Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels - symptoms and treatment

Atherosclerosis is a dangerous disease that affects the blood vessels of the brain. With it, foci of cholesterol deposits form on the inner membrane of the arteries, they cause narrowing of the lumen of the vessels up to complete blockage.

With a slowly increasing blockage, the symptoms of cerebral artery atherosclerosis determine the degree of inadequate blood supply to the brain. With rapid blockage of the lumen of the arteries with a thrombus or the contents of the disintegrated cholesterol plaque, foci of necrosis of the brain are formed.

The problem of atherosclerosis is that the early period of the disease is almost not felt, even the stenosis of the vessels by 2/3 does not give a vivid picture of the disease, but only provokes a slight dizziness and tinnitus, which the person writes off for stress or overwork.

In this article we will talk about the causes of cerebral arteriosclerosis, symptoms and topical methods of treatment. In addition, consider the diet aspects for lowering blood cholesterol levels.

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Causes of Atherosclerosis

Why arteriosclerosis of cerebral vessels arises, and what is it? At an early stage of the pathological process associated with the violation of lipid metabolism, cholesterol begins to accumulate on the surface of the previously damaged vascular wall. Gradually, calcium salts and filaments of unformed connective tissue are deposited on this cluster, so that the surface of the atherosclerotic plaque begins to acquire an irregular convex shape.

Narrowing the lumen of the vessel, the cholesterol build-up hinders the passage of blood and creates the prerequisites for the appearance of turbulent eddies of the blood stream. This leads to the destruction of platelets and leukocytes, as well as the gradual formation of a thrombus. Under unfavorable conditions for the body, it is able to come off and clog the cerebral artery. At the same time, a severed impairment of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain and lead to obliteration can be torn off the cholesterol plaque.

Simply put, atherosclerosis develops due to a violation in the body of fat metabolism. As a result of this, from "bad cholesterol" on the intima of the vessels, atherosclerotic plaques are formed.

Also the reasons that contribute to the onset of are:

  • sedentary lifestyle( hypodynamia);
  • disturbance of metabolic processes;
  • genetic factor( heredity);
  • presence of endocrine diseases;
  • bad habits( smoking, alcohol);
  • malnutrition( predominance in the diet of fats and cholesterol).

However, the main cause of cerebral artery atherosclerosis is the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the vessels and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. It is known that the morphological development of the disease is divided into several stages, of which we will write just below.

Symptoms of

Certain signs of cerebral artery atherosclerosis include such a symptomatic picture:

  • Insomnia, nightmares at night, difficult recovery and problems with repeated falling asleep;
  • Loss of half body sensitivity;
  • Strong, often recurring headaches;
  • Change gait, steps are uncertain and shaky;
  • Change in speech, sight, tinnitus;
  • Irritation, depression, tearfulness and a sense of anxiety;Hot flashes and sweating of the face;
  • Fatigue, weakness and absent-mindedness;
  • Trembling of the chin and limbs;
  • Memory problems;
  • Face asymmetry.

The above signs are not a diagnosis yet. To confirm or refute atherosclerosis, you need to contact a neurologist, or at least check your cholesterol level by passing the appropriate analysis.

Symptoms of cerebral atherosclerosis

In the case of development of cerebral artery atherosclerosis, the initial symptoms are the pains of the entire surface of the head, which at first appear sometimes, and then intensifies and duration.

There are changes in the process of falling asleep and sleep: insomnia, restless sleep, nightmarish dreams, drowsiness during the day. Patients report permanent fatigue, decreased efficiency. Character and habits change: constant mood swings, irritability, tearfulness, dissatisfaction with life and all others are possible. Sometimes there is a lack of coordination and slowing of some movements.

Many people have atrophic symptoms of atherosclerosis differently, in addition, this disease can be attributed to double dangerous for the reason that it is difficult to detect. And it's not a laborious and complicated diagnosis, but the fact that most people prefer not to pay any attention to the symptoms of the disease, most often they are written off for a simple headache, fatigue and migraines.

Stages of

Based on the course and progression of the above symptoms of atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels, several stages are distinguished:

  1. The initial stage of .Has no severe symptoms, but still a person who monitors his health will notice changes such as fatigue after minor physical exertion, dizziness, intermittent headache, decreased memory and performance. Such symptoms often appear in the afternoon, but after rest or sleep pass on their own.
  2. Progression stage of .At this stage, a person tends to overestimate his strength and ability, in his failures to blame others. There is an increase in the symptoms of the first stage. They are joined by anxiety, depression, suspiciousness. From time to time, dizziness, unsteadiness of the gait, trembling of the fingers or the head, indistinctness of speech or choking during eating are noted.
  3. Decompensation stage .Severe stage of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, which is characterized by loss of memory, ability to think and serve themselves. At this stage, often there are paralysis, strokes. Need for extraneous care.

Cerebral atherosclerosis can lead to chronic impairment of cerebral circulation and the development of discirculatory encephalopathy, as well as underlying transient cerebral circulation( transient ischemic attack) and strokes.

