Antacid gastritis - symptoms and treatment

When a person develops the first signs of gastrointestinal diseases, he passes the obligatory diagnostics in this case, aimed at revealing the type of stomach pathology present, the degree of its spread, and also the form in which it is present.

All inflammations of the gastric mucosa occur against the background of an increase or decrease in the activity of the digestive enzyme, more simply, the level of acidity that is inherent in gastric juice. In the case when it is elevated, an antacid gastritis is diagnosed.

This type of disease is quite dangerous, because the accompanying increase in the acidic environment in the digestive enzyme acts very aggressively on the epithelial tissue of the mucous membrane, causing its burns, always leading to the formation of ulcerative defects.

Symptoms of antacid gastritis

Symptoms inherent in the antacid form of the disease, in addition to being similar to the signs of other inflammatory processes occurring in the gastric mucosa, also have their own distinctive features, which they give rise to digestive secretion. Among all the signs that accompany this pathology of the stomach, the most common are the following:

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  • The most characteristic symptom is heartburn. The increased content of acid in gastric juice creates a burning sensation of burning in the esophagus with antacid gastritis;
  • Frequent burp with sour taste is also a hallmark;
  • Feeling of nausea during long breaks between meals, and after a person ate something sour, he has vomiting, which for the digestive organ is the only way to get rid of excess acid. In the case when erosion has already formed on the mucous membrane, bloody inclusions are found in the masses ejected from the stomach.

Also a symptom of antacid gastritis are the painful sensations in the epigastric region. But this is not the main sign, since spasmodic pain accompanies all pathologies of the digestive organs.

Any of the listed signs serves as an occasion for an immediate referral to a specialist in order to undergo the necessary diagnostic examination and begin the appropriate treatment as soon as possible.

It is always aimed at normalizing the acidity of the gastric enzyme and preventing the occurrence of erosive lesions of the epithelium of the digestive organ.

Causes of antacid gastritis

All causes that can cause antacid gastritis are divided into external and internal. The first can include the following:

  • Work associated with harmful factors;
  • Severe living conditions;
  • Excessive intake of certain medicines, for example, non-steroid drugs or antibiotics;
  • Abuse of strong alcoholic beverages and tobacco;
  • Spicy, spicy and fatty foods that predominate in a person's diet.

The second mostly refers to:

  • Deficiency of amino acids and trace elements in the body, as well as avitaminosis;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Parasitic diseases and chronic infections;
  • Dysfunction of organs and tissues caused by prolonged hypoxia;
  • Genetic predisposition.

The identification of the causes that led to the occurrence of antacid gastritis is very important during the diagnosis, as the choice of the most effective method of treatment primarily depends on this.

What treatments are most effective for antacid gastritis?

Appointments for this disease must be made by a doctor, self-medication is strictly prohibited. This applies not only to medicinal preparations, but also to the choice of the appropriate diet or the use of non-traditional methods based on recipes of traditional medicine.

Only the treatment of antacid gastritis, carried out according to all the rules, can save the patient from the appearance of unpleasant and painful signs of this disease.

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