Constantly pinworm, chronic enterobiosis, why does not it work with adults?

Not every one of us, having found a pinworm, calls on time for help to specialists. Glistes torture constantly, but it is easier for a patient to live with an infestation than to fight it with the help of qualified doctors. Stamina always leads to disastrous consequences, and all because chronic enterobiosis is capable of provoking irreversible consequences. That's why it's so important to start to sound the alarm in time and not rely on traditional medicine.

Any invasion occurs in two phases - acute and chronic. The acute stage is associated with the first infection and with the appearance of a vivid clinical picture. Signs of the presence of parasites appear on the fifteenth day after infection. If a fairly large number of pinworms accumulate inside the intestine during this period - white round milkworms - a strong itching starts in the anus. It does not work for several days. It is caused by females crawling out to lay eggs. Itching lasts for three days, and then disappears. But not forever, after two or three weeks the crotch again begins to itch. If the invasion is massive, such inconvenience becomes intolerable. Combing the anus with your fingers leads to a second infection. If you do not do anything in time, pinworms can be in the host constantly, facilitating the transition of the acute phase of enterobiasis to the chronic stage.

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Chronic enterobiosis in children is more severe than in adults, but only if there is a high degree of infection. With a small number of worms, pinworms can live in the intestines for years, constantly be inside the human body, but show themselves nothing. In this case, the products of vital activity of pinworms will release toxins. They, in turn, will contribute to the gradual poisoning of the body. Symptom of chronic enterobiosis is the frequency of occurrence of anal itching. If a similar symptom resumes every two weeks, constantly bringing a lot of inconvenience to an adult and a child - this is the reason for suspicion of chronic enterobiasis.

Often, chronic enterobiosis leads to the appearance of various diseases. It is often accompanied by appendicitis, manifestations associated with inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Constant combing of the anus leads to the appearance of cracks and a copy around the anus. If pinworms live constantly in the body of a girl or a woman, it becomes possible to form inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.

Treatment of chronic enterobiasis

Pinworms live in the host organism only if they do not observe personal hygiene. To prevent re-infection the following measures allow:

  1. Timely medication.
  2. Taking measures to prevent repeated invasions.

Only the physician( parasitologist or helminthologist) can make an effective scheme of drug therapy. The patient himself can speed up the recovery if he strictly observes the medical prescriptions and rules of personal hygiene that he has made. What should he pay special attention to?

  • First of all, constant daily processing of pastel and underwear with a hot iron is important. It is produced immediately after sleep.
  • Secondly, with chronic pinworms, it is necessary to disinfect all surfaces in the house, as well as children's toys and household items.
  • Thirdly, every day at night in the anus, you need to insert a gauze swab. It is useful to lubricate the skin around the anus with sulfur ointment. These measures will prevent the outward release of pinworms and the scattering of eggs by them. In women and girls, the tampon will prevent the claws from crawling into the vagina.

Such measures must be observed for three weeks - one life cycle of helminths, during which most of the time repeated self-infection occurs. There are special marks, following them, it is necessary to pass on the analysis of feces, to do repeated scrapings. They will allow to understand, whether there is a risk of occurrence of a new invasion, why are constantly present helminths and does not pass enterobiosis.

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