Complex exercises for gastritis and exercise

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With gastritis, not only can, but also need to use both curative and preventive measures - a variety of physical exertion. Useful in this disease are walking, running, cycling, swimming, all sports that take place without the use of sudden movements and lifting weights.

Very great effect in the treatment of gastritis is given by aerobics, which includes belly dances, as when they supply the walls of the stomach with blood enriched with oxygen, occurs more intensively due to a fairly gentle massage of the internal organs. This reduces the risk of recurrence of this disease.

Physical exercises with gastritis, mechanisms of their action.

. Physical education in the treatment and prevention of any kind of gastritis is used on a par with drug therapy. But since the duration and periodicity of the loads is an individual issue, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician before starting to take care of them during the remission period, or to speed up the recovery process.

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The main contraindication for practicing exercises is the stage of exacerbation of gastritis. And after the relief comes, therapeutic exercise is recommended, which has a very great importance on the process of recovery. What you should pay attention to:

Physical exercises have a great influence on the digestive system. Its functions are activated by the massage of the abdominal organs with the muscles of the diaphragm and the abdominal press.

Physical exercises can be used for any kind of gastritis only during the period of its remission;

Therapeutic training of the muscles of the abdominal cavity aimed at preventing the disease should be performed at a calm and slow pace, using only medium and large muscle groups.

In gastritis, all physical exercises should be performed before meals and only on the recommendation of the gastroenterologist, so as not to cause harm to health;

Exercises for a disease such as gastritis are performed not only while standing, but also sitting or lying, with the correct alternation of inspiration and expiration;

The complex of exercises should consist of those that carry a significant load on the muscles of the abdominal press. This is necessary in order to increase intra-abdominal pressure and improve digestion by increasing the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which occurs reflexively.

Disadvantage, as well as an excess of physical activity, can adversely affect the course of gastritis and provoke its aggravation. Therefore, all loads should not only correspond to the capabilities of the patient, but also be moderate.

Rules for exercising with gastritis

Since gastritis is not only with increased, but also with a decreased secretory function of the stomach, then the choice of exercises for each of them is specific. Therefore, you should always listen to the doctor's advice when choosing the right exercise complex for classes.

When secretory function is lowered in gastritis, such exercises are necessary, which stimulate the production of gastric juice. A good choice will be speed-strength loads, such as jumping, running for short distances, throwing. For general developing in this case, suitable exercises for the muscles of the abdominal press.

The number of repetitions should be small, and the starting positions - sitting, half-lying and lying on the back. From the beginning of remission, exercises are included that are aimed at increasing intra-abdominal pressure and are performed from the position of lying on the stomach. A great effect is provided by respiratory gymnastics.

With increased secretory function, classes are held just before meals. A set of exercises for gastritis should be aimed at reducing the secretion in the stomach. The best option in this case will be cyclic, which are performed in aerobic mode. Good for increased gastric secretion skiing, skating, swimming, walking and running.

All exercises should be performed rhythmically, with a calm pace and alternated with relaxing and respiratory. The breathing during such a complex should be diaphragmatic. During an exacerbation of a gastritis all exercises which are directed on work of muscles of the abdominal press it is necessary to exclude, especially when there is a painful syndrome.

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