What you can eat with stomach cancer: meals before and after surgery, and chemotherapy, diet menu

Improvement of well-being and acceleration of recovery of patients with malignant gastric lesion largely depends on how correctly the convalescing diet regimens adhere.

Patients with gastric cancer will have to reconsider their eating habits, if necessary, certain foods are excluded. A certain diet is observed before and after the operation, the selection of food depends on the stage of cancer.

General recommendations of

If a person who has a history of gastric cancer wants to reduce all the symptoms of his illness and avoid recurrence of the pathology after surgical and medicamental treatment, then he needs to completely reconsider the habitual diet for him.

The general principles of dietary nutrition in gastric cancer include:

  • Decrease in the volume of consumed at a time dishes. Portions should be the most minimal, but you can eat up to 8 times a day, trying to keep the same intervals between meals.
  • Observance of a certain temperature regime. Dishes should not be hot and excessively cold. It is better to digest that food, the temperature of which is close to the temperature of the human body.
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  • Optimal mechanical processing of food. All food entering the stomach should be chewed well. This reduces the burden on the organ and ensures better absorption of all nutritional components.
  • Preparation of food products only for a couple, cooked or baked. Fried products contain carcinogens and substances that irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Refusal of irritating substances - spices, condiments.
  • Eating only fresh dishes. It is advisable to prepare cooked dishes immediately before meals.
  • Reducing salt in the diet. A dose of 5 grams of salt is considered safe, if possible, it is better to replace it with permitted spices.
  • Increase in the volume of plant food in the diet. Fruits and vegetables contain fiber that promotes good bowel release. Vegetable foods are also rich in vitamins and enzymes that limit the growth of cancer cells.
  • Reduced fat intake. The patient with gastric cancer is recommended to make up his diet for the day so that it does not have more than 30% of fat and most of it should be obtained from plant products.

Special diets are adhered before and after the operation on the stomach to remove the cancer. It is more difficult to organize proper and adequate nutrition in cancer of stage 3-4 - in advanced cases of malignant organ damage, the patient may completely refuse food.

It is necessary to adhere to all the recommendations of the doctor on therapeutic nutrition, because only a patient who observes the patient can know exactly how the disease develops.

What can I eat with stomach cancer?

A patient with gastric cancer should always know exactly what he can eat.

This will help to make a varied menu, satisfying both taste needs, and the need for the body in vitamins and minerals.

Allowed to use:

  • Vegetable soups, all ingredients in them should be in a cleaned form.
  • Porridge, they should be well-boiled, preferably liquid.
  • Meat and fish of low-fat varieties. They are cooked mainly for a couple, boiled or baked.
  • Mucous soups from cereals.
  • Milk soups.
  • Eggs. Omelets and soft-boiled eggs are allowed.
  • Cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat.
  • Bread baked from high and first class flour. Bread should not be fresh.
  • Kissels and jellies made from ripe fruits.
  • Butter and vegetable fats.

It is compulsory to eat ripe vegetables and some fruits in the diet. When gastric cancer is recommended to eat fruits with a red and yellow-green color, they have many antitumor effects on the body of carotenoids.

It is useful to eat onions, carrots, red peppers, useful substances in these vegetables are preserved even with heat treatment. The development of cancer cells and prevent substances such as anthocyanins, there are many of them in eggplants, red cabbage, beets.

It is compulsory for oncology to include citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, garlic, spinach in your diet. In early spring, your diet can be varied with salads with radish, parsley, young nettle shoots, beet tops, dandelion.

When gastric cancer is recommended to drink juice from carrots and beets. Begin these juices to drink with one or two spoons and reach a glass a day. But before use, freshly squeezed juice should stand for several hours.

The work of the gastrointestinal tract improves under the influence of black beet, it can be added to salads. With anemia, and during the recovery period after surgery, fresh pumpkin and dishes from it are useful. You can drink green and weak ordinary tea, mineral water without gases, liquid jelly, compotes.

