Treatment of allergy to ragweed folk remedies

When the time for ambrosia blooms, an allergen is released in the form of pollen and spreads through the environment with the help of wind. Getting to the person on a mucous membrane of a nose, an eye, a skin, a mouth, respiratory ways, in a blood antibodies, immunoglobulin E, mast cells are allocated. This all leads to an allergic reaction of the human body. We will tell you how to treat allergy to ragweed folk remedies at home.

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Symptoms of the disease

Pollen entering a human body provokes:

  • coryza;
  • skin itching;
  • redness of the skin;
  • is increased by tearing;
  • there is an unpleasant sensation, a sore throat;
  • there is a cough, wheezing.
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Warning! Seasonal period of ragweed blossom: August - September

Folk methods of allergy treatment


  • take a few bunches of fresh celery, chop on a meat grinder, squeeze. In the juice add honey, mix, cover, insist in a cold place. It is taken orally 3 times a day for 3 tbsp.l.;
  • leaves the nettle to dry. Spoon the nettle leaves with water, boil over low heat for 12 minutes, cool. Take 4-5 times a day in a teaspoon;
  • finely cut pine needles, rose hips. Mix, pour in boiling water, pour 15 minutes over moderate heat, strain through gauze. Gauze folded into three layers. Drink throughout the day;
  • 2 tsp yarrow put in boiling water, hold for 10 minutes. Take - a quarter cup three times a day;
  • take the flowers of marigold, keep in hot water for two hours under the lid. Eat half a glass in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. The broth heals wounds, relieves inflammation, facilitates the condition in allergic attacks;
  • collection of six herbs: mix the leaves of nettle, currant, wild strawberry, yarrow and burdock root in one bowl, pour cold water on a small fire for 10 minutes.and turn it off, drain it. The course of treatment - 2 tbsp.l.each hour. Repeat until the rash on the body decreases;
  • the roots of elecampane boil in water for 15 minutes, drain. To ingest 3 times a day for one tablespoon;
  • leaf alternate in boiling water, cool, strain, use for half an hour before meals. To accelerate the healing of wounds will help take a bath with the addition of broth string.

Warning! If the broth turns have changed color, has become cloudy - you can not use it. Take care that the infusion is always fresh!

Drink from burdock roots

Prepare a drink from the roots of burdock and dandelion leaves, mixing the plants in equal quantities. Pour water at room temperature, leave for 12 hours. After boil on low heat for ten minutes. Use a decoction with the addition of milk and sugar before eating.

Oak bark

Several spoons of oak bark dilute with boiling water, hold in a cool place for an hour, drain. From gauze tissue to make strips, soak in a broth, apply to places affected by allergies.

Leaves peppermint

In half a cup of hot water throw peppermint leaves, wrap for 30 minutes. Infusion to drink a tablespoon in the morning, afternoon, evening.

Clover juice from

Juice from clover will help with tear. Compresses to put on eyes, to hold within 10 minutes.before bedtime;

Red Viburnum

One-year-old shoots of red viburnum finely chopped.1 tbsp.l.on 1 tbsp.boiling water, protrude in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, allow to cool for an hour, drain. Inside use 0.5 st.morning, evening. The course of treatment is three days.

Roots of the bones

In a liter of boiling water, brew 50 g of roots of the rocky stone, boil for 15 minutes. Within two weeks daily take water procedures with the addition of decoction of bones. Take a break for a week, repeat the course of treatment.

Ambrosia against ragweed

When ambrosia has blossomed, cut the plant completely, grind the flowers, roots and stems with a knife. One tablespoon of cooked raw materials diluted in 20 g of cool water, bring to a boil, turn off, leave for 15 minutes. Through a light cloth to strain, drink 1/3 cup three times a day. The course of treatment - 3 - 4 days.

Decoction of duckweed

Decoction of small duckweed helps to cope with various forms of severity of allergies. To do this, take 1 tsp.grass duckweed and insist a week in 50 grams of vodka, strain, squeeze. A few drops dissolve in water and use three times a day for ΒΌ cup. Dry leaves of duckweed are ground into powder with a coffee grinder, add honey, mix, roll balls. The course of treatment is one pellet per day.

Recipe for St. John's wort

Fill half a liter jar with dry St. John's wort leaves, pour vodka to the top. In a dark place for three weeks. Drink 1 the evening and on an empty stomach in the morning.


Three-color violet: popularly called "pansies".Stir the flowers of violets in a liter of boiling water, add when bathing in the bath. It removes itching, irritation of the skin. The same broth wipe the problem areas of the skin.

Ledum: used in making bathing procedures. Strain the plant in boiling water, add to the bath, do compresses and rub the affected areas of the body.

