Dyshidrotic eczema: causes, ointments, treatment with folk remedies

Dyshidrosis( eczematous dermatitis or eczema dyshidrotic) affects the surface of the soles and palms. The defeat itself is a rash with serous vesicles, characterized by a chronic course with periodic exacerbations.

Only in 20% of cases there are lesions of feet, more often eczema affects the palms and fingers. The mechanism of origin is not associated with the work of sweat glands, is unknown precisely and involves long-term treatment. So, today we will talk about the treatment of dyshidrotic eczema in adults, children and during pregnancy.

Features of dyshidrotic eczema

Dyshidrosis is not contagious. The acute phase of the disease can stretch for several months, so the task of treatment is not so much to prevent relapse, but as a reduction in this period.

  • In childhood, disgidicheskaya eczema happens more often with propensities to diathesis or a genetic predisposition to atopy. Suffer from her children under 3 years. As for women, they have a disease period of 20-25 years, whereas in men it develops in 35-40 years.
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  • There is no sex relationship with the development of dyshidrosis, but the early mechanism of the occurrence of dyshidrotic eczema in women may be related to the predisposition that manifested itself during pregnancy. Often after the birth of the manifestations of the disease go away, but with favorable violations for it is very likely that the process will flow into the chronic.

The main difference between dyshidrotic eczema and palmar-plantar psoriasis is that when the disease first appears, vesicles develop, and at the latter, pustules. Isolation of pus is observed only with secondary infection, but until this moment only a transparent secret is separated from the erupted rash. In psoriasis, foci of appearance on the palms and soles are different, and with eczema of this species, fingers are usually always affected at the beginning.

Dyshidrotic eczema( photo)

Classification and forms of

Divide dyshidrotic eczema into the following forms:

  • contact,
  • true,
  • microbial.

The disease is classified according to the nature of the course:

  • acute,
  • chronic dyshidrotic eczema.

About what has a dyshidrotic eczema of the cause, we will tell you below.

In the video below, a specialist tells about what a dyshidrotic eczema is:

Causes of the occurrence of

Precisely to this day it is impossible to establish the causes provoking dishydrotic eczema. However, among all cases, common factors were established. The more such preconditions, the higher the probability of provoking the disease. Predisposing factors include:

  • problems with metabolic processes;
  • VSD;
  • failure in the immune system;
  • disorders in the nervous and endocrine areas;
  • susceptibility to allergies;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heredity;
  • medication;
  • infection;
  • overheating or subcooling.

Most often, an eczema provokes a food allergen or a component of household chemicals, but it can also occur after severe shocks, nervous breakdown, experiences. Very likely to develop dyshidrosis and those whose relatives suffered from asthma, hay fever or other species of specimen.

In childhood, diathesis of the catarrhal-exudative type, and sometimes of the neuro-arthritic type, is often the cause of diarrhea.

Symptoms of

The main symptom is the appearance of vesicles. The rash has a hard shell, and after its opening a clear liquid appears. Their formation is accompanied by a number of signs:

  1. Itching. At each stage of the disease, it is present, gradually becoming more painful and obtrusive.
  2. Puffiness is observed, and after the affected area become hot.
  3. Peeling. It is attached with constant combing due to the opening of vesicles. They can be opened and independently, which causes the appearance of small wounds.
  4. Suppuration. Secondary infection is not a mandatory symptom, but such an outcome is very likely.
  5. Appearance on the skin surface of hyperkeratotic layers, cracks. The picture on the skin becomes more noticeable.
  6. The pain joins after the end of the initial stage.

Initially, only itching may appear, the rash will appear a little later. The first localization of the vesicles is the surface of the fingers on the side. Then the rash will cover the soles of the feet and palms. Sometimes all the symptoms can subside, but after a while there is a relapse.


There is no specific diagnostic for determining dyshidrotic eczema, but the disease has a characteristic course and localization of the rashes. The fact of constant relapse also helps to differentiate the disease from its other species. Limit eczema from pathologies with similar manifestations( psoriasis palmar-plantar, contact dermatitis and fungal lesions).

From laboratory tests do scraping on the determination of pathogenic fungi, sowing of liquid, separated from erosion. In the first case this excludes the mycosis cause of the disease, and the second method of investigation is necessary to confirm the infectious nature of the rashes. Sowing fluid with secondary infection significantly helps in the selection of effective antibiotics.

For effective treatment of dyshidrotic eczema on the feet, hands, fingers, read on.

The fact that parents need to know about the treatment of dyshidrotic eczema will be described by the doctor in the video below:

Treatment of

The disease is difficult to treat, therefore, delay or self-treatment attempts in most cases do not play to the patient's hand. The hope of getting rid of the dyshidrotic eczema is, but only on condition of a reasonable and integrated approach.


The dermatologist can also prescribe physiotherapeutic methods of treatment in addition to the selected methods of therapy. Considerable help is rendered by:

  • acupuncture,
  • UV irradiation,
  • electrosleep,
  • mud treatment,
  • cryotherapy,
  • paraffin therapy,
  • balneotherapy,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • darsonvalization,
  • UHF,
  • laser therapy.

