Itching with giardiasis, what treatment, if the body is stratified with lamblia

Another characteristic method of giardiasis is itchy skin. In an infected person, the entire body is not simply itchy, eczema or foci of blistering rashes form on the skin, from which the itching appears. Why are such manifestations possible? What it is necessary to do in order to facilitate the patient's condition? Detailed detailed answers to these questions in the article.

Lamblias are the simplest flagellate microorganisms that parasitize the human small intestine, and during their life they produce a huge amount of toxins. Toxins easily penetrate into the blood and along with it are carried throughout the venous bed, poisoning virtually all internal organs. The situation is aggravated by another pathogenic effect of lamblia. They like to settle in the brush space of the villi of the small intestine, they are attached to them using a special disk. Mechanical intrusion violates the integrity of villi, responsible for normal digestion and assimilation of food. As a result - the formation of inflammatory processes and stagnant phenomena that lead to the rotting of chyme. Rotting chyme is another powerful toxin factory. The organism is quickly slagged. That is why there are acute allergic reactions in the form of dermatitis and urticaria. A large amount of histamine is accumulated in the skin. It has an irritant effect on the nerve endings of the skin. That's why there is a strong itch.

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Itching from lamblia can be localized in a wide variety of areas of the body. It is the places of the appearance of pruritus that can suggest the cause of the appearance of a characteristic symptom. With giardiasis, itching appears in large inguinal and underarms, on the chest, on the back, on the scalp. If the whole body itches, there are symptoms of gastrointestinal tract diseases( pain in the navel, nausea and vomiting, upset of the stool), this is the reason to suspect lambliasis.

Giardiasis can cause the appearance of:

  1. atopic and seborrheic dermatitis.
  2. Hives.
  3. Psoriasis.

Treatment of pruritus with lambliasis

If one or more of the symptoms listed above are present, there is reason to suspect lambliasis. Confirm the diagnosis helps to analyze feces, a blood test for antibodies, ultrasound of the liver and biliary tract. When confirming the cause of skin manifestations, the therapy is built taking into account some aspects:

  • First, therapy begins with a strict diet. During pruritus it is necessary to exclude from the daily diet fried foods, spicy and spicy dishes, flour products, citrus fruits, chocolate and eggs.
  • Secondly, further therapy involves the exclusion of the factor provocateur. Colonies of Giardia must be destroyed, otherwise it will not be possible to eliminate the itch. As a rule, antimicrobial agents are used to eliminate parasites.
  • Thirdly, the local treatment of foci of skin inflammation is mandatory. The scheme is determined taking into account the type of skin lesions. At this stage, the means of traditional medicine are actively used. But without drug therapy can not do. Medications are prescribed taking into account the type of skin lesion. Dermatitis, for example, are eliminated by antihistamine drugs, urticaria - M-holinoblokatorami. Considering the fact that the itch provoked by lamblia often becomes the cause of the appearance of strong irritability and short temper, the patients must prescribe sedatives.

Knowing why giardiasis causes severe itching on the skin of the body, you can not be shy about this situation and start a fight in time.

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