifaceted. On the surface are scales. Over time, rashes acquire a dark red or purple hue. The strongest itch throughout the body worries the patients.

Below we consider diff.diagnosis of red lichen planus.


Diagnosis of disease problems in dermatologists does not occur. The clinical picture of rashes makes it possible to diagnose. To distinguish in difficult cases, a histological examination is performed.

About the most effective treatment of the disease is red lichen planus read below.

Treatment of red flat lichen is examined in this video:

Treatment of

The first case in patients diagnosed with common viral and infectious diseases. Check the state of the gastrointestinal tract, measure blood pressure and blood sugar, monitor the state of the nervous system. When pathologies are detected, patients are referred to specialized specialists for treatment.

About ointments and other drugs from the red flat lichen in an adult and a child, we will tell below.


To effectively cure flat red lichen, an integrated approach is necessary: ​​

  • sanitation of foci of chronic infections;
  • antibiotics( tetracyclines and macrolides) in the progressing stage.

The amount of the drug and the frequency of admission is regulated by the attending physician.

  • Assign antiallergic drugs. The course of treatment is designed for 1 or 2 weeks.
  • For nervous disorders, mild sedatives or tranquilizers are prescribed.
  • To improve overall health, B vitamins and nicotinic acid are shown.
  • Non-hormonal agents with glucocorticoids( phytin and prednisolone, potassium orotate and dexazone) are used for the skin.
  • Vitamins A and E help in the restoration of the skin.
  • To remove the itching, wipe with 70% alcohol diluted with anesthesin or menthol 1% concentration.
  • For the mucous membrane, rinse the mouth with a decoction of chamomile and sage, a solution of furacilin and chloramine.

On how to get rid of red lichen planus, we will tell further.


  • Phonophoresis and hydrocortisone suspension are used to reduce the pathological condition of the skin.
  • Stop the development of the process can UHF and chipping foci with a 5% solution of hingamine.
  • Pastes and ointments with ichthyol and resorcinol, laser therapy and electrosleep are used.
  • Children are recommended resorts with hydrogen sulphide and radon baths.

Prevention of the disease

There are no obvious reasons for the occurrence of red lichen, so there is no special prevention.

  • Conducting general strengthening and hardening procedures, correction of immune and metabolic disorders in their presence.
  • Take vitamins and minerals, carry out hardening, fight stress.

Complications of

Red flat lichen in the genital area leads to pain in the vagina, which can lead to a violation of sexual activity. When depriving, the risk of squamous cell carcinoma increases. Skin pigmentation after nodules and plaques persists for some time.


The prognosis of the disease is favorable, but relapses occur frequently.

Therapy and prognosis for red planar lichens are discussed in this video:

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