Bleeding gums - what to do? Causes and Treatment

Many patients do not pay attention to bleeding gums until it begins to cause pain and discomfort in the mouth. Bleeding gums - a sign that signals the presence in the body of various diseases: the oral cavity, an individual organ or the whole body. Self-treatment and delaying visits to a doctor can lead to sad consequences.

Gum bleeding can be chronic, occur periodically or regularly, depending on certain reasons( for example, during tooth cleaning) or in the absence of such.

However, in any case, you should not leave this problem without attention and, with the first manifestations of blood on the teeth around the teeth, you should register for an examination with the dentist. The problem must be diagnosed and cured very quickly, otherwise other, more serious consequences may appear. In one case - it can be a loss of teeth, and in another - the need for surgical intervention.

In this article we will consider why bleeding gums, what to do in such a case to avoid complications, and also what methods of dentistry are relevant today.

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Causes of bleeding gums

Bleeding gums in most cases are found when cleaning teeth and indicates damage to the mucous membrane of the gums or for the presence of other( sometimes serious) diseases. If bleeding from the gums continues for several days, then to find out its cause, you must always consult a doctor. This symptom can not be left without attention, so that serious complications do not develop.

Consider the main reasons why the tooth gums bleed:

  1. Gum bleeding while brushing teeth .Probably, hygiene of the oral cavity is wrong. What does it mean? When choosing personal care products, you need to carefully consider how they fit you. A common mistake is a toothbrush with strong stiffness, it damages the gums. The same goes for the dental floss, if you clean it up sharply, it is possible to cut the soft tissues.
  2. Gingivitis is an inflammation that develops in the gingival mucosa and is manifested by its redness or blueness, swelling and bleeding. In neglected cases, the symptoms of gingivitis can be quite intense and torment the person even in a dream. This is a fairly common pathology affecting adults, adolescents, children and pregnant women.
  3. Periodontitis .Mandatory medical intervention is also periodontitis, since it is almost impossible to get rid of it independently. In the presence of this disease, the gums bleed profusely, there is mobility of the teeth, as well as bare their necks, pus out of the periodontal canals and swell the edges of the gums.
  4. Dental stone .A stone is nothing more than a hardened product of the vital activity of bacteria and the remains of food. A hard plaque accumulating in the neck area of ​​the teeth constantly damages the gums, causing them to bleed. The tooth may lie deep under the gum. In this case, it is outwardly invisible.
  5. Pregnancy .Often during pregnancy, women note an increased tendency of the gums to bleed. This condition is not dangerous and is associated with special reorganization in the body of a pregnant woman.
  6. The lack of vitamins .Gum bleeding in many people is observed at the end of winter, when their body experiences all the signs of beriberi.
  7. Change in the level of hormones in the blood .Failures in the hormonal background can be caused by pregnancy, adolescent adulthood and other factors. Usually the gums stop bleeding when the hormones come back to normal.
  8. Chronic diseases of the body , including pathology of the endocrine and circulatory system. Bleeding gums in the absence of inflammation in them is often found in leukemia, HIV, diabetes, blood coagulation disorders.
  9. Taking certain medications .There are many drugs that contribute to the dilution of blood, a side effect of which is the bleeding gums. In most cases, after stopping the taking of such medications, bleeding stops.

About periodontal diseases you can speak with complete certainty, if, in addition to bleeding, there are other characteristic signs:

  • painful sensations when touched;
  • redness( or vice versa, cyanosis) and swollen appearance;
  • presence of dental plaque;
  • bad breath;
  • increased salivation.

If you feel that your gums bleed, what to do and why it happens, the expert will tell you. It is important to find out the beginning of their illness in time and urgently seek advice from the dentist. He will recommend how to effectively treat bleeding with medications and give recommendations about the use of folk remedies.

What if the gum bleeds?

If you have bleeding gums and smell from the mouth, the first thing to do is go to the dentist. In cases where serious treatment is not required, a specialist may recommend changing the brush and toothpaste.

Most often with bleeding gums recommend such toothpastes :

  • Parodontax F;
  • Parodontol Active;
  • Wood balm;
  • PresiDENT exclusive;
  • Lacalut fitoformula;
  • Lacalut aktiv;
  • Asepta.