Purity: a tablespoon of celandine brew in two glasses of water, leave for 4 hours. In the morning and in the evening drink no more than 50 grams.

Warning! Purity is not recommended for use in pregnancy, breast-feeding infants, children, people with heart disease.

Helps with a severe form of peony allergy nasopharynx. Take Peony Peel, Dry, Rinse with Powder. Drink half an hour before meals 4 times a day for 2 tablespoons, drinking water.

For children, give 1 tsp, stirring with jam.

Herbal baths: from the itchy itching to prepare a decoction of two teaspoons of crock, celandine, sage, valerian, chamomile, bay with boiling water and insist for half an hour. Strain and add to the bathroom when bathing.

Warning! Preparing decoctions of herbs, carefully study their composition.

Allergy can be cured with natural apple cider vinegar. Spoon the vinegar to stir in boiled( 1 tbsp.), Add honey. Drink on an empty stomach in small sips 15 minutes before eating. This medicine will relieve of choking, allergic rhinitis, headache.

Warning! Apple cider vinegar is contraindicated in people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Herbal preparations for the treatment of allergies

  1. Gathering No. 1: grind the root of calamus( 50 g), mother-and-stepmother( 100 g), root of elecampane( 50 g), citric wormwood( 150 g), ledum( 100 g).Mix, insist in boiling water throughout the day. Drink 2 tablespoons.l.four times a day for half an hour before meals;
  2. Collection number 2: mix pine buds( 60 g), dried yarrow( 60 g), birch fungus( 3 items), wormwood( 5 g), rose hips( 60 g).Pour cold boiled water, leave for three hours, pour into dishes, close the lid, boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Add the juice of aloe( 200 g), honey( 400 g), cognac( 200 g) to the drink. Shake, pour into a clean jar, store in a refrigerator. The first 10 days to drink one tablespoon, take a break and again - 10 days of treatment;Gathering No. 3: Make a mixture of rose hips( 35 g), dandelion( 20 g), centipedes( 20 g), St. John's Wort( 15 g), horsetail( 5 g) put in a thermos, pour boiling water to the top, leave on topnight. Take 1/3 cup a day before meals for half an hour. The course of treatment - 6 months;
  3. Gathering number 4: mix the nettle and the balm in equal proportions, insist in boiling water overnight, drain and drink one glass throughout the day. Infusion can be used as a compress. Relieves inflammation and itching of the skin.

Warning! In case of allergic disease, it is important to cleanse the body.

Before the flowering period of ambrosia, go through a course of treatment with bran. Every morning start with a glass of boiled water and two tablespoons of bran. Before consumption, cut the bran in boiling water, without adding salt, sugar. This method will purify the body, help to avoid an allergic reaction to ragweed pollens. Purge pass several times a year. This will help get rid of allergenic symptoms for good. The course of treatment is 15 days.

After a walk in the street you need to rinse the nasopharynx with boiled water and drink tea with the addition of ginger. Ginger is considered the strongest remedy against allergies. Consumption of activated charcoal daily during flowering races, will remove accumulated pollen and slags from the body, reduce acute allergenic seizures.

Home anti-allergy oil

If the treatment is difficult, melt the beeswax, the interior fat( mutton, goose, chicken, pork, duck), vegetable or butter. Warm base mixed with a part of the tar and chopped finely soap to a homogeneous mass. The dishes for storing the ointment are hermetically sealed, stored in the refrigerator. Two weeks to smear problematic parts of the skin.

Collection for the relief of the common cold: mixed in the same lobes horsetail, string, balm, chamomile, sage. Soak in hot water, insist, cool for half an hour. Drink like tea. Remove the runny nose with allergies will help propolis solution. Bury their nose twice a day. From chamomile broths, marigolds make inhalation.

Effective for the disease drug mummy. One gram of substance to dissolve in boiled water, take 4 times a day for 50 ml. The swelling of the eyes will remove the compresses from the gruel of cucumbers, raw potatoes, diluted in a small amount of cool water.

Home prophylaxis of ragweed allergy

When ragweed starts to bloom, close the windows in the morning and afternoon. In the evening, you can ventilate. The nose should be rinsed with water with the addition of anti-allergy agents. Before going to bed take a shower. It is desirable to wash your head every day. Such procedures will wash the pollen that has settled on the body and hair. Try not to be nervous, lead a quiet lifestyle, sleep well, so that the body does not succumb to fatigue.

If the house has pets, they need to bathe every day. On the windows, put a special network of pollen. If there is no network, just hang a wet sheet. She will not let the pollen enter the room. Use an air cleaner or air conditioner.

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