How is vestibulometry conducted: the indications, the essence of the procedure, the diagnostic value

Vestibulometry is a sufficiently informative diagnostic study, which is actively used in the presence of abnormalities of ENT organs. It can also be prescribed for diseases of the spine and neurological disorders. To get the right results, you should be well prepared for the procedure and clearly follow all the doctor's recommendations.

The essence of the procedure

Vestibulometry is a group of diagnostic studies that can be used to assess the performance of the vestibular apparatus. These procedures are based on the ability of this system to respond in some way to external factors.

Different tests are performed during the test. In addition, for the diagnosis can be used special devices that create metered and incremental accelerations.


The performance of vestibulometry is indicated when there are such signs in patients:

  • single, but prolonged case of rotational or systemic dizziness;
  • persistent attacks of dizziness, which are accompanied by the appearance of noise in the ears or hearing impairment;
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  • dizziness that appears when the torso position changes;
  • prolonged sensation of shakiness during movement;
  • prolonged dizziness and instability.

Vestibulometry is performed with other deviations. It can be an independent study or used in combination with other diagnostic methods. This procedure is carried out in such situations:

  • psychogenic dizziness;
  • perilymphatic fistula;
  • vestibular form of neuronitis;
  • labyrinthite;
  • disease of the brainstem and cerebellum;
  • dizziness associated with migraine;
  • other central deviations.

Labyrinth of the inner ear

Preparation for the

study 3 days before the procedure it is forbidden to drink alcohol or use narcotic, sedative and psychotropic drugs. If you need to take such medicines for medical reasons, you must tell the doctor who is doing the research.

Also before carrying out vestibulometry it is forbidden to use such cosmetic means as shadows and mascara. They can create difficulties with the video registration of eye movements.

Methods of vestibulometry

There are several varieties of this procedure, each of which is characterized by specific features.

Caloric assay

For this study, the doctor slowly pours warm or cool water into the external ear canal. In the first case, the nystagmus is sent to the ear in question, in the second case it occurs in the opposite direction.

The absence of nystagmus indicates a loss of excitability of the labyrinth. Perforation of the tympanic membrane is a contraindication to the conduct of this study.


To carry out such a test, use a rotating chair. Thus the patient should keep a head directly, and eyes - to close. First, the doctor performs 10 identical rotations to the right, then the same to the left. The rotation speed should be 1 revolution every 2 seconds.

After termination of rotation, the specialist monitors the occurrence of nystagmus. In this case, the patient sits with his eyes open and, without turning his head, looks at the finger of the doctor, who is at a distance of 25 cm on the side opposite to the rotation.


This test is carried out by thickening or dilution of air in the area of ​​the external auditory meatus. For this purpose, use a cylinder of the Politzer. However, the study can also be carried out with the help of pressing the tragus.

Nystagmus, which appears as a result, indicates the presence of a fistula in the region of the semicircular canal. Thus, when the air is thickened, the nystagmus is sent to the ear in question, and when it is diluted, it is directed to the opposite side.

Otolitic reaction Voyachek

This study is conducted on a swivel chair. The patient should tilt his head down 90 degrees and close his eyes. During the procedure you need to perform 5 rotations in 10 seconds. Then pause for 5 seconds, after which the patient needs to raise his head and open his eyes.

If there is a pronounced body deflection and vegetative symptoms, such as nausea or cold sweating, you can talk about an increase in vestibular-vegetative sensitivity. Usually, an otolith reaction is performed when performing professional selection for work that requires maintaining equilibrium in difficult conditions.


This is a fairly simple method of research, during which a person with closed eyes must touch the tip of the nose with the index finger.


In this procedure, the hands of the sitting patient should be on the knees, and all fingers, except for the index, are bent. Then the patient should, closing his eyes, take turns lifting his hands and touching the index finger of the doctor. Movements can be made in horizontal and vertical directions.

In the normal state, both variants must be executed unmistakably. If the labyrinth is irritated, a double miss appears. In this case, it is more pronounced in the direction of the affected area.

Video on the diagnosis of the vestibular apparatus:

What violations can be detected in the diagnosis of

Using vestibulometry, you can diagnose such types of disorders:

  1. Injuries to the inner ear, Ménière's disease, labyrinthitis.
  2. Migraine. Certain forms of this disorder can cause dizziness. Especially often these symptoms appear before the attack.
  3. Diseases of the cerebellum or brainstem cells. It is these areas that are responsible for the coordination of human movements. If there is a metabolic disorder, necrosis or cell death, dizziness may occur. With the help of vestibulometry, it is possible to identify the exact location of the lesion.
  4. Arnold Chiari malformation. This anomaly manifests itself as a result of squeezing the cerebellum, which accompanies hydrocephalus and syringomyelia.

Training of the vestibular apparatus

To keep the vestibular apparatus functioning normally, you need to do special exercises. They increase the resistance of this system to the influence of irritating factors.

To solve this problem, it is recommended to do such exercises:

  • tilts and turns of the head in different directions;
  • circular head movements;
  • torso torso;
  • circular rotation of the body.

For training it is useful to carry various items on your head. It is also useful to do gymnastics, roller skating, jogging. No less useful in this respect and aerobics. Especially effective exercises with the use of fitball.

Exercises for training the vestibular apparatus in our video:


To prevent the development of disturbances in the vestibular apparatus, it is necessary to prevent them. For this it is recommended to perform the following:

  • to treat cervical osteochondrosis in a timely manner;
  • to prevent hypertension and atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • pay attention to the prevention of blood clots;
  • to control the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • doing sports;
  • if necessary, take vascular drugs.

Vestibulometry is a very informative diagnostic study that helps to identify diseases of the ENT organs, neurological pathologies, spine diseases. To get the right results, you need to pay attention to the preparation for this procedure and clearly follow all the appointments of the specialist.

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