Worms( helminths), living in the muscles of a person, symptoms and photos

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Worms can cause many diseases. They, settling in the human body, gradually poison it with the products of their vital activity. In total, there are more than 300 species of worms that can live in the human body. Most of them prefer to live in the intestines, but there are species that can spread along the blood stream and affect different organs. For example, there are worms in the muscles, in the liver, in the brain and even in the eyeballs. What are the symptoms of helminth in the muscles?

Trichinosis is a common disease, it occurs in almost all countries. The disease is caused by round worms of the genus Trichinella. You can get infected if you eat badly heat-treated meat of a pig, badger, and also a bear. Often this disease hunters suffer.

It is with this disease that worms are found in the muscles of a person. But first the larvae, along with the food, enter the intestine. They are protected by a special capsule, so they are not digested in the stomach. In the intestine, the capsules are destroyed, and the worms begin to multiply actively. One female specimen lays about 2,000 larvae.

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After some time, the adult female dies, and the larvae begin to travel throughout the body. On the lymphatic pathways they enter the bloodstream, and then settle in the striated muscles. Most often they can be found in the respiratory, facial and masticatory muscles, as well as in the diaphragm. The glistens that live in the muscles grow rapidly in size. They form a kind of capsule in the muscle tissue and can there in this form exist for many years.

Symptoms of worms in muscles

The severity of the disease clinic will depend on the number of worms that have got into the body. For example, a dose of five parasites of this species per kilogram of a patient's weight may be fatal. The disease has several stages, which are characterized by certain manifestations, we will consider them separately:

  • The first stage. This period can be recognized by pronounced signs, which appear about a week after infection. The patient begins to vomit, opens vomiting, there is a lack of appetite and indigestion.
  • The second stage. It is characterized by active migration of larvae along the body and their subsidence in the muscles. Worms at this stage can cause the following manifestations: pain in the muscles, skin rashes, fever, and swelling of the eyelids. With a large concentration of parasites, there may be severe complications from the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems.
  • The third stage. In this period there are no clearly expressed signs, there comes an imaginary recovery. Worms in the muscles of a person, they can be seen on the photo, they leave erosion in the muscle tissues. Parasites can live for 25 years in the human body.

When the first signs of the presence of worms in the muscles of a person must necessarily be examined, otherwise uninvited guests will cause serious harm to health. Trichinosis in the absence of treatment in some cases can lead to death.

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of worms in the muscles

If you suspect a disease, doctors usually ask the patient what he ate recently. If the food used was poorly thermally processed pork, then the patient is necessarily checked for the presence of worms in the muscles. Usually, such diagnostic methods are used: feces analysis, enzyme immunoassay, muscle tissue biopsy, and skin and allergic tests. The method for identifying parasites should be chosen by the attending physician.

Worms in muscles are excreted by special preparations, which have a harmful effect on this type of worms and their larvae. Along with these drugs, the doctor prescribes antihistamines. In some cases, with a large concentration of worms in the body after therapy, relapses may occur, so a second course of treatment may be necessary.

To avoid infection with helminths, it is necessary to heat the pork well, as well as the meat of badgers, bears and other carnivores. Buy meat should be from a reliable manufacturer, the carcass must necessarily be printed. Shashlik is best cooked with vinegar, then the worms die. The color of properly cooked meat should not be pink, but gray.

Helminths in human muscles are a dangerous disease that must be treated. When the first symptoms of infection should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, the body will be seriously harmed, and in order not to become ill, take all the precautions, do not eat badly cooked meat.

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