Treatment of chronic gastritis of the stomach, how can one cure effectively - diet, scheme and standards for children and adults

Gastritis refers to the inflamed mucosa of the stomach. And its chronic form - a prolonged and worsening defeat with restructuring and impaired functions. The disease accompanies the disruption of the stomach, consisting in the aggravation of mixing and the progress of food into the cavity of the duodenum and the secretion of gastric juice. But, with all this, chronic gastritis is curable.

There are chronic gastritis with high acidity and with decreased. Inflammations are divided into primary( independent) and secondary( cause of occurrence is another ailment) or due to intoxication of the whole organism. How to treat chronic gastritis of the stomach?

Chronic gastritis: treatment of

In order to prescribe an effective treatment for chronic gastritis, you need to know the causes of its occurrence. There are several of them:

  1. The first place is the wrong food. This applies not only to the products themselves, but also to the regularity of their intake and food in the dry.
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  3. Harmful habits - alcohol and smoking. Suspended secretion is yellow.juice and nutrients go badly into the stomach.
  4. The presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pilori, which is a provoker of the onset of inflammation.
  5. Prolonged use of medications, in particular - antibiotics. The microflora of the stomach is killed, after which the shell begins to produce less mucus.
  6. Infections of the mouth, throat, intestines, gallbladder - can also cause disease.
  7. Constant stressful situations. Stress is an incentive for a disruption in nutrition - some begin to eat everything and in large numbers, while others, on the contrary, refuse to eat. In both cases, the result is the appearance of problems with the stomach.
  8. In children, the impetus for the development of the disease is enrolling in school. Sharply changes the general habitual mode, the increase in physical and emotional loads is added.

Symptoms of

Common symptoms of chronic gastritis in children and adults are:

  • digestive disorder;
  • pains in the upper half of the abdomen, they can be prolonged, aching and worse after eating, even vomiting may occur;
  • sensation of burning and severity;
  • appearance of belching and regurgitation;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • general malaise;
  • sweating, dizziness and dehydration;
  • poor appetite;
  • starts salivating abundantly;
  • unpleasant breathing;
  • irregular heartbeat, lowering blood pressure and even heart pain. Knowing all this, you can find the right treatment for chronic gastritis. It can be conservative( medicamentous), with the help of diet and physiotherapy. All these methods are standard treatments for chronic gastritis.

    How to treat chronic gastritis in children and adults?

    How to cure chronic gastritis? Many patients are interested in this issue. So, you can cure chronic gastritis:

    • with proper nutrition;
    • physiotherapy methods;
    • by drug treatment;
    • medicinal plants;
    • with mineral water;
    • by homeopathic methods.

    Proper nutrition for chronic gastritis: treatment and diet

    During an exacerbation, one should adhere to a diet at number 1.

    1. Eat small portions 5 to 6 times a day in small portions.
    2. Eat more mucous mashed ruby ​​soups, low-fat broths, biscuits, kissels and cereals. Steam steaming, cooking or stewing. The intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is excluded, except bananas, spicy, fatty, fried, smoked dishes, and can not eat canned food, and drink carbonated drinks.
    3. In the treatment of chronic gastritis diet includes maintaining dishes in a certain temperature regime - 40-50 degrees. Cold and hot food can not be consumed.
    4. It is compulsory to drink up to 1.5 liters of liquid during the day.
    5. Do not overeat, hurry, and in this state have a snack, and also eat dry.
    6. Alcohol and cigarettes are excluded.

    Chronic gastritis: treatment with physiotherapeutic methods

    They allow to reduce symptoms of the disease, stimulating secretion and normalizing gastric motility, improving blood supply. Here are a few ways:

    • by introducing electricity into the affected area( electrophoresis);
    • treatment in children of chronic gastritis with the help of heat - a heating pad, the application of a warming agent to the stomach;
    • using email.a current for removal of an inflammation, a painful syndrome, a tension of muscles and increase in secretion of a gastric juice( electrotherapy);
    • application of magnets to anesthetize, improve blood flow and rebuke healing( magnetotherapy).

    Drug treatment for chronic gastritis

    It is as follows.