List of Prohibited Products

Patients with any form of malignant gastric damage need to remember that tumor processes are quickly formed under the influence of food with preservatives, dyes, various flavors.

Carcinogens can linger and in excessively greasy, overcooked dishes, irritatingly affects the mucous layer of hot, salty and coarse food.

It is recommended to exclude from the menu with gastric cancer completely:

  • Filled broth prepared from meat, fish, mushrooms.
  • Spicy spices, shop sauces.
  • Too salty and smoked products. Marinated snacks, canned.
  • Not fully ripened fruits and vegetables.
  • Alcohol in any form.
  • Coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks.
  • Various semi-finished products.
  • Sweets - cakes, cakes, sweet pastries, chocolate. The excessive amount of sugar enhances putrefactive processes in the digestive organs.

Non-recommended products are completely banned for use during the entire treatment and recovery period. Those patients who have successfully cured cancer should remember that relapse is largely prevented by proper nutrition. Therefore, to maintain a certain diet is necessary throughout life.

Menu before and after operation

Patients with gastric cancer are most often assigned a surgical operation, which involves removing the entire organ or part of it with the affected tissue.

In order for the operation to be performed with maximum efficiency, the patient must be warned that his food should be changed several days and weeks before the operation.

There is a need for small portions, but you need to choose those products that contain the largest number of beneficial substances for the body. Vitaminized food will strengthen the immune system, which will improve the period of recovery after surgery.

But much more attention is paid to organizing proper nutrition for already operated patients. Functions of the stomach after its removal takes over the intestine, but this organ is by nature not adapted to digesting food, so it needs help.

The toughest food regime should be observed in the early recovery period, after a few weeks the food is expanded, but all the nuances of eating the food to the operated person should be told by the doctor.

The general recommendations for eating after surgery for stomach cancer are:

  • The patient should be nursed in the first days after the operation through an established probe or by intravenous infusion.
  • Gradual increase in the load on the stomach.
  • Strict limitation in the choice of dishes.
  • Eating minimal portions of food.

In the first postoperative days a doctor can recommend hunger. At this time, the person is injected with intravenous solutions, so there is no strong desire and no. The doctor may further recommend starting to eat with baby food - mixtures, mashed potatoes.

Entsi is widely used - a dry product, rich in proteins. It is bred and injected 30-50 ml enterally, and then, as usual, through the mouth. This drink brings the protein content in the body to the norm, which is necessary for the functioning of internal organs.

Approximately on the third day after the operation to remove the cancer of the stomach, you can gradually begin to eat mucous soups, soufflé from meat or fish, fresh cottage cheese, soft-boiled egg. Then gradually introduce the boiled porridge, omelet, puree from the wiped boiled vegetables. A portion of food increases from 50 grams to 300-400 on the 10th day after surgery.

Two weeks after the removal of a part of the stomach, you can already go on a sparing diet, which will take at least three to four months.

Therapeutic nourishment for cancer patients is aimed at preventing the development of inflammation, at the sparing of the gastric mucosa.

Sharply restrict the use of sweets, you can not use all prohibited products. Enough in the daily menu should be a protein in the form of dishes from meat and fish, recommended to eat porridge-smear. The transition from completely wiped dishes to those where there are already pieces of food is carried out gradually.

New foods and dishes are introduced into the diet carefully, you must carefully treat all your sensations. In the recovery period after resection of the stomach in cancer, the body adapts to the changing conditions for digesting food, and therefore at this time there is no need to load the digestive organs with heavy food.

Approximate diet menu per day for the patient on the third day after gastric cancer removal:

  • For breakfast - steamed meatball of low-fat meat and a small amount of rice porridge on the water. You can drink green tea or broth of rose hips.
  • For the second breakfast - puree from a mashed apple.
  • For lunch, half a serving of vegetable chopped soup, half a glass of yogurt without additives or kefir.
  • For a snack - a small vermicelli with a small amount of unsalted cheese.
  • For dinner - a portion of stewed vegetables and a small piece of fish cooked for a couple.
  • Before going to bed, you can eat a bit of wiped cottage cheese or drink half a cup of kefir.

