Chronic gastritis medical history of pediatrics and therapy

Chronic gastritis is a complex abnormality of the stomach, characterized by changes in the mucous membrane, leading to partial tissue atrophy. The history of chronic gastritis is not completely clear and contradictory, due to the change in medical views and the continuous development of diagnostic methods. For the first time, the breach of the integrity of the gastric mucosa was discovered and described by the French doctor Broussais. But as it turned out later, his conclusions were erroneous, since all studies were based on the study of postmortem changes in the anatomy of the stomach. After his work, in the history of the study of inflammation of the stomach tissues, many false discoveries were made. In 1900, it was suggested to fix the postmortem state of the stomach with formalin solution, after which the scientists managed to prove the existence of this disease. In the 30s of the 20th century, with the help of gastroscopy, which opened the possibility to examine a living person, various forms of this disease were revealed.

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Chronic gastritis: pediatrics

Chronic gastritis in pediatrics is common, and unlike adults, the course of the disease in children is much more serious, as it often affects neighboring organs. As a rule, the history of chronic gastritis in pediatrics is accompanied by inflammation of the pancreas, duodenum, and bile ducts. And only in 15% of cases this disease in children is isolated.

Causes of chronic gastritis in pediatrics

The main cause of this disease in children is a violation of the diet: the consumption of fried, spicy, dry, cold or hot food. In addition, the development of disorders of the integrity of the gastric mucosa can cause prolonged use of certain groups of antibiotics. Also, considerable importance is given to genetic predisposition to diseases of the digestive tract.

Pediatrics: symptoms

The disease manifests itself in the form of constant night pains, or discomfort, occurring after 2 hours after ingestion. To the pain in the stomach, often added nausea, heartburn, belching, stool, rumbling in the stomach, a decrease in appetite. Diagnose this disease in children on the basis of a thorough examination, research of gastric juice, and special methods.

Pediatrics: treatment of chronic gastritis

Complex treatment of chronic gastritis, depending on the age of the child and the features of the disease course is developed individually. The main methods of treatment of chronic gastritis:

  • The use of inpatient treatment in severe forms and exacerbations of the disease.
  • Careful adherence to the diet: all food should be pre-ground. The most suitable diet for this disease are mashed vegetables and meat, cereals, jelly, soups, cottage cheese. In addition, the food should be warm, and it should be consumed every three hours.
  • The purpose of the three-component therapy, which allows to rid the body of the presence of Helicobacter pylori.
  • Assignment of drugs that make the bile secretion system work.
  • Referral to sanatorium treatment in periods free from exacerbation of the disease.

Chronic gastritis in therapy

Chronic gastritis, as statistics show, affects about half of the adult population. The prevalence and history of the course of this disease is largely determined by the living conditions of people and depends on the degree of infection of one or another locality of Helicobacter pylory. In addition, the disease can occur due to malnutrition, smoking, drinking alcohol, and even stress.

Therapy: the history of the disease in adults

The history of chronic gastritis in therapy is very diverse: the disease can go as imperceptibly for a person as well as bring severe pain and suffering. This disease can develop on the basis of reduced or increased acidity of the stomach.

For people with low acidity, as a rule, pain is not typical. Of the main symptoms can be identified: belching, nausea, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, vomiting, diarrhea. With this form, the disease develops slowly, with frequent changes in well-being.

The increased acidity causes irritation of the stomach and causes severe heartburn. Often this form arises in people not indifferent to alcohol and cigarettes. Patients often complain of eructations, sometimes vomiting, with the secretion of gastric juice.

Therapy: treatment of chronic gastritis in adults

To treat chronic gastritis, doctors come up with a combination of diet and medication. List of drugs used to treat the disease:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Omeprazole;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Cerukal;
  • Raglan;
  • Motilium;
  • Coordination.

Special attention should be paid to nutrition: the food should be warm, finely processed, and taken in divided portions 5-6 times a day.

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