Which doctor treats conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eye protein and the finest film, the conjunctiva lining the inner lining of the eyelids and the eyeball. In acute form accompanied by purulent discharge from the eyes, photophobia, reddening of the protein, pain in the eyes, dry mucous or profuse tearing. Most often it passes independently for 3-5 days, while observing the rules of personal hygiene and the simplest treatment of lotions from tea. If there is no improvement during this time, there is a reason for concern and contact with a doctor.

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Which doctor treats conjunctivitis inbabies

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If conjunctivitis is a child, then the first person to whom you need to make an appointment is a pediatrician. In most cases, the treatment prescribed by him is successful and referrals to other specialists are no longer required. Consultation with an ophthalmologist is prescribed infrequently and in especially difficult cases.

Important! In children under 1 year, due to the general immaturity of the organs of vision, inflammation of the conjunctiva happens very often. But every time you have to go to the doctor - you can not do it yourself at this age - by launching the disease you can inflict the strongest damage to your child's vision!

At the age of over 1 year, urgent medical attention is required if:

  • the child has become worse to see;
  • on the upper eyelid formed a vesicle;
  • there was a pain in the eyes and photophobia.

For the treatment of conjunctivitis in children, the doctor will prescribe eye rinsing with antiseptic solutions( usually a solution of furacilin 1: 5000), select eye drops or ointments according to the age of the patient.

Depending on the course of the disease, the pediatrician can refer the patient to tests - sowing from the eye to the microflora with antibiotic sensitivity, eye scraping of epithelial cells on the herpes simplex virus, gonorrhea, cytological examination of the conjunctiva scraping, clinical blood test, antibodies to adenovirus, virusmeasles and tuberculosis. With the results obtained, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist.

Important! More information about adenoviral conjunctivitis can be found here.

If the results of studies reveal allergic conjunctivitis, allergist consultation is required. He can send for tests, to find out the allergen and determine further treatment.

Please note! Allergic conjunctivitis has a distinctive feature - both eyes are inflamed simultaneously, while the viral or bacterial begins with one and only then can go to the second eye. Be sure to tell your doctor how the disease started.

If the treatment of the child was prolonged, the disease was severe or with complications and repeated relapses - a check with the oculist is absolutely necessary. Sometimes the inflammatory process passes to the cornea of ​​the eye and can affect deep structures, which will lead to the formation of a scar( a clouded area) on it. This will be revealed only on examination by a narrow specialist - the pediatrician is simply not able to see it.

Which doctor treats conjunctivitis in an adult

Conjunctivitis occurs in an adult with all the same symptoms as babies, but going to a doctor is not so urgent. The first week you can try to cure the disease yourself, using both folk medicine and antibiotic-based drops or tetracycline ointment. Postpone the visit to the doctor is not possible only in cases when:

  • pain in the eyelid region becomes permanent or paroxysmal, spreads to the forehead and cheek;
  • pain is aggravated by movement of the eyeball or pressing on it;
  • after looking at the burning light bulb for a long time, the vision becomes worse or pain appears - it is a sign of irita - inflammation of the iris of the eyes;
  • there are redness of eyelids, eyeballs or skin around the eyes.

To address better to the ophthalmologist, but if there is no such possibility, then the district therapist may well appoint an adequate treatment. With concomitant conjunctivitis after the transferred infectious diseases or influenza, he also prescribes treatment.

Warning! If the conjunctivitis has begun at the same time as the herpes exacerbation - be sure to tell the doctor about it, it is possible that the herpes virus infected the eye - then you need a more serious treatment.

In some cases, it may be necessary to consult a urologist, gynecologist or an allergist.

Important! Read about conjunctivitis during pregnancy with us.

Consultation with a urologist or gynecologist can be prescribed for suspected gonococcal conjunctivitis( gonorrhea).If confirmed, you may have to go through a survey and your family members. The disease easily spreads in a narrow family circle, especially if close people use one towel or rarely change bed linen. To confirm the diagnosis will have to pass tests - eye scraping of epithelial cells on gonorrhea and a clinical blood test.

Important! How can you cure conjunctivitis at home, you can find out in our article.

Old, that small

With age, the body's immune system weakens, so the risk of inflammatory processes increases. Therefore, women in the menopausal period and men "slightly over 50" suffer a lot of conjunctivitis, which often turns into a chronic form. As in the case of young children without consulting a specialist here is indispensable.

Important! In no case should the disease be allowed to flow into the ground - this can lead to premature blindness. You need to visit an ophthalmologist!

Very often in the elderly, one of the manifestations of conjunctivitis is profuse lacrimation, associated with a disease of ENT organs( hypertrophic and atrophic rhinitis, curvature of the nasal septum, changes in nasal concha), so do not be surprised if you are sent to an otolaryngologist and treated in conjunction withhim.

If on the contrary, the excessive dryness of an eye disturbs, after treatment of conjunctivitis the ophthalmologist necessarily will register "an artificial tear" and vitamin preparations for eyes.

Recommendation: if you have age-long farsightedness, do not neglect wearing correctly chosen eyeglasses, because one of the causes of chronic conjunctivitis is visual defects that are not corrected by glasses.

Conjunctivitis should not be considered a kind of sore "second grade", which does not require special treatment and specialist advice. Be sure to contact the doctor if you are concerned about even the most minor symptoms. Take care of your vision!

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