Synthetic drug Salt: mechanism of action, signs of use, consequences

Many believe that the most dangerous and destructive for a person are drugs that need to be injected intravenously, for example, heroin, etc. And modern smoking mixtures or tablets, powders that need to be inhaled through the nose and other narcotic substances do not pose any danger to the consuming. This opinion is very erroneous. The modern drug market is constantly replenishing all the new substances of narcotic action, obtained synthetically. They are capable of causing a strong dependence in several ways, and with systematic use provoke irreversible violations in the human psyche. One such synthetic drug is salt.

Synthetic Drug Salt - Description

A similar narcotic substance is a fine-grained powder that is usually inhaled or smoked. Narcotic salts are derivatives of mephedrone or its analogues and are officially called MDPV( methyldioxipyperovalon).In many countries, salt is officially banned by law, however, there are also such countries where such a drug is available for free sale. Distributors sell salt in the form of top dressing for indoor plants or as sea bath salts. It is thanks to this cunning that these dangerous substances penetrate the free market and destroy millions of lives.

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However, most often this drug is a powder with a crystalline structure, similar to salt. In the body to detect traces of such drugs is quite difficult, because traditional tests for drugs do not determine them. Although salt addicts are easy to identify in appearance, but more about this later.

Effect from the use of

The salt contains mephedrone or its derivatives, which are among the strongest nervous system stimulants. The drug begins to act very quickly, after a quarter of an hour, so often salt is called spids( with English speed) or speed. When you take a small amount of salt, the addict experiences a feeling similar to taking ecstasy, but when the dosage is exceeded, an effect similar to cocaine appears. In fact, even drug addicts with experience can hardly describe the sensations arising from salt intake.

First, the salt intake causes a euphoric state in which the addict's body performs involuntary atypical movements, it seems to twist it, but if you increase the dose of MDT, then there comes an indescribable bliss. It is this that becomes the reason for the repeated admission, and later the development of drug addiction. Because of the once experienced bliss, a persistent desire to again take salt is formed.

In general, when salt is consumed, the following action is observed:

  • When the salt starts to act, the addict feels a feeling of incredible ease, he feels himself powerful and assumes the presence of incredible strength or supernormal abilities;
  • After taking a synthetic drug, persistent insomnia and excessive activity are observed. A person can do without sleep for several days( 3-4), and with prolonged and constant use of salt, insomnia can last up to two or more weeks;
  • Addicts attend hallucinogenic visions.

When the effect of salt on the human body ceases, then it falls into a state of panic fear, which causes it to run somewhere to obtain a new dose of HDI.

Video lecture on drugs salt:

Symptoms and signs

The person who uses salts can be identified by some specific manifestations. Usually, this symptomatology is observed when the addict is under the influence of salts or after a few hours from the time they are taken.

  • Speech defects, grimacing, convulsive jerking, etc.;
  • Mad look;
  • Increased anxiety caused by a sense of surveillance, paranoid pursuit mania;
  • Due to severe dehydration, the addict feels an unquenchable thirst;
  • Prolonged and pronounced insomnia;
  • Auditory hallucinations, much less often - visual;
  • Appetite is lost;
  • There is a craving for painstaking work, which manifests itself in dismantling of complex mechanisms;
  • There is active gesticulation of limbs or head, which is involuntary;
  • Often there are delusions and obsessions like domination over all and the management of the world, such thoughts are often backed by excessive arrogance and ambition;
  • A drug addict is incredibly active, spewing out a fountain of energy, but his actions tend not to be productive;
  • There is absolutely no self-criticism in the behavior of the consumed salt.

With prolonged intake of salt, the addict sharply loses weight. And if he does not have the opportunity to take another dose of an ICD, a person can even sleep for a few days, but on awakening he will have an irritated or depressed mood, suicidal tendencies may arise.

Persons who are dependent on salt, can often be recognized by a very untidy appearance. They often have swollen face and hands, and a rash can appear on the skin surface, which is a kind of a side reaction to the intake of an ICD.In addition, the most important sign of dependence is a constant lie and a noticeable decline in intelligence.

Photo of a person who systematically consumes salt

Mechanism of action

The action of salt begins in a quarter of an hour and can last for several hours, or even a day. The person who takes this drug feels light and powerful, euphoric mood and unprecedented activity, he can suddenly start an unplanned cleaning or do a large-scale rearrangement in the house. Such people completely lose the desire to relax, sleep, eat. If high doses of the drug were taken, then after the end of their action, the addict had unreasonable aggressiveness or panic, paranoid thoughts arose.

Synthetic drugs like salt have more destructive effect than vegetable, they are similar in action to cocaine and amphetamine. However, salt contains mephedrone, which literally destroys the brain. When large doses of salt are used, mass death of neuromuscular structures occurs, which can lead to the onset of schizophrenia.

In fact, the systematic use of salt has serious consequences: a disorder of thinking, memory and attention. The addict's intellect melts before his eyes, which is manifested by his rapid stupor. Since after taking narcotics there is persistent insomnia and lack of appetite, the salt addict begins to lose weight rapidly, down to exhaustion.
On the video consequences of drug use salt:

Development of

Dependence The danger of salts lies in the fact that physical dependence on them practically does not develop. Just salt drug addicts do not live to such a dependence, because they die or become permanent patients of psychiatric clinics. With the use of salt, an incomprehensible euphoric state appears, accompanied by inadequate gestures of the addict. When he receives a new dose, these involuntary manifestations disappear, and they are replaced by indescribable bliss.

As a result, a person develops a psychological dependence, which is much more difficult to cope with than a physical one. As a result, the salt addict can not overcome the desire to receive the next dose and finally sits down on salt.

Overdose of

In overdose of salt crystals, the addict develops an acute state of psychosis, and vital organic functions are violated. Serious harm is caused by cardiovascular activity - there is a sharp jump in blood pressure( first up, and then down), blood circulation is disrupted, heart beat frequency increases. Often overdose narcotics is accompanied by acute insufficiency of respiratory function, the probability of hepatic renal failure( about 5% of cases) is not ruled out.

If acute psychosis occurs during an overdose, it takes at least 2 days to remove it. However, statistics show that it is not uncommon for a drug addict to get out of a similar state. Then such people for a long time become patients of psychiatric clinics.

Treatment of

An honest narcologist says that it is incredibly difficult to treat salt addicts. There is no hope for a cure, and you need to go to specialized centers. Salts are dangerous because their components are able to accumulate, so withdrawing them from the body is quite difficult. In the blood they last for years, and some even require specific treatment for withdrawal.

In the process of treatment of the salt addict, various illnesses are aggravated, and the clearness of the sight appears only on the fourth month of continuous therapy. According to statistics, about half of salt addicts become incurable schizophrenics. And specialized methods of treatment of such addicts have not yet been developed.

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