Diagnosis of

Currently, ultrasound is used to determine the course of the disease:

  1. Angiography of cerebral vessels - this method is additional, even with a confirmed diagnosis, when the condition of the wall seal is assessed by inserting a special substance into the blood vessel.
  2. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound or ultrasound of intracranial cerebral vessels.
  3. Duplex scanning or ultrasonography of extracranial vessels.

These methods are safe and in conjunction with the basic laboratory tests( OAB, OAM, biochemical blood test), which allow you to calculate the cholesterol level, give complete information about the patient's condition.


The most effective means of preventing atherosclerosis of the brain are diet, rejection of bad habits and active lifestyle. People prone to this disease will be useful to exclude products containing cholesterol, replace animal fats with vegetable, include in the diet of dairy products, lean meat, vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to limit the consumption of salty, fatty, fried and fried foods.

The diet will be useful to include products such as sea kale, legumes, cauliflower, nuts and raisins, eggplant, quince, grapefruit, ripe cherries and watermelons.

Treatment of cerebrovascular atherosclerosis

The scheme of treatment of atherosclerosis is a long-term, and more often, a lifelong process. In this regard, the goals of therapy are:

  • reduction of ischemic manifestations;
  • recovery of part of cells and their functions;
  • preventing severe consequences of stroke;
  • changes fat metabolism for the output of "bad" cholesterol.

The neurologist deals with these tasks, his job is to identify people with similar problems, assess the severity of the disease and perform conservative therapy. First of all, it is designed to improve the blood supply to the brain, to prevent the prevention of arterial thrombosis.

Medical treatment

Modern methods of drug treatment are aimed at eliminating the consequences of cerebrovascular atherosclerosis and restoring the normal functionality of blood vessels and arteries. For this purpose,

  1. Statins ( lipipine, atoris, zocor, mertinil and others) are prescribed: they lower the blood cholesterol level to normal and help atherosclerotic plaque stabilize and not increase in size.
  2. Fibrates of ( fenofibrate) - lower the level of triglycerides. Accept courses, control treatment after 1-2 months of continuous admission.
  3. Nicotinic acid , as well as its derivatives - these drugs can sometimes be used to treat atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.
  4. Bile acid sequestrants ( cholestide) are ion exchange resins, they can bind fatty acids in the intestines and not allow them to be absorbed.
  5. Ezetemib - prevents active absorption of cholesterol in the intestine.
  6. Hypotensive drugs - pills that lower blood pressure. They must be taken daily.
  7. Antiaggregants ( thrombotic ass, cardiomagnesium) are drugs that help to thin the blood, which helps reduce the risk of blood clots.
  8. Vitamins of group B, vitamin C, vitamin A - have a general strengthening effect and are referred to as auxiliary therapy.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate drugs. Reception of medicines will be long enough, and in some cases they will have to be taken for life. Therefore, before taking medication, you should carefully read the instructions and possible side effects.

Surgical intervention

If surgical treatment is ineffective, surgical intervention is possible. The indication is an ultrasound examination, during which 70% narrowing of the lumen of the cerebral artery was revealed. It is necessary to consult a surgeon who will choose the type of operation.

Carotid endarterectomy is most often used, in which the wall of the affected vessel is dissected, the thrombus is removed, the artery is restored by suturing. Also, more recently, a new type of surgery - angioplasty. In the artery, a catheter is inserted, which dilates the vessel, thereby restoring blood flow and pushing the cholesterol plaque.

Stenting can be used in some cases. For this, a wire frame is installed in the vessel, which spreads the artery and keeps its shape.


The success and effectiveness of the treatment of atherosclerosis directly depend on compliance with the diet. Most often, people with overweight are exposed to this disease. To avoid complications of the course of the disease and accelerate recovery, you need a diet to make a dietary lifestyle.

The products with high in cholesterol should be excluded from the diet:

  • Fatty meat and fish;
  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Chocolate, cakes, buns, cocoa;
  • Fatty, rich soups and broths;
  • Liver, brain, kidney;
  • All kinds of fat and animal fat;
  • Sharp, salty foods;
  • Coffee, strong black tea.

Instead of animal fats, you can use liquid fats of vegetable origin. Especially useful are oils containing polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega group: Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9.They are rich in linseed and olive oil. Despite the high caloric content, these products contribute to the purification and strengthening of blood vessels, return them elasticity, normalize metabolic processes.

We adhere to the

regime. A patient of any age needs charging, feasible physical exercises. Useful long walks, swimming, classes in the group "Health".It is not recommended to engage in power training. On the stationary bike it is necessary to establish a gentle mode.

The patient needs positive emotions. They will allow to get rid of negative consequences of life stresses. In the family circle, the duties and advice of an elderly person should be provided. His knowledge and experience should be evaluated by relatives.


It should be understood that cerebral atherosclerosis is classified as a chronic disease, so treatment is often lifelong. Depending on how timely the diagnosis was performed and treatment started, the forecast will also depend.

In the practice of neurologists, extensive forms of cerebrovascular atherosclerosis are known, which nevertheless allowed people not only to live a long time, but also to remain efficient. However, cases when the first clinical manifestation of this disease ends with a stroke and a lethal outcome for a person are not uncommon.

Therefore, doctors play such an important role in the timely diagnosis of the disease and its qualified treatment.

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