Symptoms of a chain in the human body, signs of infection with a parasite-tapeworm

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Chain is a ribbon worm that parasitizes a person. All its species consist of several segments. Those segments that are in the end contain mature eggs( they are called terminal segments).It is their entry into the body that leads to the invasion and the appearance of symptoms. Sometimes the segments are separated and exit into the lumen of the intestine. Infection occurs through unwashed hands, food, or accidental ingestion of a tapeworm carrier( eg, fleas).After this, there comes a period of incubation, when the symptoms are absent. Later there comes a period of clinical manifestations. These signs of a chainling in a person can be different, depending on the specific type of worm.

All the chains, regardless of their origin, have several stages of development - eggs, larvae, mature individuals. Signs of infection by chain-breaking in humans can appear both when ingested larvae, and when a mature individual enters the digestive tract, i.e. The symptomatology does not depend on the stage that has reached.

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The most common parasites are pork tapeworm and bovine tapeworm. Canine tapeworm in humans is extremely rare, often in animals. However, in close interaction with pets, sometimes symptoms can appear in young children, to which these helminths get through the mouth( they remain on their hands while stroking animals).Therefore, let's look at how diseases caused by chains are manifested.

Signs of tapeworm

The worm lives in the intestine of a person, getting there after eating heat-poorly processed meat. A characteristic clinical feature of the helminth is that it is mobile and can creep out of the anus itself, while delivering discomfort to the patient. This can be one of the manifestations that help self to detect this helminthiasis.

Other signs of a tapeworm in the body:

  • Weakness and malaise, sleep problems and pain in the temporal lobe.
  • Severe irritability. It is noted not at the initial stage, but a little later.
  • Instability of the stool - sometimes constipation, sometimes loosening.
  • Abdominal pains are aching and stitching.
  • Sharp decrease and increased appetite.

Very often you can learn about helminth not by the signs listed above. It simply goes out during an excrement from the anus, while the person experiences severe itching. Most often it is noted at night, which is due to a certain daily activity of the parasite.

Prolonged presence of helminth leads to the appearance of symptoms of an allergic nature. They are represented by the following:

  • Rashes on the skin, accompanied by itching;
  • Dry cough;
  • Mucous discharge from the nose;
  • Increased eosinophils in the blood;
  • Intolerance of certain food products leading to diarrhea.

If you have these symptoms, you can take antiallergic treatment. It consists in prescribing antihistamine and hormonal drugs, which are symptomatic therapy. To permanently eliminate these manifestations, deworming is necessary.

Bovine Chain is dangerous if not diagnosed in time. Among complications, there may be bowel obstruction and poisoning with toxic products. This leads to a change in the clinical picture.

Symptoms of the pork chain

Pork tapeworm is also called "armed" because the head has special hooks that allow it to snap securely into the intestinal wall. This leads to the development of persistent clinical symptoms associated with the difficulty of removing the parasite-chain from the human body.

Symptoms of infection with a chain are varied. The signs of having a tapeworm depend on which organ was affected.

  • If the helminth is located in the brain, the patient has severe attacks of nausea, after which there is no relief( the central nature of vomiting).A deterioration in memory is noted.
  • When the position of the head changes, the symptoms can be expressed as a violation of motor functions.
  • If the larvae settle in the muscles, the symptoms of tapeworm do not appear for a long time.

Often, pork thistle in the acute stage is very actively multiplied, which leads to a progressive increase in the number of its colony. This is fraught with a blockage of the intestinal lumen. This is how the intestinal obstruction develops, the elimination of which is possible only in an operative way. The manifestations of this condition are as follows:

  • Multiple vomiting and nausea
  • Absence of intestinal noises
  • Intestinal blister
  • Absence of stool
  • Minor temperature increase
  • Severe weakness
  • Severe abdominal pains, etc.

Symptoms of Chains of Other Species

Dwarf tartar occurs in humans extremely rarely. Infection occurs if a person accidentally swallowed the eggs of the parasite. Passing through the stomach, they settle on the walls of the small intestine. After 7-8 days, an embryo is formed, which, if not properly diagnosed, affects the mucous membrane, liver and lymph nodes. At this time, there are signs of a tapeworm that, in the absence of treatment, soon change and lead to a serious condition of the patient.

Signs of a tapeworm in the human body:

  • Severe pain in the abdomen.
  • Decreased appetite and a sharp loss in weight.
  • Frequent feeling of vomiting.
  • Unstable chair.
  • Strong weakness.
  • Headaches and irritability.

If you do not identify signs in time and do not start therapy, the tapeworm will develop and lead to more serious problems. These are cramps, fainting, severe dizziness, complete dehydration and insomnia. The defeat of any one organ can come to the fore, which depends on the location of the helminth. However, most often, tapeworm parasitizes in the intestines, liver and biliary tract.

Today very often people keep houses not only cats or dogs, but also decorative rats and mice. These "pets" are carriers of many diseases, and they can also transmit worms to humans. Symptoms of tapeworm appear only a few days after infection. Despite the fact that each person reacts differently, the signs are always about the same.

Symptoms of rat tartar include:

  • Dysbacteriosis leading to diathesis and stool disorders.
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice.
  • Allergic reaction, similar to hives. Headaches and increased salivation.

These signs associated with the presence of a tapeworm in the body have a dual origin. On the one hand, they are caused by direct damage to the digestive system by the helminth, and on the other - by the ingress of toxins into the bloodstream. This type of tapeworm rarely leads to signs of intestinal obstruction. This complication practically does not develop due to the small size of the worms and a small population of parasites in the body.

Treating the symptoms of the

chain The signs of the presence of tapeworm and its variety need to be known to every person. At the slightest indispositions it is necessary to pass the analysis of a feces for acknowledgment or confirmation of the diagnosis( for the most exact diagnostics it is desirable to spend triple research with the certain intervals), to compare it with signs. Timely detection of helminths will reduce the risk of their negative effects on health. However, in addition to direct dehelminthization, it is also necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment aimed at normalizing the human condition.

So, the presence of worms can cause the temperature to rise to significant digits. Therefore, antipyretic therapy is important. To this end, successfully coping with such drugs as Paracetamol and Aspirin.

With severe itching associated with allergies, topical hormonal drugs are prescribed. For example, they can be ointments and creams with Hydrocortisone. In some medicines, topical anesthetic components are added, allowing faster itching.

Developing enzymatic deficiency and impaired absorption in the intestine( manifested by swelling, constipation or diarrhea, nausea and vomiting) require the appointment of pancreatic enzymes. In addition, vitamins are also used. With repeated vomiting, Metoclopramide is administered. However, completely relieve all unpleasant and dangerous manifestations of antihelminthic therapy, appointed by a specialist.

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