Pancreatitis is an inflammation that occurs in the pancreas, which can significantly harm the functioning of the body as a whole. This disease from the acute often goes into a chronic form, you must follow a strict diet so that the exacerbations are not disturbed. Often patients, especially in the summer, are interested in whether or not a watermelon is possible with pancreatitis.
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Watermelon is extremely usefulberry in general, but in various dietary recommendations for people with pancreatitis, you can read that berries are not advised to eat with this disease. Is this true for the situation with watermelon?
Important! Learn about the symptoms and treatment of jet pancreatitis.
Is it possible to watermelon during an exacerbation?
With active inflammation in the pancreas it is required to practically starve, completely contraindicating fresh berries, fruits and vegetables. Often, the patient is only allowed to drink water, while always being in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. This stage lasts several days, after which, with proper treatment, the patient is recovering, the symptoms are weakening.
Important! Symptoms of pancreatitis in women, read in our article.
After an acute stage, the process of recovery after a relapse of the disease takes place for a while. It still requires an extremely strict diet, but by the end of this period, it is possible to eat some fresh berries and fruits.
Important! Read more about pancreatitis in men here.
The use of watermelon is allowed at the very end of the recovery period, otherwise the inflammatory process may occur again. The quantity of watermelon should be small, it should be discussed with the attending physician.
Important! If after consumption of the pulp of watermelon the deterioration will be noticeably worse, henceforth during exacerbations it should not be eaten.
Important! Symptoms and treatment of pancreatitis in children are described in detail here.
Can a watermelon in chronic pancreatitis
In chronic pancreatic pancreatitis, which has passed into the stage of remission, with a long absence of exacerbations and a good condition of the digestive system as a whole, you can eat a watermelon.
The main plus of watermelon - its sweetness is provided by fructose, and not forbidden in pancreatitis and cholecystitis, other similar pathologies, glucose. In watermelon, there is almost no carbohydrates, which are harmful to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Important! Read in our article: the first signs and symptoms of pancreatitis.
Therefore, people with inflammatory disease of the pancreas in the remission phase can eat watermelons with almost no restrictions. It can be added to salads, eat in the form of candied fruits without additional addition of sugar. However, the most beneficial fruit in its pure form.
In general, this berry is useful for people with digestive problems for a number of reasons. It almost does not contain calories, so it can be used for light weight days of release. Also, watermelon has an active diuretic effect, its effect is completely natural.
Important! What to do in case of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, can be found here.
This berry contains many useful substances - antioxidants, which help to fight inflammatory processes in the body. They also help to combat age-related changes in the body.
Important! More about chronic pancreatitis, its symptoms and treatment, you can find out in our article.
Watermelon contains a large amount of folic acid, which helps improve digestion, faster processing of protein compounds. The berry contains a lot of magnesium, this mineral is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It helps the proper functioning of the heart, helps to prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Therefore, moderate consumption of watermelon in pancreatitis benefits. If the condition worsens, it should be discarded.
Important! Despite all the benefits of watermelon, people with pancreatitis and complications of this disease are prohibited marinated and canned flesh of the fruit.
Watermelon and Melon
Watermelon can be eaten with restrictions after the acute stage of the disease and during remission. Is it possible for a sick pancreatitis melon? Both fetuses appear on the shelves at about the same time and are considered extremely useful.
Important! Details about the symptoms and treatment of acute pancreatitis can be found here.
Melon in acute pancreatitis
During an exacerbation and during recovery from the use of melon pulp should be refrained. Melon juice activates the secretion of acid in the stomach and the pancreas, with pancreatitis it can exacerbate inflammation and worsen the course of the disease.
Also in this fruit contains a lot of fiber, which can provoke increased gas formation in the stomach. With pancreatic disease, it can aggravate the state of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.
With remission of
In the remission phase, the use of melon is acceptable, but it should be introduced gradually into the diet. You should start with jelly and mousse based melon, if there is no negative reaction, you can eat fresh. It is also useful to add it to salads.
Important! Learn how to treat pancreatitis with medications in our article.
In general, melon is healthy, it contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. They stimulate the normal functioning of the circulatory system, have a positive effect on digestion. Melon can be used as a natural laxative with an easy effect.
Optimal amount of pulp for daily consumption of melon in pancreatitis in remission - up to 400 - 500 grams. There is no longer recommend, you can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. It is necessary to observe the measure with the majority of fruits and berries in this disease.
Important! You can learn about the treatment of pancreatitis at home here.
In general, watermelon and melon are extremely useful products that have a positive effect on the functioning of the body. When inflammation of the pancreas with them you need to be careful, but with moderate use it will be possible to notice improvement in the digestive tract and well-being in general.