History of gastritis for therapy and pediatrics

During a disease such as gastritis, which is the most complicated pathology of the stomach, the patient should have a history of the disease.

Until now, the history of gastritis is not fully understood. Due to constant changes in medical views, as well as the continuous development of diagnostic methods, it causes contradictions.

The French doctor Broussais became the first who discovered and described inflammation of the gastric mucosa. However, later it turned out that his conclusions were erroneous, because his research was built exclusively on the study of changes in the stomach after the death of the patient. Then, in 1900, the postmortem state of the stomach was fixed with a solution called formalin. With the help of this method, scientists were able to prove the existence of gastritis. And already in the 30-ies of the XX century, experts were able to study a living person, due to which were discovered varieties of this disease, including the chronic form.

Why do I need a medical history? The fact is that it is thanks to her that the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment to you and will understand what will help with this inflammatory process. The presence of a medical history during a gastritis is mandatory, since the patient's symptoms may not reflect the present state of your body. In addition, it is with the help of her doctor will be able to choose an individual therapeutic diet, taking into account the stage of the disease and the degree of neglect.

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History of the disease gastritis for

The case history of the disease in adult therapy is quite diverse, because it can pass for the patient both painlessly and with insane strong pains.

In therapy, the history of gastritis develops on the basis of increased or decreased gastric acidity. Note that with reduced acidity, pain for people is not typical and the main symptoms are belching, vomiting, unpleasant taste in the oral cavity and diarrhea more often. In this case, the disease develops slowly and with particular changes in the state of health.

If the acidity increases, the patient experiences severe heartburn. A similar form occurs in people who are not indifferent to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. From patients, complaints of a strong eructation or vomiting, with the release of bile.

In the treatment of gastritis, doctors resort to complex treatment: prescribe medications, together with diet. All appointments are indicated in the medical history.

Here is the main list of drugs that are used to treat this disease:

  • Omeprazole;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Motilium;
  • Cerucal;
  • Raglan;
  • Coordinate.

History of the disease gastritis in pediatrics

Gastritis in pediatrics is very common. Children have a serious illness, because it often affects neighboring organs.

As a rule, it is accompanied by inflammation of the duodenum, bile ducts and pancreas. Note that isolated this disease in children is only in 15% of cases.

The main cause of gastritis in pediatrics is the consumption of spicy, fried, hot, cold and dry food in children. It is also caused by the long use of certain groups of antibiotics, a genetic predisposition to diseases of the digestive tract.

Symptoms of gastritis in children include persistent pain at night in the stomach, heartburn, abdominal discomfort a couple of hours after a meal, nausea, rumbling in the abdomen, stools, loss of appetite or a decrease in it, etc.

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