Nonspecific ulcerative colitis, ICD code 10

This disease of the intestines, like ulcerative colitis, according to the international classification of diseases( ICD 10) has 51 code. It combines 8 varieties of this severe disease. All of them combined the following factors among themselves:

  • These diseases begin with the direct part of the large intestine, and then spreads in the proximal direction;
  • In 25% of cases, there is a total lesion of the colon;
  • In the most severe cases, defective lesions extend to serous, submucosal and muscular membranes located in the intestinal wall;
  • They are characterized as bleeding ulcers in the large intestine, as well as inflammatory pseudopolyposis.

Collected under the 51 code for the ICD 10 varieties of nonspecific colitis often cause electrolyte imbalance, hypoproteinemia and anemia. Less often they can lead and to such terrible consequences, as a cancer of a colon or perforation of a wall of an intestine.

All varieties of ulcerative colitis present in the ICD are classified as follows:

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  1. Downstream. It is chronic with recurrent recurrences or having a continuous course, as well as acute, sometimes even fulminant;
  2. By the prevalence of the inflammation process in the intestines of varieties of ulcerative colitis collected in ICD-10, they can be total or left-sided. Proctitis and proctosigmoiditis are also represented here;
  3. It is present in the pathology of the intestines collected under this code and the general subdivision in terms of severity. In the most severe cases they are accompanied by frequent and severe diarrhea, which occurs more than 6 times a day, and macroscopic inclusions of blood are visible in the masses released from the intestine. The general condition of the patient can be called bad enough: weakness, severe anemia, tachycardia and fever;
  4. In stages of the disease, the varieties of ulcerative colitis, united in one group according to the ICD, are divided into active( the disease proceeds in acute form) and passive, which is a state of remission that can relieve the disease at any time;
  5. They also have a department for the presence of extraintestinal manifestations. In the classification of diseases according to the ICD ulcerative colitis can be either with them or without;
  6. There is a presence or absence of complications in this intestinal pathology.

All varieties of intestinal pathology, united in one group of the international classification of diseases, require immediate treatment to a specialist and initiation of adequate treatment. If delayed, the situation can be fraught with surgical intervention with complete removal of the intestine.

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