Dysentery and colitis

Dysentery is an acute intestinal infectious disease that affects the large intestine with possible intoxication with it. The formation of dysentery is caused by the bacterium of the family shigella. Often, the appearance of this disease is associated with the intake of water or products that have not previously been washed. These factors are the primary cause of dysentery development, and it leads to the formation of colitis. Shigella bacteria develop successfully in the large intestine, they continue their vital activity in the epithelium of its mucous membrane, where there are no white blood cells, antibiotics and antibodies. With such a disease as dysentery, there are changes in the colon, which are provoked by the appearance of shigella in it, and they are capable of causing paralysis of blood vessels. This disease provokes various changes in the organs of man. A significant part of them is usually concentrated in the area of ​​the mucosa of the colon, which triggers the appearance of complications.

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Colitis is divided into several stages, which depend on the degree of development:

  • catarrhal;
  • is fibrinous;
  • ulcerative;
  • healing of ulcers.

Colitis is characterized by inflammation of the large intestine of varying severity, it is the end of the digestive process. The large intestine is replete with the presence of certain microorganisms, which can be pathogenic, that is, triggered by the appearance of the shigella bacteria that cause dysentery. Attention should be paid to dysentery colitis! Although today's statistics show that shigellosis proceeds in a slightly different way, without the mandatory presence of mucous and bloody impurities in the stool, feverish symptoms, as it was before, dysentery can develop into a chronic form, and people will remain carriers of dysentery bacillus for a prolongedperiod of time.

Colitis is caused by the presence in the body of infections, intoxications, which are caused by dysentery, but also its appearance can be provoked by malnutrition.

If a person develops acute colitis, then he suffers from poor health, a decrease in appetite, there are pains of a spasmodic nature and diarrhea appears. If there is already a chronic form of colitis, then a person has vomiting and weakness.

Regardless of the form and stage of colitis, this disease is often caused by dysentery, which is borne by shigella bacteria, and this factor becomes a threat to the life of every person. The most terrible thing is that shigellosis can gain epidemic proportions, since the source of infection is people with mild illness.

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