Opisthorchiasis in children - symptoms( signs) and treatment, how to treat a child, Komarovsky's advice, photo, how to identify?

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In areas of predominant distribution of parasites, infection with opisthorchiasis occurs already in childhood. For children living in highly epidemic areas, the symptoms of infection begin to appear closer to the average age. In countries with foci of moderate epidemic intensity, the acute stage of opisthorchiasis in children is usually diagnosed between the ages of one to three years. Opisthorchiasis in children( photo) is manifested by a slowdown in development, the baby becomes listless, apathetic.

The negative consequences of parasite infestation in childhood are much more severe than in adults. First of all, this is due to the fact that a child in infancy develops immunity and the body's defenses are not able to give a reliable rebuff to the destructive effects of parasites.

As a result of bile stasis caused by the accumulation of parasites and their eggs, the following diseases may develop:

  • liver abscess;
  • Cirrhosis:
  • pancreatitis.

In addition, excessive intoxication of the child's body leads to manifestations of an allergy that contributes to the necrosis of the tissues. Biting off particles of cells, parasites in the course of their life provoke erosion, which, ultimately, due to improper replacement of missing elements, can lead to oncological diseases.

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Signs of opisthorchiasis in children under the age of three can be:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium and epigastrium;
  • disorder of stool;
  • catarrhal manifestations of the upper respiratory tract;
  • rashes on the skin.

There is an increase in the size of the liver, lymph nodes, and eosinophilia increases to 12-15%, manifestations of anemia develop. Symptoms of opisthorchia in older children( 7-14 years) are:

  • dystrophic changes in the myocardium;
  • skin rash;
  • fever;
  • bronchial diseases.

In case of severe illness, the condition of the child is complicated by allergic hepatitis, jaundice. Depending on the degree of infection, the acute phase can take time from one week to a month, but usually it does not exceed 14 days.

Symptoms of opisthorchiasis in children

In pediatric practice, there are different variants of pathologies caused by opisthorchiasis:

  • cholangitis;
  • typhoid-like;
  • hepatocholangetic;
  • bronchopulmonary.

In the transition to the chronic stage, opisthorchias take a latent form with severe symptoms of choleopathy and gastroduodenopathy. Symptoms of opisthorchiasis in babies will be:

  • In the typhoid-like variant, a sharp rise in temperature with a strong chill of the whole body. On the skin appear rashes of bright red color, patients complain of severe headaches, cough and weakness. An electrocardiogram of the heart will show the effects of parasite effects in the form of refined walls of the myocardium, its destruction.
  • Genato-cholangic variant is characterized besides severe fever and chills, symptoms of the onset of liver damage( colic by type of liver, severe nausea, lack of appetite).
  • Clinical manifestations in the gastroenterocolonial type of infection are similar to those of catarrhal and erosive gastritis, enterocolitis and ulcerative lesions.
  • The symptomatology of bronchopulmonary variant corresponds to the manifestations typical for pathological changes in the organs of the respiratory system.

To diagnose the acute stage of opisthorchiasis in infants, epidemiological analysis must first be carried out.

In the second stage of the transition to the chronic stage, opisthorchiasis in children( photo) is manifested as follows:

  • dilating blunt pain localized in the upper abdomen;
  • enlarged liver, easily diagnosed by palpation;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • unstable stool, constipation, or diarrhea;
  • irritability, whims, disturbance of the rhythm of sleep;
  • reduced hemoglobin level in the blood, anemia;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • increased eosinophil content in the blood.

When examined for ultrasound, dyskinesia of the biliary tract is determined, which in young children passes through the hypertonic type, and in older children - by hypotonic. Children living in epidemiologically dangerous areas contribute to repeated infections, which also affects the intensity of the lesion.

Famous children's doctor Komarovsky calls opisthorchiasis in children the most dangerous disease precisely because of the complexity of diagnosis. Often parents do not even suspect about this helminthiosis, and at this time worms actively develop and the consequences of infection can manifest themselves years later in the form of serious diseases that have passed into a chronic form. Therefore, the problem of how to identify opisthorchiasis in a child is very relevant and important. Any changes in the behavior of the baby are the basis for contacting the pediatrician to establish the reasons, for example, causeless irritability, tearfulness, lack of appetite and the like.

How to treat opisthorchiasis in children?

Treatment of opisthorchiasis in children depends on the form of the course of the disease. If the acute course, then first remove the symptoms, and then begin to fight with the parasites themselves. In chronic course, therapeutic measures are primarily aimed at expelling parasites, and then restore the normal functioning of damaged organs.

For the removal of symptoms of opisthorchiasis in children and treatment( photos) appoint:

  • a special diet;
  • antihistamines;
  • antibiotics, antispasmodics, probiotics;
  • digestive enzymes.

To influence the opisthorchia, the child is prescribed drugs that lead to their destruction, as well as choleretic by means of which the bodies of dead opisthorchia are excreted from the body. At the third stage of treatment, measures are taken to restore the functions of the liver, gallbladder, stomach and for cleaning the intestines. To restore the balance, vitamin complexes are prescribed. To reduce the intoxication of the body prescribed antihistamines and calcium chloride. With a more severe course of the disease, glucocorticides are used( injections, tablets).A special feature of treatment of opisthorchiasis in children is the mandatory use of medications to improve cardiovascular activity.

For the destruction of opisthorchs, the most effective drug is Praziquantel. However, it should be noted that this drug is very toxic to internal organs, which are already affected. The reaction to taking the drug may be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other allergic manifestations. Therefore, such treatment is carried out under hospital conditions, under medical supervision. Assign for the removal of inflammation drugs ascorutin, butadione, salicylate.

The third, rehabilitation stage, is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's organism and the severity of the course of the disease. Complex measures include physiotherapeutic procedures, restorative medications and nutrition on a special diet, with the exception of fat-containing foods and cooked on steamed or boiled. According to Dr. Komarovsky, opisthorchiasis in children can be quickly cured by a timely call to a doctor, but, in no case, one should not engage in self-medication.

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