Nutrition during and after chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is an essential part of treating patients with cancer, but this method of treatment gives a tremendous strain on the body.

Antineoplastic agents destroy not only atypical cells, they also kill healthy ones.

Due to this, a person's immunity decreases, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted, the blood system is affected.

Properly organized food allows you to strengthen the resistance of the body, improves the immune system.

The main tasks of dietary nutrition during chemotherapy for stomach cancer:

  • Full nutrition. You need to choose those products and meals that will ensure that all the necessary substances enter the body. Especially there should be a lot of protein needed to build new cells. The protein is found in turkey, beef, seafood, eggs. It is necessary to eat fresh and thermally processed vegetables and fruits. On the table should be present and sour-milk products.
  • Stimulation of appetite. There is almost no desire for chemotherapy, but in order for the recovery process to go as it should, a person must eat. It is better if they are high-calorie dishes - confectionery, meat dishes, nuts. These products give the necessary energy to the body. If the doctor resolves, then you can add some seasonings and drink freshly squeezed non-acid juices.
  • Reduction of dyspepsia and nausea. Side effects from the use of antitumor drugs are reduced by taking a large amount of water - you need to drink at least two liters per day and it can also be morsels, broth of wild rose, and sugarless kits. It is necessary to abandon foods that contribute to the reflux of the food lump into the esophagus, which only increases nausea. These products include tomatoes, citrus fruits, sweet and fatty foods. Hot and cold can also increase nausea.

After a course of chemotherapy, you should never forget about proper nutrition. Patients with gastric cancer should eat a variety of foods, but at the same time it is necessary to exclude all prohibited products.

Diet for inoperable patients with grade 3-4

In the event that a person with gastric cancer at 3-4 stages can still eat himself and not through a probe, he should adhere to such rules in the diet:

  • Exclude completely from the food broths onmeat, red meat itself, salted, canned and smoked dishes. You can not unripened fruit, fermented cabbage, spices, coffee, alcohol.
  • The diet should be selected so that every day people get the carbohydrates, proteins, fats necessary for it.
  • Eat 8 times per day, portions of food make the most minimal.
  • The gaps between meals should be as uniform as possible.

If a probe is installed, life is maintained by the introduction of special mixtures. If there is no possibility of their acquisition, then through the probe introduce well crushed and wiped soups, liquid cereal, omelet, soft-boiled eggs.

Lifetime anti-relapse diarrhea for stomach cancer

Switching to the usual set of dishes a person after the operation can about a year or slightly more. Naturally, this is allowed, if there are no complications, and there are no contraindications.

The transition should be gradual, the emphasis in nutrition is on vegetable food. It is recommended to drink natural yoghurts and juices constantly.

The vegetable and milk diet improves metabolic processes, promotes the production of enzymes and thus positively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipes for

dishes Despite the limitation in the choice of products, patients with cancerous lesions of the stomach can prepare dozens of tasty and curative dishes. Chicken cutlet steamed. Chicken meat must be removed from the skin and bones, scrolled in a meat grinder. To the stuffing, add a slice of black bread soaked in milk. Then cutlets are formed, they need to be cooked in a double boiler. Mashed puree with zucchini. Boiled beef without fat should be passed through a meat grinder. Minced meat in the amount of 200 grams is stewed with water until completely soft. During this time, the young zucchini is freed from seeds and peel, cut and boiled until cooked. Cooked courgettes are wiped through a sieve and they need to be extinguished for a few more minutes. The yolk from the egg is mixed with ¼ of warm milk, this mass is combined with zucchini. Then the mashed potatoes are mixed with meat, a little butter and a drop of salt is added.

  • Steam curd souffle. Cottage cheese in the amount of 100 grams wipe, add a pinch of sugar, 10 grams of semolina, yolk from the egg. To the cottage cheese mass, add whipped into the foam protein and put it in a mold. Prepare a souffle for a couple of 20-30 minutes.
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