You can also try one of the dental gels improving the condition of the gums :

  • Holisal - 320 rubles.for 10 g. Removes inflammation, acts as an analgesic and destroys microbes.
  • Asepta - 179 rubles.for 10 g. Balsam not only fights with bleeding and inflammation of the gums, but also freshens breath.
  • Kamistad - 200 rubles.for 10 g. Its main active ingredient is lidocaine. The gel removes inflammation and helps repair damaged gum tissue.
  • Metrogil Denta - 200 rubles.for 20 g. Indian drug, which includes an antiseptic and an antibiotic.

If the gingival hemorrhage has passed into inflammation, the dentist will perform a comprehensive examination and treatment of the oral cavity.

Treatment of bleeding gums

Gum bleeding - treatment will primarily consist of removing hard dental deposits and soft microbial plaque, as well as carrying out anti-inflammatory therapy. It is equally important to teach the patient proper oral hygiene.

  • The first stage is the cleaning of teeth and removal of stones by ultrasound.
  • Anti-inflammatory therapy. Immediately after the removal of sediments, or even in the process( in case you need several visits to the dentist), the doctor will prescribe you a course of anti-inflammatory therapy. This course lasts 10 days.
  • In the future, a toothbrush with Soft marking is selected, with soft toothbrushes, specialized toothpastes and dental floss( floss and superfloss) for oral hygiene are used.
  • Twice a year preventive visits are made to the dentist.

If you have gingivitis, then all of the above is enough to cure this disease and forget about gum bleeding. However, if you have developed Periodontitis, then all of the above measures are just a basic treatment aimed at relieving the symptoms of inflammation.

Folk remedies

With bleeding gums, the use of various herbs can relieve soreness and reduce bleeding at home. Also, folk remedies help to reduce the focus of inflammation, help to eliminate burning and itching, clean the oral cavity of bacterial plaque.

  1. Effective tool for the treatment of gums - infusion of sage , which has antibacterial action. A teaspoon of sage is poured into a glass of boiling water, it is infused for 30 minutes, then filtered. Infusion can be used to rinse the mouth and in the form of compresses on the gums.
  2. Freshly squeezed horseradish juice is a very good remedy for strengthening the gums. In a glass of dry red wine, 2 tbsp.spoons of juice. It can be used for rinsing, and when ingested, the gums are not only strengthened, but immunity is also increased.
  3. An excellent hemostatic agent is nettle infusion , rinsing the mouth cavity before the onset of a sustained therapeutic effect.
  4. For gum massage and cleansing of spaces between teeth from food particles, it is recommended to eat fresh apples and carrots more often.

Do not forget about proper nutrition. A balanced diet is necessary, in which it is necessary to include foods that are high in protein, vitamins and trace elements. Especially important with bleeding gums is food rich in calcium and phosphorus: fish, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Unfortunately, folk methods of treating gum bleeding are not always effective and have a temporary effect. Therefore, it is necessary to use the advice of traditional medicine cautiously, and in case the result has not been achieved, it is necessary to apply to specialists, to dentists.


To prevent bleeding gums, you must remember a few rules of hygiene:

  1. After each meal, rinse the mouth cavity. This can be done with the help of ordinary water or special means. It is useful to use a rinse solution. To make it in a glass of warm boiled water, dissolve one tablespoon of sea salt. Avoid means for rinsing the oral cavity, which includes alcohol, since such funds will only contribute to bleeding.
  2. Twice a day brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush. Toothpaste must necessarily contain calcium or fluoride. Also need to alternately use pastes with different composition of nutrients.
  3. After a meal, you can use dental floss. The dental floss will help to remove the remains of food that have accumulated between the teeth. It is the dental floss that most effectively removes remains of food from this problem zone.
  4. You need to remove tartar once a year. A dentist can remove a tooth stone in several ways. The most common methods are: removal of tartar with ultrasound, and removal of tartar with a special tool.

In general, oral examinations every 6 months, regular adjustment of orthopedic structures( prostheses, bridges and crowns) and treatment of oral diseases in the early stages contribute to preventing gingival hemorrhage.

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