Rash on the skin of lamblia, rashes on the body with giardiasis, photos, skin manifestations - hives, acne, spots, in children and adults

Today, giardiasis is a fairly common disease, which is easy to get infected. Unwashed hands, vegetables and fruits, the use of piped unboiled water, contact with objects on which lamblia can be cysts are the ways in which the infection enters the human body. If the number of small parasites is small, the disease passes asymptomatically, with an increase in the colony of Giardia( as shown in the photo), settled in the small intestine, characteristic manifestations appear. One of them is a rash on the skin. It can be different. Why do with giardiasis occur skin manifestations? What types of rashes can occur? What inconvenience they can bring? Answers in the article.

Why does a rash appear on the skin during giardiasis?

It is quite easy to explain the cause of the rash on the skin during giardiasis. During their life, protozoa flagellated microorganisms secrete toxins. The accumulation of them leads to a very complex intoxication. The situation is aggravated by the patient's malnutrition. It contributes to the intensification of putrefactive processes that destroy useful intestinal microflora. With giardiasis, the number of bifidumbacteria and lactobacilli sharply decreases, and other beneficial bacteria that support the processes of normal physiological digestion. Food ceases to be properly digested, products that have not been properly processed fall into the blood, provoking poisoning of the body. It is the trigger for the development of allergic reactions, and as a result, various kinds of rashes on the body of a child or an adult infected person.

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The skin itself also changes markedly, instead of a healthy pink shade, an earthy, dirty color appears. In adolescents often observed during giardiasis acne, in young children, the rash is similar to hives( in the photo it is clearly visible) or skin dermatitis. Of course, such manifestations can be signs of other diseases not associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, to determine the nature of skin rashes it is necessary to pass certain tests.

What types of skin rashes are possible with giardiasis?

Often skin rashes - acne, blemishes, acne, as a response to giardiasis, occur in children. There are several explanations for this. At kids always unstable immunity, they more often, faster and easier are infected, than adults, thus the infection proceeds practically always in an acute phase. The simplest flagellum microorganisms can provoke different allergic reactions. We list the most basic of them:

  1. Dermatoses. The most common sign of giardiasis is the neurodermatitis( How does a rash look like, can be seen in the photo).They always proceed quite heavily. Eczema has no clear boundaries, it can occur on any part of the body. The neurodermite constantly recurs. If such a skin formation on the body appears along with other characteristic signs( with a liquid frothy stool having an unpleasant odor, for example), this is an excuse to suspect lambliasis. In the acute phase of infection, the rash can be seen in places under the knees, in the elbow fold, in the folds of the groin. Eczema is uncontrollably itchy, the affected skin is cracked, if no therapeutic measures are taken, the cracks will be covered with scales or blood crusts. Such a situation brings suffering to the child and adult, which significantly worsens the quality of life.
  2. Strofululus. This is a kind of skin rash, similar to hives, but unlike it blisters strofulyusa quickly change in color. They become( look at the photo) with brownish-pink spots. In size, one blister can be compared to the head of a pin. On its top there is a vial that looks like a knot. So, as strofuljus too is accompanied by an unrestrained itch, patients aspire to comb rashes. Damage to the bladder leads to the formation of a bloody crust on the skin. If you do not take treatment, over time, the staphful becomes a diffuse neurodermite. In children aged four to seven years, these symptoms often disappear on their own. But there are cases when there are relapses. Then the situation deteriorates noticeably.
  3. Urticaria, like strobulus, is manifested on the body of a patient with giardiasis, like skin rashes, similar to blisters, the cavity of which is filled with a clear liquid. Hives occur periodically( rashes on the body then arise, then disappear themselves).Therefore, few people make any efforts to eliminate them. And in vain. In small children, urticaria can provoke the swelling of Quincke - the consequences that lead to death. Edema captures first the upper respiratory tract, and then switches to the lungs, causing suffocation.
  4. Persistent blepharitis is a rash that provokes bilateral inflammation of the eyelids. Patients complain about the sense of presence of a foreign object in the eyes, in the marginal corner of the century during the day accumulate foamy discharge.
  5. Lamblias are capable of provoking the appearance of acne on the face, and on the back of a person.

Any skin rashes with giardiasis are intensified during the period of intensive excretion of cysts from the body. The outbreak of skin manifestations becomes possible also when antiparasitic treatment is performed. Any drugs used to treat giardiasis are highly toxic. The poison contained in them is quickly absorbed into the blood. This process occurs in the small intestine, where lamblia parasitize. The combination of two circumstances leads to an aggravation of allergic reactions, which manifest as a rash on the body. The possible character of the rash is described in detail above.

Doctors pay attention to the possibility of the emergence of pseudoallergenic psoriasis at the giardiasis - a pathological process, which in its clinical manifestations is similar to the described skin changes. From the usual allergic reactions, pseudoreactions differ in that they do not have an immunological stage of development. Only the doctor is able to designate the etiology of changes.

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