Cough with giardiasis in a child, can lamblia in the throat cause it in children and adults, when the symptom disappears after treatment?

Lamblias are not worms that can infect the entire body, they are the simplest flagellated microorganisms that parasitize exclusively in the small intestine of a person. You can infect them in different ways. Cysts of flagellar microorganisms enter the child's organism through dirty hands, infected household objects, through the use of unboiled tap water. Children suffer from giardiasis more often. This circumstance is explained by the fact that toddlers neglect the rules of personal hygiene. Infection is often asymptomatic, acute cases are accompanied by a variety of clinical manifestations. In this article I will tell you about whether lamblia can cause a prolonged dry cough in children?

Why does a cough appear in the lyambliasis?

As already mentioned above, the disease in an adult often occurs without apparent manifestations, but in a young child the disease is accompanied by many symptoms. If the baby becomes moody, restless and nervous - this is an excuse to suspect any helminthic invasion. Giardiasis in children is often accompanied by skin rashes, a decrease in appetite and weight. Giardiasis manifests itself as any other disease of the gastrointestinal tract, so in sick children, it causes:

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  1. Unstable chair( alternating constipation and diarrhea).
  2. Cramping pulling pains that are localized in the navel area.
  3. Decreased physical activity.
  4. Constant nausea and rare vomiting.

In helminthic invasions it is vomiting that facilitates repeated self-infection by worms, invasion of invasive eggs into the bronchi and lungs of a person. When a cough occurs, parents try to treat their child by themselves, using the means that help to eliminate the consequences, and not the consequence of malaise. That's why even despite the treatment, a cough in children does not go away. The reason for the appearance of a prolonged cough with giardiasis is an allergic reaction. Thus, the weakened children's organism reacts to the active life of lamblia.

Please note! A child's cough caused by flagellar microorganisms can last for a long time( up to 3 months or more), and it is always accompanied by sputum discharge. The symptom described appears at the last stages of the disease, when the colony of lamblia affects most of the surface of the small intestine.

Methods for controlling cough with giardiasis

Elimination of any type of cough in an adult patient and in a child should be strictly supervised by a doctor. And all because only he can determine the cause of its occurrence, and then develop the right strategy of drug therapy. If the appearance of a cough provoked by lamblias, complex therapy is used. It consists of several stages:

  • First, a sick child needs to create unfavorable conditions for the life of flagellar microorganisms. This is helped by strict adherence to a special diet. The menu is usually painted by a doctor.
  • The administration of antimicrobials is then prescribed. They help get rid of the simplest flagellum microorganisms.
  • In parallel with antimicrobial therapy, antihistamine therapy is provided. It helps to eliminate all signs of allergy( cough including).When treating children, doctors admit taking some sparing anti-inflammatory drugs. With the help of them, unpleasant sensations in the throat are removed and cough is also eliminated. Assignments that help improve the immunity of an adult and a child are considered mandatory.

When the main symptom disappears - a sore throat, the reverse path to recovery begins. Knowing the nature of coughing with giardiasis, what causes dangerous complications, you can try to take all the necessary measures in time to keep your health in time.

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