Can there be worms in the ears of a man?

Glaive infestation is a fairly common disease that affects many people daily. In total, there are more than 300 species of worms that live in the human body. Parasites can be everywhere: in poor-quality food, in untreated water, as well as in soil and in excrement of patients. Most often they suffer from children and people with weakened immunity. It is generally believed that worms live in the intestines, but can there be worms in the ears of a person?

Most parasite species enter the body through the mouth, then they enter the stomach, and then into the intestines. Digestive organs - this is their favorite place, it is there for them all conditions are created. Worms get nutrients in the intestine and begin to actively breed.

Some species penetrate directly into the blood, this happens if the infection has occurred from an insect. If the larvae are in the blood, then they are able to get into any organ: the intestine, the brain, the eyes and even the ears. Parasites, getting into the body, cause various symptoms that can be confused with other diseases. Signs of invasion depend on the location of worms. In addition, there are such types of helminths, which, even entering the intestine, from there spread throughout the body.

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The worms in the ears are rare, usually they are looking for a better place for their life. For normal existence, worms need nutrients, so through the ear canals they are forced to move further, for example, into the brain.

How to recognize the worm in the ears?

The worms in the ear in a person do not go unnoticed and cause such symptoms: headache and ear pain, dizziness, fever, and an incomprehensible rumble. Signs of infection in this case are similar to Meniere's disease.

Often the signs of worms in the ear can be confused with infection. Can begin severe headaches, rise in temperature, and also appear purulent discharge. In this case, a thorough diagnosis is needed, since it is difficult to recognize the presence of worms in the body.

Parasites, getting into the body, cause him great damage. There is a deep destruction of tissues, there is inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms. Worms, settled in the ears, in neglected cases lead to deafness. That is why when the first manifestations of helminthic invasion need to be examined.

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