Epirubicin: manufacturer, instruction manual, price, reviews, similar products

The antitumor drugs currently on sale have a high degree of efficacy and a minimal amount of side effects when used.

And Epirubicin, referring to the group of antibiotics of the anthracycline group with antitumor effect, stands out among its counterparts with its balanced composition, ease of use and wide application.

Form release, composition and packaging

In pharmacies the preparation is offered for sale in the form of a liquid form used for injection.

Epirubicin is produced by freezing under special conditions( in vacuum), and when powdered, it is packaged in glass bottles.

The volume of active substance( epirubicin hydrochloride) can be 0.01 or 0.05 g, with ampoules of purified water for injections of 5 ml.

The carton contains 10 bottles, as well as a detailed instruction that describes the features of the pharmacological action of the product, its use and requirements for use.

The composition of the preparation is as follows:

  • in 1 ml of the dry matter obtained with mixing of the active substance with water contains epirubicin hydrochloride 2.0 mg;
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  • excipients: hydrochloric acid in diluted form, purified water, sodium chloride.


This product is manufactured in Austria. The name of the company-manufacturer "Ebove Pharma Gesm.b. H.Nfg. KG ", the official address of the manufacturer Mondzee Straße 11, A-4866, Unterach, Austria.

Indications for use

Epirubicin is used in complex treatment of malignant tumors, significantly reducing the degree of symptoms, eliminating the soreness of the current pathological process.

The main indications for the use of this drug should be considered the following conditions and diseases:

  • cancer of the uterus and mammary glands;
  • prostate cancer;
  • malignant neoplasms of the ovaries, bladder;
  • malignant neoplasms in the cartilages and joints of the joints;
  • lymphogranulomatosis of any degree of development;
  • soft tissue neoplasms that have a malignant character.

Tumors of the neck and scalp, as well as pathological changes in the cartilaginous and soft tissues, which are of a malignant nature, also give obvious effect in complex treatment with the use of Epirubicin.


However, due to its increased efficacy and wide spectrum of action, the drug has a number of contraindications that should be considered when it is prescribed.

A complete study of the pattern of the disease, information on existing co-morbidities and the general condition of the patient will help prevent the likely side effects that occur with improperly selected treatments using Epirubicin.

The most important contraindications for taking the drug include the following:

  • the presence of hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • the patient's tendency to allergic reactions to antibacterial drugs;
  • suppression of bone marrow tissue activity;
  • period of bearing the child;
  • the entire period of breastfeeding the newborn;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Excessive sensitivity to the active substance is also considered a contraindication to the use of Epirubicin, therefore in this case it is required to replace it with a remedy with an antitumor composition of a similar effect.

Mechanism of action

Deactivating cancer cells and depriving them of the ability to proliferate rapidly, the active substance of the drug acts on all tissues that have been attacked by these cells.

Since the beginning of taking this antibiotic with the antitumor effect, very little time passes when the first symptoms of the patient's improvement begin to appear: pain pains are reduced, the speed of the pathological process is suspended, and the analyzes give a certain improvement.

The drug has a wide therapeutic effect due to the absence of a large number of negative manifestations in the work of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system, therefore it can be prescribed even in the presence of cardiac pathologies, its accompanying diseases.

Instructions for use Epirubicin: dosage

The drug is prescribed by a doctor's prescription in the complex treatment of many diseases associated with the emergence and growth of a tumor of any nature.

The method of treatment and the size of the dose taken directly depends on the diagnosis, the general condition of the patient.

The kit contains a detailed instruction that describes the size of the dose, the regularity of taking the drug depending on the type of the disease, and also lists the possible side effects and contraindications to admission.

When the doctor appoints a comprehensive treatment with concurrent use of antitumor drugs, the amount of the administered dose decreases.

Thus, in the cancer process in the tissues of the liver and bladder, intravesical( i.e., using a catheter), 50-65 mg / m³ is administered, the dose is also applied once a day. Duration of treatment for any tumor process is from 5 to 8 weeks, after which a break is made, and the course of treatment can be repeated.

Side effects of

As side effects when taking Epirubicin, the following conditions can be listed:

  • vomiting, nausea, eructation, flatulence on the part of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • from the side of the cardiac system probably increased symptoms of existing cardiac pathologies, increased heart rate, tenderness in the chest, possible cardiac crises;
  • at significant doses of administration and the presence of a tendency to allergic manifestations, it is possible to change the blood composition of the patient, initial manifestations of leukopenia may occur.

To prevent the occurrence of adverse events, when determining the type of treatment and the dose of medicine used, consider the likely side effects.


With a significant increase in the prescribed dose, the occurrence of heart failure is likely, with the development of tachycardia, arrhythmias. From the digestive tract often there is diarrhea, vomiting. Vertigo, loss of orientation in space - are also likely with an overdose of Epirubicin.

Antidote to the drug is not known.

Specific instructions

Preparation and use of the drug should be carried out in protective clothing, as it is quite aggressive and can cause necrosis of tissues with prolonged exposure to the surface of healthy skin.

The use of protective clothing, special glasses, gloves allows you to prevent a possible drug ingestion during its pouring or splashing.

With repeated injection of the drug into the same vein, its condition worsens, probably the appearance of its sclerosis.

Pregnant nurses should not be allowed to work with Epirubicin.

Special instructions include the use of the drug during pregnancy, as well as during the feeding of the newborn. Because the drug can penetrate into breast milk and blood, its use is excluded during this period.

In men with long-term treatment with the drug is likely the emergence of infertility, so those of them who in the near future plans to become a father, it is required to resort to cryotherapy of sperm for the possibility of obtaining pregnancy.

Compatibility of

The use of the drug in complex therapy with agents having antitumor effect, allows to achieve greater effect from treatment, with the dose of Epirubicin decreasing.

However, the mixing of alkaline solutions and Epirubicin in one syringe, as well as other agents with a similar effect, should be avoided.


According to many buyers, the drug shows itself well even pi of advanced tumor processes.

Its significant effectiveness makes it possible to obtain pronounced results already in a short time from the moment of its use, but the presence of side effects requires caution to prescribe this remedy.

At the same time, the relatively affordable cost of the facility allows it to be purchased even if there are budget constraints.

Price Epirubicin

The cost of the drug depends on the volume and size of the seller's sales margin.

On average, a 2 ml bottle for intravenous and intracavitary administration costs from 340 to 420 rubles, 50 mg has a cost of 1,120 to 1 280 rubles, and bottles for intracavitary and intravenous administration have a price ranging from 3,045 to 3,155 rubles per package.


To drugs with antitumor effect with the same qualities can be attributed:

  • Idarubicin;
  • Bloomethicin;
  • Bruneiomycin.

These remedies have a similar effect on the patient's body, and joint application with them allows to achieve more pronounced results in the treatment of many cancers.


Synonyms include Carminomycin, Reumitsin.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is sold only if you have a prescription from a doctor.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

Epirubicin must be stored in a place protected from the sun's rays and be inaccessible to animals and children.

The storage period is 3 years if these conditions are observed. After the expiration date, the drug should not be used.

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