Drops in the nose with genyantritis

In acute or chronic sinusitis, a variety of different medications are used to help relieve symptoms and suppress the inflammatory process. Drops in the nose with genyantritis - one of the main aspects of therapy, depending on the composition, they can be different in effect and suitable for different cases of the disease.

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Depending on the composition of different dropsdifferently affect the disease. The choice of the drug depends on the origin of the sinusitis, the number of secretions and the severity of the flow as a whole. Vasoconstrictors help to facilitate breathing and improve the discharge of discharge from the nose, antibacterial drops help to destroy the infection and accelerate recovery, antihistamines help with allergy manifestations.

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In complex drops in the nose with genyantritis usually involves several components at once. They simultaneously act on the infection and facilitate breathing. The most common variant of a complex drug is a combination of vasoconstrictor components, antihistamine and antiviral agents. This drug has a complex effect in the disease of the nose, it should be used strictly according to the doctor's instructions.

The price of drops in the nose for sinusitis is usually between 50 and 300 rubles, depending on the remedy. It is worth remembering that often inexpensive drugs are in no way inferior to their expensive counterparts.

Important! Before using drops in the nose with sinusitis, consult your doctor.

How to properly instill drops in the nose

It is important not only to choose the right drug, it is important to know how to properly instill drops. With the wrong instillation effect from their use will be almost invisible, so it is important to do it right.

First of all, it is necessary to instill the preparations clearly according to the instructions. In some cases, the attending physician may change the dosage or increase the number of doses, but do not change them yourself. It is also worth noting that if you use some drugs more often, they will become physiologically addicted and start breathing freely without drops after the end of the disease will be quite difficult.

Drops from sinusitis and sinusitis, other types of cold are advised to instill after washing the nose with water-salt solution, when the sinuses and nasal passages are maximally open. To drip follows, slightly having thrown back a head back, however strongly to throw back it is not necessary, that the preparation has reached the necessary place.

If the medicine is produced in the form of a spray, it is best to keep the bottle and head on the right. Do not blow your nose immediately after applying the medication. In some cases, the doctor appoints several drugs of different actions. In this case, first, vasoconstrictive drops are instilled, then antibacterial or antihistaminic, depending on the indications.


This type of drug for the treatment of sinusitis and other types of cold is used to facilitate breathing. Often they are used before the application of medical drops. The duration of taking such drugs is not more than a week, then the addictive effect arises.

This kind of drops from the common cold should not be used in children under six years of age, pregnant and lactating women, with atrophic rhinitis. In other cases, vasoconstrictor drugs can be used according to the instructions to the drug. The most common means of this category include: Nazivin, Nazol and their analogues.

Important! It is worth remembering that vasoconstrictive drugs do not have a therapeutic effect and do not help to cope with the causes of sinusitis.


Drops with mucolytic, conducive to liquefaction of discharge and their rapid withdrawal, the effect is widely used in the treatment of sinusitis. Often, with this disease, mucus withdrawal is difficult due to its density, the drugs of this group help make it liquefied.

Nasal drops that promote the early release of secretions from the nasal sinuses are usually based on natural ingredients. Extracts of plants irritate receptors and provoke more mucus secretion, which contributes to the release of the infection and the removal of pronounced edema. The most popular and effective drugs of this group are:

  1. Sinuforte. This medicine belongs to the group of drops from the sinusitis with cyclamen, more precisely the juice of the tubers of this medicinal plant. The effect of the use of this medication occurs already within the first 24 hours from the beginning of the admission. However, it should be noted that with constant long-term admission, this remedy can provoke increased salivation and other side effects.
  2. Rinoflumacil. This drug is available in the form of a spray and has a complex effect. It helps to thin the discharge from the nose and remove swelling. Use this tool with more caution.

Drugs of this category are often called the most effective means for sinusitis. Unlike vasoconstrictive drugs, they help to facilitate breathing due to the discharge of secretions.

Nasal drops with antibiotic

Antibiotic drugs are prescribed in the presence of bacterial infection, in the case of viral damage, these drugs will not help. Therefore, before starting the use of antibiotics, it is necessary to undergo an examination with an otolaryngologist. Most often in the treatment of sinusitis, the following drugs are used:

  • Isophra;
  • Polydex;
  • Bioparox.

These drugs are hard to call analogs. Usually they are used for different bacterial lesions, so it is advised to consult with a specialist before choosing a particular drug.

Usually, these drugs are used simultaneously with mucolytic drugs or vasoconstrictive drops, since antibiotics act on the cause of the inflammatory process, but do not remove pain, swelling, or breathing.

If the nature of sinusitis is not bacterial, but there is a need for destruction of microorganisms that adversely affect the course of the disease, antiseptic drops can be used. They include Miramistin, Octenisept and others.

Combined drugs

Means exist that combine several properties simultaneously. For example, antibacterial and vasoconstrictive effects, antihistamine and vasoconstrictive and so on. Some experts note that there is no special need for using such tools. Substances in their composition do not enhance each other's action, so they can be taken separately without special restrictions.

To decide which drops are better, you need to determine the cause of the disease and consult with your doctor. Do not prescribe yourself a medicine yourself. Different groups of drops in the nose with sinusitis are used for different purposes.

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