Intestinal gastroenteritis - acute infection

Intestinal gastroenteritis can be called the most common disease in the world, which affects all age groups. It is caused by various infectious agents, viruses and bacteria, the infection of which occurs in an alimentary way, i.e.when ingested. The acute form of these diseases is manifested by intestinal symptoms, fever and possible dehydration. The most severe pathology occurs among the elderly and in the children's age group.

This form of gastroenteritis in the people is called intestinal flu, although it is not related to the classical virus variety of influenza. For the most part, this pathology is associated with food poisoning, which is due to eating poorly roasted meat and fish, products sold on the street from trays, as well as some types of exotic fruits. Tap water or bathing in dirty creepers also often cause infection with these infections.

How do they get infected with intestinal gastroenteritis?

Pathological bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella usually enter the body with unwashed, poorly prepared or poor-quality products. Also, the patient can bring them in when eating food with dirty hands. As a result, an intoxication occurs in the digestive organs, which disrupts the synthesis of digestive enzymes. The deterioration of metabolic processes and digestion and leads to the development of the patient's intestinal infection of gastroenteritis.

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The first week of illness is considered the most dangerous. The next 3-4 weeks, the probability for the surrounding patient to become infected with an acute form of intestinal gastroenteritis begins to decrease. But there are cases, although rarely enough, when the viruses from the body that has recovered are released after 2-3 months after recovery.

Symptoms of intestinal infection - gastroenteritis

No specific symptoms of the disease for several days( usually 2-3) in humans are not observed, since the virus that infects it is in the incubation period. Further, the first signs begin to show, indicating that the patient develops this disease. In acute infection, severe diarrhea and vomiting occur in the patient against a background of high body temperature, which are accompanied by epigastric pain.

In addition, intestinal gastroenteritis causes symptoms of general intoxication - pale skin, cold sticky sweat weakness and severe malaise. The condition is able to normalize after a few days, but the transition of the disease into a chronic form is also possible, therefore, it is impossible to start pathology with a mild treatment.

Methods for treating intestinal gastroenteritis

There is no specific method for treating this pathology of digestive organs. The main ones are those aimed at normalizing the water-salt metabolism disturbed during vomiting and diarrhea and reducing intoxication. All treatment for this disease implies the achievement of the following results:

  • Restoration of cardiovascular and urinary systems;
  • Reduction of toxicity;
  • Prevention of dehydration;
  • Creating conditions to prevent the re-development of infection.

In order to achieve these results in the treatment of intestinal gastroenteritis, adult patients are primarily prescribed rehydration therapy, which is aimed at stopping repeated vomiting and diarrhea, and children with these symptoms are immediately hospitalized, as the disease is more severe and often causes death from- dehydration of the body. After the acute phase has passed, all patients are prescribed drugs to restore the microflora of the digestive organs.

Also, when intestinal gastroenteritis is recommended to follow a strict diet, which excludes the use of all products that irritate the mucous( acidic, fried, salty, smoked).In the early days of the disease, it is necessary to consume a large amount of liquid, mainly saline solutions. Do this in a fractional way, often and gradually.

Prognosis and prevention of acute intestinal gastroenteritis

The outcomes of this disease depend on the adequacy of treatment and can be either favorable, leading to complete recovery, and unfavorable, in which a chronic form of pathology is formed. The most terrible consequences occur in small patients, in whom intestinal gastroenteritis causes the formation of pathologies of the digestive tract. To avoid all this, you should not forget about the necessary preventive measures:

  • Observe the storage of perishable products;
  • Preparing food to apply a thorough thermal treatment;
  • All vegetables and fruits before washing wash;
  • Do not drink raw tap water.

Compliance with all these rules, as well as personal hygiene will avoid gastroenteritis and other viral diseases of the digestive organs.

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