Bronchial asthma - symptoms and treatment, signs in adults

Bronchial asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases among the population of the entire planet. Asthma is treated or there is no open question. Even if you consider that at the moment it is diagnosed at an early stage and uses topical methods of treatment.

What is asthma? This is a constantly present inflammatory disease of the airways, which is always accompanied by hyperreactivity of the bronchi.

The main symptoms of asthma are attacks of suffocation or respiratory discomfort in the form of a paroxysmal cough and / or wheezing and shortness of breath. Due to excessive production of mucus, inflammatory swelling and spasm, the wall of the bronchus thickens, its lumen narrowing. Through such a narrowed bronchus there is not enough gas exchange with the environment, which leads to characteristic symptoms of asthma.

More than 250 million adults and children on our planet suffer from bronchial asthma, and each year their number increases. The disease can be aggravated and leads to a fatal outcome. In the industrialized countries, the incidence is much higher than in the underdeveloped countries.

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The disease usually begins at an early age. About 50% of children with proper treatment get rid of asthma to adulthood. Understanding how to treat asthma will allow you, with the help of your doctor, to cope with her symptoms on a daily basis.

Causes of Asthma Asthma

What is it? The reasons for which an adult or child has a bronchial asthma disease have not been fully studied. At the heart of the development of allergic asthma is the pathogenetic mechanism of immediate type hypersensitivity( IgE-dependent immune response).In most cases, the disease develops because of hypersensitivity to external stimuli. The cause of bronchial asthma in children older than 3 years, in most cases is an inhalant allergen.

Currently, the chronic inflammatory nature of this disease has been proved, as a result of which the secretion of mucus in the respiratory tract increases, a number of biologically active substances are disrupted. Another important reason - frequent infections and inflammation of the respiratory organs, developing under the influence of viruses, bacteria, etc.

Approximately 1/3 of the sick children have asthma origin. The emergence of allergic forms are provoked by various allergens - house dust, plant pollen, bacteria, viruses, fungi. Often, patients are allergic to several different allergens.

Forms and degrees of

Asthma is divided into forms depending on the cause of occurrence, and also on the extent, depending on the clinical symptomatology.

  1. Allergic - its occurrence is associated with an established allergen;
  2. Non-allergic - is associated with non-allergic factors, for example, with hormonal changes;
  3. Mixed( combines the features of the two above forms).

Depending on the severity of the course, bronchial asthma is divided into three levels:

  1. Mild degree - symptoms of exacerbation of the disease are observed about one to two times a month and disappear quickly, often without treatment;
  2. Mean( exacerbation mainly at night, seizures not more often than five times a year, accompanied by mildly expressed symptoms);
  3. Severe degree of disease requires immediate emergency measures. The frequent exacerbation of the disease, the constant presence of symptoms, working capacity is severely limited, sleep disorders, significant violations of the function of external respiration according to spirometry.

Depending on the degree to which the disease is located, the symptoms of the disease and the methods of treatment will vary.

Symptoms of bronchial asthma

For a clinical picture of bronchial asthma, symptoms such as shortness of breath in the form of dyspnoea and cough are characteristic. These signs in adults and children occur after contact with the allergen.

In the vast majority of cases, a person during a seizure takes a specific position, as if easing for himself a painful breath and especially exhalation.

The asthma attack begins with a feeling of shortness of breath and a dry, painful cough, the breathing becomes humming, the exhalation tightens. Whistles can intensify with deep breathing. A common symptom is paroxysmal cough, more often dry or with the departure of a small clot of light sputum at the end of an attack.

Under the influence of drugs, the attack is reversible. Light forms can pass independently. In the absence of treatment, attacks become frequent and prolonged. The long abandonment of pathology without attention becomes the cause of irreversible asthma.

The main signs of asthma in adults and children:

  • severe shortness of breath;
  • chest tightness;
  • attacks of suffocation - a feeling that you do not have enough air;
  • is a very frequent cough, which is especially strong at night;
  • , many asthmatics have wheezing;

Most patients experience the first symptoms of asthma at an early age: about half of patients under the age of 10 years and about a third to 40 years. It should be noted that not all people have the same manifest bronchial asthma - the symptoms and treatment of pathology directly depend on the causes that cause the appearance of the disease.

Treatment of bronchial asthma

Currently, the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma includes planned treatment in the acute phase, emergency therapy aimed at stopping the attack, as well as treatment in the phase of remission.

Medical treatment of bronchial asthma involves the use of drugs of such groups:

  • glucocorticosteroids in an inhalation form;
  • kromons( Intal, Tailed);
  • receptor antagonists of leukotriene type( "Acolat", "Singular");
  • xanthines( euphyllin);
  • monoclonal antibodies( "Xolar");
  • adrenomimetics.
  • also uses expectorants that improve sputum discharge and other auxiliaries.

As a treatment, basic therapy drugs are used that affect the mechanism of the disease, through which adults control the ailment, as well as symptomatic medications that affect only the smooth muscle of the bronchial tree and stop the attack of suffocation.

The diet for bronchial asthma involves the exclusion from the diet of foods that can trigger an allergic reaction, emphasize the use of fresh vegetables, meat, fish and dairy products( if there is no allergy).

During an asthma attack, follow the pre-planned action plan. For arresting an attack, it is necessary to take, with the aid of an inhaler, a bronchospasmolytic drug and to ensure the influx of fresh air to the lungs. If inhalation did not work and the attack did not go away - you need to urgently call an ambulance.

At the moment, medicine has made a step forward in the principles and methods of treatment of bronchial asthma, which in time, perhaps, will help cure asthma forever.

How to treat bronchial asthma with folk remedies

It is not yet possible to completely cure such a complex disease as bronchial asthma, but to lessen attacks, to make them shorter, it is completely within the power of every sufferer. It should be remembered that folk remedies may pose a health hazard, so it is advisable to get medical advice before applying them in practice.

  1. Grind the ginger root to make about 400 grams of the finished powder, it should be infused 2 weeks on 1 liter of alcohol, shaking occasionally. Obtained tincture strain, and take 2 times a day for a teaspoon.
  2. Grind propolis and pour it with alcohol in a 1: 4 ratio. Let it brew for 7 days, not forgetting to mix 1 time per day. The ready mixture is filtered, and after a day they start taking 10 drops 3 times a day, 30 minutes before a meal. Course: 2 months of admission, 1 rest, then repeat.
  3. It is necessary to cut the hyssop herb, it should be poured into a thermos and pour boiling water. On a liter of water take 4 tbsp.spoons of hyssop. An hour later you can drink, after straining. Take the dining room before going to bed, and in the morning 30 minutes before the first meal. The course is 10 days, then it is conducted again.
  4. Take the jar in which it is worth putting 250 grams of aloe, then add 500 grams of wine and 350 grams of honey. Stir and allow to infuse for 9-10 days in the refrigerator. After the obtained tincture should be filtered, and the leaves squeeze. The first 3 days take a tablespoon 3 times a day, then lower the dose to a teaspoon. Important point - the leaves of aloe can not be watered for 14 days, before cutting them, then simply wipe off the dust, not mine under the tap.

Similar methods can be effective for the main manifestations of the ailment, however, alternative medicine also does not answer the question of how to cure asthma completely.

Asthma prophylaxis

Prevention of the disease should start from early childhood. If family members have a predisposition to the occurrence of an allergy, then the prevention of bronchial asthma is simply necessary. With an existing problem, adequate treatment and elimination of allergens is necessary, which allows to stabilize the course of the disease, and to reduce the risk of exacerbations.

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