Atopic bronchial asthma

Atopic bronchial asthma is a common form of allergy manifestations. In this case, the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs become hypersensitive to the effects of allergens, resulting in symptoms such as severe coughing, in severe cases, asphyxiation. It is advisable to take timely treatment of this disease. Completely get rid of allergies is impossible, but thanks to properly selected medications, you can bring asthma to a stable remission.

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What is it?

The second name for this form of the disease is an allergic form. In some cases, it can combine with other manifestations of allergies, for example, skin rashes, hives. Asthma can develop gradually, beginning with allergic bronchitis or a common cold. To the deterioration of the condition is a constant contact with allergens, so it is important to find out what exactly triggers the onset of asthma symptoms. If you completely eliminate the allergen, the disease becomes resistant to remission.

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The ICD-10 code for this disease is J45.Depending on the severity of the course, several forms of atopic bronchial asthma are distinguished:

  1. Light intermittent bronchial asthma. In this case, asthma attacks are less common than once a week. This kind of disease can be masked for a long time under another diagnosis, often instead of putting "chronic bronchitis".
  2. Light persistent current of bronchial asthma. In this case, seizures occur more often than once a week, but not more than once a day. Such a variety is one of the most common, observed in most cases.
  3. Average severity. In this case, seizures become daily, often there are nighttime exacerbations.
  4. Heavy. At this stage, seizures can be repeated several times a day, night attacks appear almost every night. Bronchial asthma in this stage is extremely difficult to tolerate, significantly interferes with the normal life of a person.

This is the main classification of various forms of the disease. Treatment is selected depending on the severity of the course of asthma.

Important! Before starting treatment of the disease, it is always necessary to establish an allergen that provokes seizures, if possible.

For a variety of allergens, asthma is usually not classified. However, depending on the stimulus, the following forms of the disease can be distinguished:

  1. Fungal form. In this case, attacks of cough and suffocation are provoked by the presence of fungi. The most common irritant are mold fungi.
  2. Pollen form. In this case, the irritant is the pollen of plants, sometimes house dust. If the allergic reaction is caused by pollen, the disease will intensify during the flowering period of most plants - in spring and summer.
  3. Epidermal form. Epidermal allergy is usually understood as a disease that is caused by hair, excrement, particles of animal skin. In fact, it's allergic to pets.

In most cases, these forms of the disease will be combined with skin allergy. This distinguishes atopic asthma from bronchial asthma of other species. It is also possible to track the pattern that seizures occur some time after contact with the allergen.

Reasons for

Allergic form of the disease can have only one reason - permanent contact with the allergen. Not all people are allergic to anything, today it is difficult to accurately determine why it occurs. However, if an allergic reaction has already been present, the likelihood of asthma is increasing.

Also worth paying attention to heredity. Often, if the parents or other close relatives have allergic diseases, they can appear in the person himself.

The disease can develop at almost any age, but most often there is atopic bronchial asthma in children. Allergic pathologies usually for the first time manifest themselves in childhood.

Important! Bronchial asthma is rarely caused by a food allergy, a particularly common cause is dust of various origins and other volatile substances.

Symptoms of

The main symptom is the appearance of a severe heavy cough, sometimes with a sensation of a foreign body. Cough is usually accompanied by shortness of breath, whistling, wheezing, breathing disorders. There is a feeling of squeezing in the chest, breathing becomes very frequent. Seizures usually occur after contact with the allergen, then go through some time.

Simultaneously with respiratory disorders, skin manifestations, various eruptions, and hives occur most often. To make the correct diagnosis it is also important that the seizures are repeated often enough, from several times a month to several times a day.

Complications of

Asthma attacks generally negatively affect the performance and life of a person as a whole. Quite often they can occur at night, interfering with normal sleep. Constant coughing attacks lead to headaches, breathing is constantly depressed.

An especially dangerous complication of this disease is asthmatic status, when the seizures are so severe that a person can not breathe in or out. In this case, the condition can lead to loss of consciousness and even death. Therefore, when a bronchial asthma occurs, you must quickly establish the cause and choose suitable means for relief of attacks.

Treatment of atopic bronchial asthma

Treatment of this disease is usually complex, and it is often lifelong. Get rid of allergies is completely impossible, but avoiding contact with allergens and selecting effective medications that help get rid of seizures, you can come to a fairly persistent remission.

First of all with the beginning of treatment find out what exactly provokes allergic attacks. The stimulus is usually required to be isolated, for example, if bronchial asthma occurs due to dust, it is necessary to start more often in wet cleaning in an apartment, get rid of things that accumulate dust: various heavy carpets, curtains, plush toys.

If the disease is particularly severe, usually recommend a special table. With severe allergies from the diet, you must exclude all foods that can exacerbate and provoke irritation. They are usually referred to as red fruit, citrus, fatty meat and fish. Also, if possible, avoid sweet, plenty of artificial flavors and dyes, other additives. You need to drink more water, do not advise drinking coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks, alcohol.

To stop attacks and get rid of their consequences, assign different groups of drugs. In most cases, the following drugs are used:

  1. Inhalation preparations. Applied right during an asthmatic attack. Salbutol, Terbutaline, Fenoterol are commonly used. Necessary drugs are available in the form of inhalers for people with asthma.
  2. Cholinolytics. Usually used together with other medications for inhalation. In most cases, Berodual, Atrovent and others are used.
  3. Antiallergic drugs. There are a huge number of them, from drugs of the old generation, for example, Suprastin, to newer drugs, for example, Claritin, Loratadin. Medicines of the new generation are considered less harmful, but older drugs have always been considered more intense.

Depending on the condition of the patient, additional drugs may be prescribed. Cases when it is necessary to urgently enter adrenaline during an attack, are rare enough, but are found. If a patient with asthma begins to lose consciousness, you need to call an ambulance urgently.

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