The best remedy against ascarids in adults and children, the effective treatment of ascaridosis with enemas and oxygen, what else is used?

Is there a universal tool for ascarids? Answer this question definitely hard. And all because different factors are taken into account when forming the therapy scheme. It is important to know at what stage the invasion is, how old the patient is, what its weight is, how helminthiasis develops on its own or against a background of some chronic disease. In the arsenal of an experienced parasitologist there are several effective means against ascarids. This article is intended to provide a complete overview of the best of them.

Effective means of treatment of ascarids allow quickly and with minimal harmful consequences to get rid of parasites that have settled in the body of an adult or a child. Here are the most basic of them:

  1. Medication.
  2. Treatment of ascaridosis with oxygen.
  3. Use of enemas.
  4. Bioresonance therapy.

What means to use, the doctor alone decides. Often, they all become part of a comprehensive therapy. This occurs when the invasion enters the stage of severe current.

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Medications for ascarids

All medications from askarids are the best solution to the problem. Modern drugs are able in just one day to expel worms from the body of an adult human or child. In pharmacies, you can find many pills against ascarids. The active substances of the drugs act differently on roundworms. Some, for example, block bioenergetic processes occurring in parasite cells, others cause paralysis of the motor apparatus, and others - disrupt the process of assimilation of glucose, the main component of the full-value nutrition of ascarids. There are drugs that depress the reproductive function, reducing the functions of the worm attachment device. The choice of medications is carried out after determining the severity of the invasion. So, for example, if the migration stage is diagnosed, it is appropriate to receive Vermox. Dekaris and Pirantel are considered effective in the intestinal phase.

How is ascariasis treated with oxygen?

Since almost all medicines from askarids are highly toxic, they have an extended list of contraindications. What to do to those who can not take tablets? Such patients can be prescribed therapy with oxygen. It is most often used in the treatment of ascarids in young children. The essence of the procedure is as follows: on the eve of the evening a small rubber catheter is inserted through the nose. On the day of the procedure, oxygen is supplied through the stomach in a strictly proportioned way through it. The gas immediately kills worms, dead individuals are excreted with laxatives and cleansing enemas. A dual Richardson balloon helps to dose the gas supply. This is a reservoir, which is an intermediate link between the oxygen pillow and the rubber probe. The gas dose is calculated by the formula. Starting from the year, the child is introduced one hundred milliliters of gas. Each subsequent year is added another hundred milliliters. That is, a two-year-old baby will be injected into the stomach with 200 ml, a three-year 300 ml, and so on. Gas is introduced very slowly, one session takes twenty-thirty minutes. After the procedure, you need to lie down for an hour and only then get up and go back to your usual business.

Taking laxatives with this therapy is mandatory not only because you need to remove dead ascaris faster, but also because almost always after such therapy, the child and an adult have constipation.

The method also has its own contraindications. This method can not be used if the patient has ulcers or erosions of the stomach, inflammatory processes that occur in the abdominal cavity. In other cases, this technique demonstrates high efficiency.

Clears from Ascaris

The use of enemas in ascaridosis is justified in the case of complex therapy paired with drug therapy. They help in the shortest possible time to remove from the body of an adult human or child already dead worms. But they can be useful not only this. Any medicine, even the best, is not capable of killing 100% of the worms. The tenth part, as practice shows, safely undergoes a medical attack and remains viable. And here the enemas are simply irreplaceable. The easiest way to "finish off" roundworms, make an enema from garlic broth. It is prepared as follows: one head is ground, 200 ml of boiling water is poured. The product is placed on the fire and cooked until softened spicy vegetable. After that, the broth is filtered and cooled. The procedure is carried out at night. The therapy lasts a week. The recipe allows you to prepare a dose for adult patients, for children the amount of injected fluid is reduced by half.

Bioresonance therapy as a remedy for ascariasis

To kill ascaris in the intestine is not difficult. To do this, you can use all of the tools listed above. And what to do, when you need to kill a worm stuck in the brain or in the eyes? To help in such situations comes bioresonance therapy. What is its essence?

Bioresonance therapy is a new tool in the fight against ascariasis. It is based on the therapeutic effects of oscillations generated by the electromagnetic field. They affect the cellular level. Every living organism has its own frequency of oscillation waves( in ascarids in particular), its violation leads to the formation of pathological conditions, which is why the parasites die. The use of this method is justified when patients do not tolerate prescribed medications, when infestations occur against a background of severe chronic diseases, when helminthiosis is accompanied by extensive allergic manifestations. Effective bioresonance therapy and as a preventive against ascariasis.

From all of the above it becomes clear that the best, universal remedy for ascariasis does not exist, but in the arsenal of modern parasitologists there are powerful tools that can cope with any invasion.

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