    1. Drugs that reduce the production of gastric juice( proton pump inhibitors).
    2. Neutralizers of hydrochloric acid in the stomach - antacids.
    3. Protectors of protective film - gastroprotectors.
    4. Хр.gastritis - treatment, directly affecting the infection with antibiotics( two or three).
    5. Preparations for pain reduction, relaxing smooth muscles - antispasmodics.
    6. Prokinetics are used for normal food promotion( with repeated vomiting).
    7. If there is severe dehydration, infusion therapy is performed by intravenous drip injection of saline solutions.

    Undoubtedly, you can not hesitate in the disease cron.gastritis. Treatment should be started in a timely manner, but before proceeding, one should establish the status of HP and visit the attending physician. It will take information about the level of infection, how active is the urease test and inflammation.

    Is it possible to cure chronic gastritis at all? There is another medical method, with which you can heal in 7-10 days from this unpleasant disease. It consists in certain schemes of treatment of chronic gastritis, designed for 7-10 days.

    Scheme for 7 days

    1. 20 milligrams of omeprazole twice a day( observe the interval of 12 hours), plus 250 mg of clarithromycin 2 p.per day( children 7.5 mg per kg of body weight per day) and plus 500 mg of metronidazole 2 p.the day after a meal.
    2. 400 mg ranitidine bismuth citrate twice daily after meals plus 250 mg 2 r.on the day of clarithromycin( children take 7.5 mg per kg of body weight per day) and plus 500 milligrams of metronidazole twice daily after meals.

    Scheme for 10 days

    150 mg twice daily ranitidine( be sure to comply with the interval of admission at 12 o'clock), plus 120 mg four times per day de-nol, plus 250 mg tetracycline together with a meal 5 r.per day and plus metronidazole - 200 milligrams 5 r.per day with meals.

    Than to treat a chronic gastritis of a stomach to solve to the attending physician and to the patient. In any case, the process can not be started, because it can lead to duodenal ulcer and even stomach cancer. And to understand, whether the chronic gastritis is treated or not, it is possible only applying the methods described above.

    How to cure chronic gastritis forever with the help of medicinal plants?

    First of all, it is necessary to remove the inflammation, and this is chamomile, mint, St. John's wort and yarrow( half a glass three to four times a day before meals - treatment for up to a month).

    Another excellent health effect has various fees, for example, one of them:

    • tansy( flowers - one part);
    • yarrow( grass - two parts);
    • flaxseed( two parts);
    • gold-thousander( grass - two parts);
    • altey( root - two parts);
    • rose hips( fruits - three parts);
    • dandelion( root - three parts);
    • thyme( grass - four parts).

    All the mix, in a thermos to fall asleep 3 tbsp.collecting and pour one liter of boiled water. Infuse up to 8 hours, after which take 1 glass three times a day for half an hour before meals.

    To improve the appetite, you can drink bitter wormwood tincture or plantain juice - 25 drops diluted in a quarter of the glass. Use for this warm boiled water and eat before meals for 20 minutes.

    How is chronic gastritis treated with mineral water?

    Gastric secretion can be stimulated with mineral waters - Essentuki Nos. 4 and 17, Borzhomi, Smirnovskaya, Minsk 3, 4 and Narzan. The scheme of reception - polstakana up to 3 times for a day, an interval before meal - 20 minutes, a little heated up to 32 degrees on slightly.

    How to get rid of chronic gastritis with homeopathic methods?

    This will help only a professional homeopathic doctor. The purpose of treatment is done, thoroughly studying the individual characteristics of the patient's body. The uniqueness of each person is not necessary to prove, and when choosing drugs, the doctor takes into account all the sets of the disease, and not just the basic diagnosis. Self-medication is categorically prohibited! Homeopathic remedies are taken only under the supervision of a doctor, although all these drugs are freely available in all pharmacies.

    Similar drugs come with one active substance in the composition( mono) or with several. The main ones in the treatment of chronic gastritis are silver nitrate( argentum nitrikum), white arsenic oxide( arsenicum slobum), belladonna or belladonna, potassium dichromate( potassium bromide), sulfur( sulfur), emetic nut and chibibuha( nuks vomica) and phosphorus.

    All these methods and recommendations will help to solve the main question - how to get rid of chronic gastritis forever and live a healthy full life, enjoying every day of it!

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