Preparations and treatments for atrophic gastritis, medication, Carinate, Omega, Omeprazole, Solcoseryl

Atrophic type is considered a chronic form of gastritis of the stomach, which, if improperly treated, can become a cancer of the stomach. With it, the atrophy of the gastric mucosa develops, as well as the decrease in the level of secretion and the number of glands. Because of this disease, there is some difficulty with the digestion of food in the stomach. Today, this disease is divided into four main types, such as:

  • Subatrophic;
  • Focal;
  • Antral.

Drug treatment for atrophic gastritis

It is necessary to take various medications with atrophic gastritis only after consulting a gastroenterologist, since treatment with this option requires the use of a variety of therapeutic methods. But before appointing a drug, a gastroenterologist must make a diagnosis. Also it is worth to draw your attention to the fact that absolutely all types are treated differently, which means that different medications will be prescribed by the gastroenterologist and it is strictly forbidden to take other medications at their discretion.

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Similar gastritis has many different manifestations, but a small range of symptoms, which means that there is no single approach to how to treat the disease and what medicines to take at an atrophic gastritis. Gastroenterologists say that with the formation of a disease, no adjustment is possible. That is, already modified cells can not be reincarnated back into sinewy, taking different medications. But at the moment there is the possibility of effective treatment for atrophic gastritis, for this purpose, special means have been created that can stop the further development of the disease at various stages and forms.

In most cases, gastroenterologists with atrophic gastritis prescribe such drugs:

  • Omeprazole or as it is also called Omese;
  • Carinate;
  • De-Nol;
  • Solcoseryl.

Taking medications with atrophic gastritis

So, how is Karinat taking place at an atrophic type? It should be taken after meals about two times a day, one tablet. The drug is taken for six months, and if necessary, the course of drug treatment is prolonged. Please note that all medicines should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Carinate has no contraindications to use.

How is Omeprazole( Omez) taken with atrophic gastritis? Omeprazole, as a rule, is used in this disease with an increased level of acidity in the stomach, but it is categorically contraindicated to take without the appointment of a doctor. Omez and Omeprazole have the appearance of granules, which need to be diluted with water and taken orally.

Solcoseryl restores the nutrition of the mucous membranes of the stomach. In most cases, with atrophic gastritis, food stagnation occurs in the stomach, which is why doctors prescribe drugs that can affect the restoration of gastric motility and Solcoseryl is a vivid example of such drugs. It is administered intramuscularly for twenty days.

Atrophic gastritis disrupts nutrition of the stomach tissues, so doctors often prescribe medications that help improve nutrition and strengthen healing. These drugs include: folic and nicotinic acid, Inosine, Solcoseryl, De-Nol, Pyridoxine and Thiamine.

In addition to various drugs, gastroenterologists and nutritionists recommend taking products containing vitamin B12, as well as mineral water without gas. Why take food and supplements that have vitamin B12?At an atrophic gastritis there is a significant decrease in the vitamin B12 content in the patient's body.

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