Deep gastritis

Many people, pulling with a trip to the gastroenterologist, start inflammation of the mucosa to severe forms, which are then long and difficult to treat. The reason for this - inattention or lack of time to do themselves. Little did it happen that the stomach pounded. Enlightenment in this matter is very important. If the disease is already progressing in chronic form, then the earlier the patient begins to act, the better for him. What stages does it have?

Chronic form of the disease at each stage of development increasingly affects the stomach inflammation. Depending on this, gastritis is distinguished:

  • is superficial;
  • deep;
  • is atrophic.

Deep gastritis is an intermediate step between irritation of the gastric mucosa and the death of glands that produce hydrochloric acid. With this form of inflammation, the inflammation goes down to the muscle layer. This process by definition does not imply atrophy of glandular structures, but sometimes it takes place in the form of small foci. It happens that it is combined with metaplasia.

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Causes of deep gastritis

In addition to the fact that the acute acute form of the disease affects it, the following factors contribute to the further development: uneaten food, abuse of fried, spicy, smoked dishes, alcohol, cigarettes, irregular meals, snacks with sandwiches and other fast food.

Also negatively affect the gastric mucosa: chemicals, uncontrolled intake of a number of drugs, hormonal failures and other consequences of endocrine system dysfunction, infectious or chronic diseases, which are a favorable soil for inflammatory processes.

Nerve stress plays an important role, which affects the performance of the stomach.

Symptoms and treatment for deep gastritis

Since deep gastritis refers to its chronic form, the manifestations will be characteristic of it: spasmodic pains that arise, mainly after eating, with localization in the epigastric region, heartburn, belching, flatulence, heaviness aftereating, nausea.

As a rule, without the appointment of a gastroenterologist such a form of the disease can not be treated independently. It requires an attentive approach, so as not to miss the transition to atrophy. The general therapeutic scheme contains a dietary food number 2( during the exacerbation table № 1 is shown), meaning the exclusion from the diet of all products that irritate the mucosa. In addition, you should carefully choose the way of preparing dishes and control the frequency of their use( it should be at least 5 times a day).Drug treatment includes: antacids, antispasmodics, cholinolytics( with increased acidity), antibiotics( if Helicobacter pylori is detected).

Disease deep gastritis can not be started, so as not to aggravate the situation. It is necessary to be surveyed at the doctor and more attentively to itself.

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