Worms in children under one year, in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10-month-old children, signs( symptoms) in a baby, treatment of toddlers with drugs, drugs and pills for prevention

As is known, infection with the most common types of parasitic organisms - pinworms and ascarids, occurs when non-observance of sanitary and personal hygiene rules. Significantly less often the cause of infection is contact with infected people, animals or through household items. Nevertheless, the possibility of helminthic invasion exists even in newborns, and the question whether the baby can have a helminth for up to a year is quite legitimate.

Closters in children younger than one year are not registered as often as in older children, but are more dangerous due to the possibility of serious complications. Worms in children have no obvious symptoms and parents, seeing the deterioration of the health of the baby, begin treatment of non-worming in infants, and other diseases.

Worms in a baby

The most common in children under one year are ascarids, which in the absence of any action can live in the human body for about a year, as well as pinworms, which, in the absence of repeated infection, die after 3-4 weeks. The possibilities of affecting the baby depend on the age. The most rare possibility of infection with worms in a month-old baby. The appearance of helminths in a 2-month-old baby, if he is breastfeeding and the nursing mother observes all precautions, is also unlikely. Wrist eyes of a baby in 2 months may appear if the mother does not restrict contact with other family members who may be carriers or insufficiently thorough cleaning of the premises.

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However, in a 3-month-old baby parasites may well appear from the outside. This is due to the fact that at this age teeth begin to erupt and the baby pulls everything that gets into his hands in his mouth. If there is an animal in the house that can be a potential carrier of parasites, then the probability of helminth infection in a baby 3 months is much greater. Worms in a 4-month-old child can appear through toys, which he begins to be actively interested in at this age. Helminths in a baby at 4 months can be if the rules for preparing a milk formula are violated when feeding bottles.

After reaching five months, the baby's favorite occupation is pushing and throwing various objects. With insufficient cleaning of the room, infection with worms in a child of 5 months passes through toys or pacifiers that fall to the floor. In a 5-month-old baby parasites may well appear when moving around the apartment on their own.

Parasites in a child of 6 months can appear as a result of improper complementary feeding, when there is no careful heat treatment of utensils or foods for complementary feeding. In a 6-month-old baby, worms can settle when crawling, studying the shapes and colors of toys. Continuing his acquaintance with the world around him, the child can pick up worms in 7 months, closely communicating with domestic pets - a cat, a dog. Starting from 8 months, the helminths in the baby can get through the food, as the diet of its nutrition is very diverse and includes vegetables and fruits. Infection with worms of crumbs 8 months can be provoked by his heightened curiosity, when the most secret places are checked by hands, and then these hands are put into the mouth.

In a 9-month-old child, parasites have much more opportunities for their development. Increased desire for independence, the transition from crawling to walking also increases the risk of parasite infestation in a baby 9 months old. At the baby of 10 months worms have an opportunity to settle in connection with expansion of a habitat of the kid. He already plays on the playground, communicating with other children. Infected sand, swings, domestic dogs and cats are the most likely sources of parasites in a 10-month-old baby.

Signs of worms in children up to the year

The presence of helminthic infestation in infants up to a year is difficult to determine even by the most accurate medical diagnosis, but there are symptoms of worms in infants that allow taking timely measures for treating helminths in infants. Among the main symptoms of worms in children under one year can be called:

  • Violation of normal bowel movements, liquid stool.
  • Restless, intermittent sleep babies at any time of the day.
  • Reduced appetite, capriciousness, failure in the body weight set.
  • Integrity disorders of the skin, pallor of the face.

If the baby has helminthes before the year, then the photo shows characteristic dark circles under the eyes. As depicted in the photo, the signs of the worms in the baby manifest a skin allergic reaction. Symptoms of parasites in a 5-month-old baby, in case of defeat with pinworms are redness and inflammation of the area near the anus, increased salivation during night sleep.

Treatment of helminths in children before the year

Having discovered the signs of helminths in infants, it is necessary to start fighting against them, without waiting for the situation to worsen. For this, it is necessary first of all to consult a doctor and, if necessary, further treatment should be carried out under medical supervision. Choose a cure for worms for children under one year must be carefully and with great responsibility. This is due to the fact that at an age when the protective forces of the child's body are only being formed, and most drugs have a number of complications, intoxication is possible.

The most effective medicine for worms for children under one year are those that are offered by a natural pharmacy. The most effective of these folk remedies are raw pumpkin seeds. Effectively expel parasites from the enema with garlic water. Of the drugs most effective Pirantel, which has no side effects, Given the small age of infants, the use of drugs is recommended in the form of a suspension or syrup. But tablets from parasites for children under one year are not recommended at all.

The consequences of infecting parasites infants can be very serious, so it is safer to do health prevention of helminths in children under one year. Moreover, preventive measures are simple and consist in maintaining cleanliness in the room, observing the rules of personal hygiene by all family members and limiting contacts with potential vectors of helminths.

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