Neurosis of the heart: symptoms and treatment

Some people, when referring to a cardiologist because of pain in the heart area, do not reveal any cardiovascular diseases and disorders, as happens quite often in our time. In this case, the pains indicate a neurosis of the heart, not associated with diseases of the circulatory system, the symptoms and treatment of which should be considered in more detail.

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Cardiovascular neuroses rathercan be attributed to diseases of the nervous system, although the pain arises from the heart. Neurosis of the heart causes a whole complex of vegetative symptoms, which can really frighten the patient. Over time, without appropriate therapy, the symptoms begin to increase, the more neglected the disease, the harder it is to get rid of its consequences.

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Causes of neurosis

Another name for this disease is cardiophobia syndrome, cardiac neurosis of fear, this name indicates the psychological and neurological nature of the disorder. Indeed, extremely often neurosis leads to a constant anxiety, which increases with the course of the disease.

The main cause of the disease is persistent stress, physical and emotional exhaustion. The development and intensity of symptoms are affected by malnutrition, harmful lifestyles, lack of healthy sleep and rest, an unbalanced daily routine, an inhibited immune system.

To the neurosis of the heart are particularly inclined anxious people, with a lot of phobias, constantly working literally to wear, taking everything close enough to heart, acutely perceiving. Also one of the factors that approximate the development of this disease is called congenital weakness of the nervous system and cardiac muscle.

Important! With this disease, you should immediately consult a neurologist.

Is heart neurosis deadly?

If you find this disease, do not panic, in fact, you can breathe a sigh of relief. With an unsettled disorder, in fact, there are no pathological changes in the functioning of the cardiac muscle and blood vessels, a person practically does not threaten anything.

However, with the onset of the disease, some symptoms become permanent, they can provoke the development of real cardiac and neurological pathologies. More serious heart diseases can significantly affect the functioning of the body and health.

Despite the fact that heart by itself neurotic is not fatal and not dangerous, without proper therapy it can lead to the development of more serious pathologies capable of much more affecting the condition of a person.

How the heart aches with a neurosis

Pain in the heart is the first and the main sign, which draws the attention of the patient, and immediately begins to think about the cardiovascular pathology. The pain usually arises in the region of the heart, it can be blunt or stitching, sometimes it gives to the left arm, to the area under the scapula.

It should be noted that such pains in the region of the heart muscle rarely arise in pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Most painful sensations are given to other organs. Pain syndrome with heart neurosis increases during excitement, if a person for a long time does not experience stress, it can generally go away for a while.

In addition to pain, with neurosis of the heart muscle, the following symptoms occur, which must be noted:

  1. Heart rhythm disturbances, they include tachycardia and arrhythmia. This symptom arises during excitement and strong emotional experiences, after physical exertion. There may be a rapid heartbeat, it may be confused.
  2. Chills, shortness of breath, a feeling of heat, a feeling of acute ailment. The acuity of such symptoms grows together with the painful sensations in the cardiac region.
  3. Pale skin, a feeling of physical weakness throughout the body. A patient with a neurosis of the heart can experience constant drowsiness, but at the same time suffer from sleep disorders.

If neurosis of the heart muscle is accompanied by a lowered immunity, a person begins to ache extremely often with colds, constantly feels weak and is depressed.

Panic attack and neurosis of the heart

When a neurosis is triggered, panic attacks may occur, all symptoms become aggravated, accompanied by a serious unreasonable sense of fear, panic. In this case, it is not necessary panic attack occurs after negative experiences, it can overtake at any time.

If you have a panic attack, you may need the help of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, if you start this condition, you may develop a serious anxiety disorder. In this case, you need a long treatment with a neurologist and a psychotherapist.

These two conditions often occur together and affect the development of each other, most often they occur in anxious people who are subject to constant stress and emotional overstrain.

Important! To clarify the diagnosis, you need to undergo a complete diagnosis, which can include various tests, ECG, MRI or CT.

How to treat heart neurosis

To cure a neurosis of the heart, first of all the efforts of the patient itself are important, various drugs recede into the background. This disease leads to a lifestyle, so to completely get rid of the disease, it is important to change it.

First of all, it is recommended to restore the normal daily routine. Sleep is required at least eight hours each day, the regime of work and rest should be balanced. It is also required to switch to a healthy diet, spend more time outdoors.

It is important to start fighting against stress and its consequences. This may require consultation and work with a psychotherapist, if the alarm is strong enough, it can not be managed independently. The following tools are also used to combat the symptoms of cardiac neurosis:

  1. Tranquilizers and sedatives with mild effects, include Grandaxin and its analogues.
  2. Vitamins at their lack, various vitamin-mineral complexes for support of protective forces of an organism and work of cardiovascular system.
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures. A person with this disorder may be prescribed electrophoresis, coniferous baths, electrosleep.

The patient can also be trained in respiratory gymnastics, which helps to alleviate anxiety attacks. With a combination of different means, you can achieve the best result.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies in the fight against this disease are not so effective. However, you can use a variety of herbal infusions and decoctions as sedatives that help calm down. Use sage, chamomile, lemon balm, mint. For one glass of hot water take a spoonful of dried grass, you can add milk to the drink.

To improve the functioning of the nervous system and blood vessels, it is possible to add more dried fruits, dried apricots, prunes, walnuts to the diet. They can be crushed with a blender or meat grinder and take on a tablespoon every day in the morning and in the evening.

With complex balanced therapy, relief will come soon enough. Treatment of neurosis of the heart can be quite long, but with the right approach to exacerbations it will be forgotten.

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