Viral conjunctivitis - symptoms and treatment

Viral conjunctivitis appears in the event that conjunctival inflammation - an external mucosa that covers the inside of the eyelid and sclera.

In most cases, it occurs due to the fact that a person has had an infectious disease of the upper respiratory system - adenovirus or herpetic virus.

In addition, conjunctivitis can accompany a cold, throat disease. It is very important to pay attention to the fact that viral conjunctivitis is contagious.

Causes of

Viral conjunctivitis often occurs when the body's immune system weakens. The causes of this form of eye disease are enterovirus, coxaviral and adenoviral infections. But in most cases, the conjunctival lesion occurs when infection with adenoviruses.

When common viral infections( measles, mumps, rubella, flu) are also often viral conjunctivitis.

As transmitted by

Viral conjunctivitis provokes a variety of viral infections, the bulk of which falls on adenoviruses. In most cases, the disease causes hospital infections, which spread by airborne or by contact.

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Viral conjunctivitis is transmitted by contact with an infected nasal discharge or tears of a sick person. Symptoms usually make themselves felt a week after infection, covering gradually an increasing area of ​​the eye.

Signs of

After an incubation period of 5-12 days in adults, the corresponding signs of the disease begin to appear:

  • reddening of the eye mucosa;
  • puffiness of the eyelids;
  • thread, burning, pain in the eyes( do not always occur with the virus form of the disease);
  • appearance of mucopurulent discharge from the eyes;
  • coalescence of the eyelids in the morning;
  • lacrimation.

Symptoms of viral conjunctivitis

In the event that viral conjunctivitis( regardless of type) is at the initial stage of development, then it will show such characteristic symptoms as redness of the affected eye, first one eye suffers, and then the second.

Symptoms of viral conjunctivitis in adults include the patient's complaints about a feeling of rubbing or itching in the eyes. Patients with symptomatic conjunctivitis often suffer from increased visual fatigue and photophobia.

In severe form of conjunctivitis, the signs of the disease are abundant purulent discharge from the eyes. With more mild forms of conjunctivitis in children against the background of colds, a limited manifestation of inflammatory signs is possible: lacrimation from the eyes and reddening of the conjunctiva. In this case, you need to first decide the question - how to cure a cold.


Diagnosis of viral conjunctivitis is usually established clinically;for the sowing special tissue cultures are needed. Secondary bacterial infection is rare.

However, if the symptoms correspond to bacterial conjunctivitis( for example, there is a purulent discharge), then eye smears should be examined microscopically and crops are planted onto the bacterial flora. How to treat viral conjunctivitis will depend on the results of the examination.

Treatment with folk remedies

With the help of folk methods, unpleasant sensations can be alleviated, however, this can not replace the basic treatment performed with viral conjunctivitis.

  1. In freshly squeezed dill juice dipped a clean cotton cloth and for a quarter of an hour kept on sick eyes;
  2. With respect to 1: 2, boiled honey is diluted with honey and applied as eye drops from conjunctivitis
  3. . Rosehip berries( 2 tsp) are insisted in a glass of boiling water, filter and also make lotions;
  4. Infusion of celandine mixed with a single spoon of honey and used as lotions.

Do not forget that the disease can threaten keratitis, that is, loss of vision. Therefore, it is very important to take preventive measures for the disease, and if it does occur, take timely measures for treatment.

How to treat viral conjunctivitis

In order to relieve the patient's condition and to remove the main symptoms of the disease, the doctor after the examination of a person and establishing an accurate diagnosis, can assign the use of drops of artificial tears, as well as simple warm compresses.

In the case of viral conjunctivitis, treatment will directly depend on the type of pathogen.

  1. Viral conjunctivitis requires the appointment of antiviral drops, interferon and antiviral ointments. Of particular importance is the restoration of the patient's immune status, since the conjunctival viral lesion is usually associated with a weakening of the defenses of the body. A specific antiviral drug for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis is eye drops "Ophthalmoferon" containing a recombinant interferon type alpha 2. When a secondary bacterial infection is attached, drops containing antibiotics are prescribed. Multivitamins with microelements in combination with herbal immunity stimulants will only benefit and accelerate recovery.
  2. For pneumococcal conjunctivitis , treatment in adults consists of repeated daily eye washing with various antiseptic solutions. Simultaneously, local antibiotic therapy is administered in a convenient form in the form of drops for the eyes. Under the eyelid for the night, a patient with pneumococcal conjunctivitis is given ointment based on Erythromycin or Tetracycline.
  3. During the disease epidemic conjunctivitis to the doctor is not necessary to apply, because the form of the disease is not heavy. It is worthwhile to wash the sick eye with a weak solution of manganese potassium or a 2% solution of boric acid. At night on the lower eyelid, you need to apply antiseptic ointment to destroy the virus, and in the daytime take sulfanilamide inside for three days. It is also worth noting that people who often contact an infected person should, for prophylaxis, bury their eyes with a 30% albucid solution for three days.

Timely treatment begun basically ends successfully and takes a little time. If conjunctivitis is neglected, then it can develop into a chronic form - more unpleasant and worse to treat. Regardless of the nature of conjunctivitis, whether it is a viral, bacterial or allergic disease, adult treatment is directed at eliminating the cause.

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