Dyshidrotic eczema is an unpleasant phenomenon, but the main thing is that it does not go unnoticed. Sometimes it is better to resort to the help of a psychologist to alleviate moral suffering.

On how to treat dyshidrotic eczema on the hands, feet, we will tell below the preparations.


Drugs are selected with extreme caution. Often, therapy is very specific, as it is developed purely individually, therefore, it is impossible to take any funds on the advice of friends with a similar situation.

At the first stage, they can advise those medicines that will affect the cause of dyshidrotic eczema( if it could be established).It can be drugs aimed at restoring the activity of the nervous and endocrinological systems. Elimination of the root cause in the future will help prevent relapse.

Usually complex therapy includes such tools as:

  1. Antihistamines and sedatives, antibiotic and. Selection of medicines is exclusively individual.
  2. Local facilities .This includes lotions with a disinfecting effect based on silver nitrate, furacilin, boric acid. Ointments are used in most cases non-hormonal( Solcoseryl, Losterin, Gystan, Aisida, etc.) and for the treatment of allergies. If there is a suppuration, then you need to use ointments with an antiseptic( Bactroban, Fucidine, Erythromycin Ointment, Levosin), and before their application, the skin area should be treated with antibacterial composition( Miramistin, Chlorhexidine).
  3. Hormonal ointments .They use a short time, only after it was possible to remove the main manifestations of the disease. Untimely application of creams with corticosteroids can increase the duration of treatment, and sometimes even trigger a backlash. Too long use threatens atrophy of the skin and getting used to steroid components.
  4. Vitamin therapy .Traditionally, multivitamin complexes are taken, but special attention is given to vitamins C, E, A and group B.
  5. For severe itching and swelling, the palms and feet are wrapped with a bandage soaked in solution. Positive effect in such cases is provided by Burov's liquid, Amidopyrin, Furacilin.

For the treatment of folk remedies that are susceptible to dyshidrotic eczema, read below.

Folk methods

From alternative medicine, special attention should be paid to sea buckthorn oil. Its healing and soothing properties are known for a long time, so lubrication of the skin at the stage of recovery will prevent the appearance of scars. In the most acute phase of the period, it is best not to use them, especially if there are wounds.

Popular use various infusions and decoctions, which rinse affected areas. It is better to cook them on the basis of rose hips, elderberry leaves, mint, string, yarrow, oak bark, sage.

Several recipes will help in the treatment of dyshidrotic eczema:

  • You need to take 200 grams of butter and a branch of currant( 2 pcs.).Thoroughly grind the sprigs to a powdery state, mix with oil and warm in a water bath. After cooling down with this homemade ointment, plaster the areas with eczema.
  • For 30 days, wash cabbage leaves are applied to the skin.
  • Eucalyptus infusion( 4 tbsp.) Is added to water( 500 ml) and boiled. The mixture is cooked for about half an hour, and after filtering with a solution it is used to apply lotions.
  • Glycerin( 1 tbsp.) Is mixed with protein( 1 pc.), 100 ml of vodka and lemon juice. This means lubricate the skin before going to sleep.

Prevention of the disease

Those mechanisms of occurrence that a person can affect in order to prevent a dyshidrotic eczema are related to the operation of internal systems. The only way to support them is to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Considerable weight is also important, because if there is obesity, then this already indicates numerous violations in health.

Prevention is simple, but includes several techniques:

  1. Elimination of allergens from the diet, especially with hypersensitivity.
  2. Buying clothes from quality fabrics and avoiding cheap synthetics, which is often manufactured in violation of all safety standards.
  3. Protection with rubber gloves of hands when in contact with household chemical products.
  4. Support a healthy diet.
  5. Compliance with hygiene, changing of linen, selection of antibacterial, but not irritating to the skin soap.

For unclear skin rashes that cause anxiety, it is best to contact the dermatologist right away. Recognition of the disease at the initial stage and immediate treatment will only benefit.

If eczema has already developed, then all the preventive measures described should be adhered to to prevent relapse, but it is still necessary to completely exclude the contract with the allergens that caused the problem.

Next, we will consider a diet for dyshidrotic eczema.


The basic treatment is advised by a dermatologist. In most cases, he advises to change the diet somewhat, but this is also necessary in cases when for any reason such recommendation has not been received from him. The following are excluded:

  • citrus,
  • honey,
  • alcohol,
  • sugar,
  • preservation,
  • chocolate,
  • baking,
  • smoked meat,
  • spicy food,
  • snacks and salty foods.

The basis of the diet - vegetable-milk, lean meat, soups, healthy food.

Complications of

The main complication of dyshidrotic eczema is the probability of secondary infection. Infection can be obtained even after a simple scratching of the site, because the itching torments almost constantly.

The development of purulent lesions is accompanied by fever, malaise, swelling of the affected limb and enlarged lymph nodes. If such symptoms appear, it is better to go to the hospital, since in some cases this condition requires hospitalization. Easy manifestations of complications can be treated at home by hand-picked antibiotics.


In most cases, complete recovery does not occur. The basis of all therapy is aimed at reducing the frequency of relapses.

In the video from Elena Malysheva is told even more in detail about the dyshidrosis:

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