First aid for burns: boiling water, steam, oil, acid, water, alkali

Hardly every person at least once received a burn. However, this injury is very dangerous, so you need to know how to help in this situation. In this article we will talk about a variety of types of burns, including.thermal, and also about measures which will help to neutralize as much as possible manifestations of such traumas and burn disease.

First aid for thermal burns

So, the first first aid for thermal burns with water, steam, etc. People get such traumas in everyday life very often, but they are not always able to provide competent help to the victim. First aid for burns with both steam and boiling water at home will be as follows:

  1. Finish away from the action of the jet or steam.
  2. Even after stopping the action of boiling water, the skin is traumatized. The heat goes deeper, which causes severe deep burns. This must be prevented, so the affected area is placed in a cold liquid. It is desirable that it was a jet of water, rather than a filled container. The longer the limb is retained in water, the better the skin cools, the consequences of a burn become less dangerous. It is best to cool the injury for at least 15 minutes.
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  3. To limit the affected area, special protective equipment with a cooling effect helps.
  4. The victim himself can take an analgesic and in the future he needs to provide a copious drink. Such a measure is important for any burn, as it helps to restore the lost fluid.
  5. After all manipulations, the place of injury must be bandaged. In this case, the bandage itself should not only be sterile, but it is also applied to any antiseptic. It is impossible to leave an open trauma, although some people think that the skin regenerates faster. In fact, it is very important to apply a bandage to prevent any infection.

Some people try to lubricate the burn site with a healing gel as soon as possible( Panthenol, Bepanten, etc.).But use them better after to improve wound repair. At the first stage, the main task is to cool and prevent infection.

The wound surface itself is not touched, even if there are blisters. It is forbidden to open them, no matter how severe the burn was by steam or boiling water was received!

The video below describes the first aid for a steam burn:

further consideration is the provision of first aid for first aid for oil burns in children and adults.

Injury with oil

First aid after burning with oil is similar to the primary treatment of other thermal damages. First of all, the wound is cooled under water or with the help of a cold compress. The cooling procedure should last longer, since the oil is more difficult to wash off. It is better to keep the limb under the stream for about 25 minutes.

After this, you can take an anesthetic and take the injured person to the hospital if the injury is extensive. If the wound is small, then all treatment can occur at home. In such cases, further actions should be as follows:

  • Wash the wound with an antiseptic solution. If there are any dirt in it, then the whole surface needs to be cleaned well.
  • After treatment for trauma, apply Furacilin ointment or Levomycetin.
  • Next, apply a sterile bandage. As soon as possible, it should be applied in cases where the bubbles burst. You can limit the use of special protective aerosols, if the wound is small and blisters are not formed.

The boiling oil on the skin does not cause severe dehydration, but it is better to still make up the lost liquid. The use of egg whites, potatoes and other folk remedies on unprotected skin can cause infection and further development of necrosis.

Next, the first aid for sunburns 1, 2, 3 degrees is considered.

First aid for sunburn

In summer, it takes only a couple of hours to get sunburn in order to get a sunburn. Such a trauma is dangerous in that sometimes accompanied by a general deterioration of the state, and sometimes even a sunstroke. As a rule, it rarely occurs before the formation of blisters, it is often the first degree of a burn that is accompanied by redness, soreness, hyperemia.

  1. The first thing is better to apply a compress of cold water or even take a shower.
  2. Next, the skin surface should be gently blotted and lubricated with any composition to treat burns.
  3. It is better to lubricate the skin with a restoring gel, it is much more important to cool the skin, take off the pain, and moisten it.
  4. Inside you can take an analgesic and in the near future you need to drink plenty of fluids.

If there is severe dizziness, blisters, weakness, headache, it is better to take aspirin and contact a doctor as soon as possible.

The video below will tell you how to provide first aid for sunburn:

For first aid for chemical burns, read below.

Chemical trauma

To get a chemical burn of the esophagus, skin or oropharynx, it is possible, either by contact with aggressive substances for professional purposes, or in a domestic setting. Damage resulting from contact with chemical compounds is particularly dangerous. The scab quickly forms, it can be dry or wet, so before first aid is given to those affected by burns, you should try to determine what substance caused the burn.

Next, consider first aid for burning the skin, eyes and esophagus with acid or alkali.

Algorithm of actions

Then proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. If the clothing is impregnated with reagent, it is immediately removed. The damaged area itself should be kept under water for at least half an hour. A jet of liquid helps reduce the severity of the action of the reagent. It is forbidden to make compresses or simply to lower the limb into a container. Water should be supplied under pressure, and after the wound drain, otherwise the substance will spread to a healthy tissue. It is necessary to wash the burn exactly until the moment when any unpleasant sensations in the place of the wound disappear( burning, pain, etc.).
  2. A burn produced by alkali is required to be treated with an acid diluted to the lowest concentration. If the cause of the burn is acid, then the skin is already alkaline( for example, dissolved a liter of soda into a glass of boiling water).When the origin of the injury is unknown, it is simply washed. Water very well helps neutralize any chemical compounds.
  3. You must apply a bandage! It acts not only as a surface protection, but also delimits the damaged area, preventing the reagent from spreading to a healthy area. The dressing should be dry, as an exception it is allowed to use only a novocaine solution, which helps to anesthetize.

It is forbidden to use any ointments, even those that have a healing effect( Panthenol et al.). Its components can be combined with the remaining particles of the chemical in the skin and provoke an aggressive reaction.

Injuries to the eyes and esophagus

Urgent actions should be taken with eye and esophagus burns. In the first case, rapid washing of the eyeball is required. For this purpose, only water is used, other alkaline or acid solutions are not suitable, since they can further damage the eye. After 15-20 minutes, the dressing is applied.

When a chemical burn of the esophagus is required as soon as possible to take measures for washing the stomach and esophagus with a lot of cold water. If the reagent is known, it is necessary to try to find a neutralizing liquid and carry out the washing already by it. The patient himself should drink large amounts of water, periodically induce vomiting. On average, at least 10 liters of liquid may be needed to wash the stomach. Then they drink Almagel or Novokain to relieve the pain.

In cases requiring immediate hospitalization, medical advice, and sometimes a complete examination!

Electric burn

Injury is a serious danger to a person, as it is not only a burn, but also a defeat of internal organs with electricity. The burn itself can be very extensive and deep, therefore it is necessary to immediately stop the action of the current on the victim, and then quickly help him.

It is necessary to examine a person immediately after the call of a team of doctors. Sometimes it is required to carry out resuscitation to achieve restoration of the heart and respiratory system.

  • If the victim does not lose consciousness, then he is put on a flat surface, give him water with a small amount of salt. Periodically, you need to bring ammonia to the nose.
  • The affected area is immobilized, a dressing is applied with an antiseptic.
  • It is not forbidden to give a person a sedative, a drop of Zelenin, an anesthetic.

The rules of first aid for jellyfish burns will be described below.

"Kiss" jellyfish

The risk of getting burned on contact with jellyfish is much higher at sea in late summer, when their activity is especially high. Immediately after the injury, leave the water and do not touch the affected area with your hands. The burn itself is washed with an antiseptic, which helps to remove the toxic substance from the wound. If possible, then you can apply a cold lotion with alcohol or a weak solution of apple cider vinegar on your wound.

After neutralization of the poison on the wound, ointment is applied, but inside you need not only an analgesic, but also an antihistamine. Before applying to the doctor try to drink more fluids. You need to contact the doctors, because some jellyfish are very dangerous for life. In addition, some people may suffer from allergies, which will lead to a serious deterioration in the general condition.

This video describes the procedure for providing first aid for burns from jellyfish:

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