Symptoms of opisthorchiasis on the skin, a photo of rashes, as it is manifested - a rash, pimples, spots on the body, acne, urticaria, what other signs are there?

For the acute phase of development of opisthorchiasis, skin rashes are one of the main symptoms characteristic of this disease. Skin rashes in the opisthorchiasis( in the photo) are caused at the initial stage by the action of the parasite larvae, which during the maturation and transformation into sexually mature individuals release harmful substances, provoking allergic reactions. In chronic opisthorchiasis, the manifestations on the skin are dictated by the effect of an allergic syndrome caused by the products of the vital activity of parasites.

Human skin reacts in case of abnormalities in the internal organs by appropriate changes and most often it looks like red spots. With opisthorchiasis, the symptoms on the body are manifested as:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • itching;
  • Quincke edema.

Rashes in opisthorchiasis

Types of rashes( pictured) with signs of helminthic invasion can be psoriasis, with the development of photodermatosis, grouped herpetic.

Urticaria is one of the most difficult to treat and diagnose diseases. In appearance, the rashes look like a cluster of blisters that look like a nettle burn, which contributed to the choice of this particular name. Depending on the species, it is divided into:

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  • acute;
  • chronic;
  • recurrent, chronic;
  • developing as a result of sunburn;

Eruptions on the body with opisthorchiasis are mainly in the first and second type. The first type is sharply and quickly manifested in opisthorchiasis rash( pictured), which itchs heavily and consists of elements of different shapes. Eruptions in helminthic invasion, the photos of which are presented here, are most often recorded on the hands, legs, buttocks and the trunk, but sometimes they are in the larynx, in the soft palate, nasopharynx, and tongue.

When there is swelling in the laryngeal mucosa( Quincke's edema), then serious complications such as asphyxia and stenosis may occur. Quincke's edema is also accompanied by burning in places of puffiness. The rash on the body with opisthorchiasis can be more or less pronounced and with a chronic course is paroxysmal. Sometimes it happens in the form of papular rashes.

In the presence of allergic dermatoses, atopic course of dermatitis, the rash with opisthorchiasis is generalized and is accompanied by severe itching. The disease signals itself acne or acne( pictured), different shapes and varying degrees of intensity, Skin manifestations are papules, plaques, blisters, vesicles, erythematous spots. In case of illness, the skin can react with the development of photodermatosis. In this case, the increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight causes inflammation and rashes on the body, most often in the form of pimples of different sizes.

In the photo, the symptoms of opisthorchiasis on the skin are spotted-papular. In this case, there is a pronounced infiltration, cracks in the folds and folds, and undamaged skin areas become a grayish shade with a lot of follicular papules( photo) and in this case are accompanied by very severe itching. Signs of the disease on the body( photo) may not only be itching, but also fever, headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and joint pain. The spots are red, scaly, protruding to the surface, and they indicate the development of psoriasis. The cause of psoriasis is the immune changes caused by the harmful effects of parasites and their eggs.

Acne and acne with opisthorchiasis

Acne can also be evidence of how opisthorchiasis appears on the skin( photo).In general, acne( acne) is caused by various causes:

  • of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • transitional age and hormonal activity;
  • accumulation of dead skin cells;
  • microorganisms and others.

A helminthic invasion causes changes in the internal organs and the nature of the acne can possibly establish the site of the lesion. Eruptions in the nose, neck, corners of the mouth, with acne point to the pancreas, and in the temporal region - the gall bladder. Acne from opisthorchiasis indicates a violation of the immune system. In the treatment of acne provoked by opisthorchia, complex therapy is important, which, along with measures for the treatment of opisthorchiasis, includes measures for the overall improvement of the body, reducing sebum secretion, and the use of antibacterial drugs. Opisthorchias on the skin( photos) are of different shapes and, knowing the signs, you can choose the right treatment.

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