Than the woman threatens with a myopia of a weak degree at pregnancy

1 Toddler's vision and expectation

Waiting for the kid is a crucial period in the life of every woman. The course of pregnancy and childbirth depends on many factors, the main of which is the health of women. Future mother does not always attach importance to myopia, thinking that this will not affect the development of pregnancy in any way. However, the disease can be a serious reason for conducting cesarean section.

The internal organs of a pregnant woman undergo changes. Therefore, the gynecologist at the first reception will find out what the patient was sick with, whether she has chronic ailments. The doctor needs to talk about problems with vision. And even if they were successfully resolved before pregnancy( for example, through medical procedures), the doctor should know about the presence of myopia.

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Hiding important information is fraught with many problems. A future mother who suffers from this ailment may experience fetal bearing with such consequences of myopia:

  • may become worse due to possible lens swelling;
  • the retina can give complications, especially in the last trimester;
  • at delivery, it is quite possible, detachment of the retina will begin.

The disease is divided into the following types:

  1. Myopia 1 degree - such a diagnosis is made by those with nearsightedness, to 3 diopters. Usually it does not affect the course of pregnancy.
  2. An average degree is considered to be myopia with a dioptric index of 3-6.In this case, a pregnant woman is carefully monitored by an ophthalmologist.
  3. Above 6 diopters - high degree of myopia. The decision about pregnancy and the further delivery is accepted not by one doctor, leading pregnancy, but by a whole consultation of specialists.

After registering for pregnancy, a woman needs to undergo a full examination with an ophthalmologist.

If the future mother has moderate or moderate myopia and the disease does not progress, then the delivery will take place naturally.

The doctor will not prescribe a cesarean section. In addition, one more examination is required at a time of 30 weeks.

But if there are complications with vision during pregnancy, the future mother is assigned special medical procedures. This is necessary in order that there are no complications with the retina in the process of childbirth.

2 Possible complications for the disease

Retinal detachment is a common complication in pregnant women with myopia. But modern medicine copes with this ailment. Strengthens the retina laser operation - coagulation. Even during pregnancy, it is carried to patients, since it does not threaten any consequences for either the future mother or baby. Do not do it only if the period is more than 30 weeks. If you do not take any measures, the disease is fraught with the development of blindness.

Women expecting a baby, especially the first time, often complain that they can not wear contact lenses and are forced to switch to glasses. Their eyes turn red, dry and hurt. This is due to the fact that the cornea becomes less sensitive. Eyes need droplets. But they can be appointed only by a doctor. Self-medication can harm a future baby. From contact lenses must be abandoned for the entire waiting period of the child.

Complications of myopia during pregnancy are also impaired vision. Not scary if minor changes occur - much less than diopter. Probably, the total load on the body affects the eyes. After delivery, everything will return to normal. But we must tell the doctor about this.

A pregnant woman with this disease should be seen with an ophthalmologist. You can not strain your eyes by watching TV for more than 2 hours a day or working at a computer for a long time. The doctor will advise exercises that you need to constantly perform.

A woman with myopia of mild degree can easily give birth in a natural way, you should only listen to the doctor's recommendations.

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