Symptoms and treatment of pinworms in children, photos, signs of enterobiosis in a baby-babe, in girls, opinion of Komarovsky

If a child fusses for no reason, complains of swelling and abdominal pain, sharply grows thin against the background of the preserved diet, sleeps restlessly, parents should be worried. All these manifestations are secondary symptoms of the presence of pinworms in the child's body. If children have excessive salivation, morning vomiting and, most importantly, a strong itch of the anus, it's time to sound an alarm. If these symptoms are present, the probability of enterobiasis is 99%.

With minor invasion and a small amount of pinworm in the child's body, symptoms of enterobiasis can be mildly expressed. For example, a toddler may complain of an itch in the pope, but otherwise lead a normal lifestyle with characteristic activity. In this case, not many parents pay attention to minor signs that they do not associate with the pinworms of the child. However, with a significant number of parasites in the body, the symptoms are very acute, since the vital activity of a large number of pinworms can not but affect the baby's well-being.

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Symptoms of pinworms in children

Almost every child sooner or later becomes infected with worms. In general, places of helminthosis distribution are educational and educational institutions where a large children's collective gathers, and many items are in common use. From some dirty hands or clothes, eggs of helminths fall on toys, door handles, books. Then the eggs of pinworms( see photo) fall into the hands of another child, from there - into the mouth and stomach. Invasion occurred, because a weak child's body can not protect itself from parasites.

Gradually, the larvae of the pinworms develop into mature individuals, and the stage of enterobiosis begins, characterized by particularly pronounced symptoms:

  1. Children suffer from the presence of pinworms in the body because of the strong, intolerable itching in the anus. This is due to the fact that the females of these parasites lay their eggs( each up to 15 thousand) in the folds of the anus and on the skin near the anus( photo).Skin irritation is caused by a colorless, corrosive liquid secreted by the helminth. Especially the itching manifests itself at night, during the maximum activity of pinworms. Itching can cause a restless sleep of the baby. Breasts wake up and cry, older children comb the area of ​​the anus, the perineum, the girls - the zone of the genital organs.
  2. One of the symptoms of pinworms in children is urinary incontinence at night due to irritation of the urethra caused by migration of parasites and the same caustic fluid that causes irritation to the mucosa.
  3. Abdominal pain - permanent or intermittent - also refers to common symptoms of enterobiasis in children. Pinworms feed on the contents of the baby's stomach, so after eating the baby can feel nausea and bloating, and on an empty stomach - pain in the umbilical region.
  4. One of the indirect symptoms of pinworms in children is constipation or diarrhea, depending on the clinical picture of helminthiosis. Quite often a symptom is a mushy stool( photo) or feces with mucous elements. Failures in the work of the intestines cause dysbacteriosis, provoked by the vital activity of pinworms.
  5. Irritant behavior and frequent changes in activity are symptoms caused by oppression of the psyche, which occurs as a result of toxic effects on the cells of the products of the vital activity of the worms.
  6. One of the symptoms of worm-twins in children is the "sharp abdomen".Peritonitis or inflammation of the appendix is ​​sometimes a consequence of the development of pathogenic flora in the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Because of toxic substances released by helminths, there may be a rash( see photo) and urticaria, acne and boils.
  8. In girls, the symptoms of pinworm can be supplemented by inflammatory processes in the genitals. If the worm crawled into the vagina, vaginitis may develop.
  9. In boys, parasites can crawl under the foreskin. In this case, an inflammation of the scalp and the urge to masturbate will become a sign of invasion.
  10. Invasion in infants infected with pinworm from the mother, causes vomiting after feeding, bloating, diarrhea.

Symptoms and treatment of enterobiasis in children

With characteristic symptoms, experts are strongly advised not to engage in self-medication. A pediatrician or parasitologist will be able to select a safe for the baby and effective therapy. Especially if it is a question of treatment of enterobiasis in the baby.

Dr. Komarovsky often talked about pinworms, symptoms and treatment of children. Like other specialists, the chief pediatrician of the country claims that the risk of getting infected with pinworms in preschool and primary school age children is 99%.To be sure of the health of your children, the doctor recommends that you regularly perform tests for eggs of helminths. Doctor-pediatrician Komarovsky advises to pay attention to such symptoms:

  • pain in the navel;
  • itching in the anus;
  • unstable appetite( sudden increase or absence);
  • nausea;
  • behavior change behavior - lethargy or hyperactivity;
  • formation of dark circles under the eyes;
  • capriciousness;
  • cough and frequent colds;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • abundant salivation.

If at least two of these signs you found in a baby, you should check it for pinworms.

Why should I pay attention to the symptoms of pinworms in children?

By themselves, such parasitic worms as pinworms do not carry a serious threat to the health of the child. These worms, up to one centimeter in length( see photo), do not multiply in the host organism. They live their life cycle, which lasts up to 2 weeks and die. The problem is that with helminthiosis of this type, the chance of self-infection is very high. If the disease is not detected in time, does not undergo a full course of treatment and does not take measures to avoid relapses, chronic enterobiosis can cause many dysfunctions in the body, the consequences of which can manifest even in adulthood.

After the appearance of the symptoms of pinworms in children, taking tests and determining the diagnosis, the doctor is obliged to tell the parents not only about the course of treatment, but also about observing the necessary rules of hygiene in the family.

When choosing a medicine, it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of the organism of a small patient. As a rule, the course of treatment does not exceed 10 days. After its termination, after 2-3 weeks, repeated tests are performed. And if the analysis shows the presence of helminths, then the course is repeated.

It is strongly advised not to treat yourself. This is due to the fact that most drugs are toxic and their doses are determined by the doctor based on the analyzes.

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