Swine flu: the symptoms

Swine influenza is an infectious disease that spreads from pigs to humans. The causative agent is virus A( H1N1), which has a 6th class of danger, provokes the epidemic. The swine flu is very difficult - the symptoms appear in an acute form and sharply. Disease can cause the development of many serious comorbidities or death. It is necessary to know and observe the prevention rules to avoid infection.

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Swine flu - symptoms in people

Swine flu is a very contagious disease that is oftencauses epidemics in cities, and pandemics in countries. The virus is transmitted by airborne and by household means - it retains its activity in the environment for 2 hours.

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Important! The main source of infection is sick and infected pigs and humans. A person becomes dangerous the day before the appearance of the first signs of the disease, it can be infected even within a week after recovery.

The risk group includes preschool children, pregnant women, and elderly people over 65 years of age. Often diagnosed with swine flu in adults and children who have a history of oncological and heart disease, serious lung and liver pathologies, diabetes, HIV.

The incubation period of swine flu is 2-4 days, sometimes a week. It is impossible to distinguish the usual flu from the swine alone, both diseases have similar symptoms - an accurate diagnosis can be established only after clinical studies.

At the initial stage of the person, severe headaches are painful, eyes are sore and teary, a bright light intensifies the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

The main symptoms:

  • rise in temperature to 39 degrees, it lasts 3-4 days;
  • aches, pain in the muscles, excessive sweating or severe chills;
  • nausea, vomiting, stool disorder;
  • is a bad cold;
  • Perspiration in the throat, dry, barking cough.

The disease occurs against a background of severe weakness and drowsiness, appetite worsens. If the heat is accompanied by dizziness, confused consciousness, chest pain, urgent medical attention is needed.

Symptoms of swine flu in a child

For children, swine flu is very dangerous, especially at the age of 5 years. The disease develops sharply, the temperature can rise to 40, knock it down almost impossible. If you suspect a child's infection with the H1N1 virus, you need to call an ambulance.

With what symptoms it is necessary to urgently call a doctor:

  • rapid and shortness of breath;
  • blue skin;
  • the child refuses to eat and drink;
  • vomiting, regurgitation in infants;
  • lethargy or intense arousal.

Important! Swine influenza provokes the development of serious complications - pneumonia, serous meningitis, encephalitis, heart problems, joints.

It is forbidden to use medicines based on aspirin in the treatment of children - this can provoke the development of encephalopathy with cerebral edema, hepatic insufficiency.

Paracetamol and its derivatives can be used to reduce temperature. Authorized antiviral drugs - Grippferon, Anaferon.

Treatment of swine flu

To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to make PCR diagnosis of mucus from the nasopharynx for the presence of the H1N1 virus, to conduct a virological examination of sputum. At laboratory acknowledgment of the diagnosis, the patient is subject to obligatory hospitalization.

Important! After the transferred swine flu, immunity is developed for 12 months.

Antiviral drugs form the basis of drug therapy for swine flu. In the first days of the disease, the patient is prescribed Interferon - 3-5 drops every 6 hours.

In severe forms of the disease, people who are at risk are prescribed Tamiflu and Repens. The minimum duration of therapy is 5 days. In the treatment of mild and moderate forms of the disease, you can use Arbidol, Viferon, Cycloferon.

Bacterial pneumonia should be treated with antibiotics - Vancomycin, cephalosporins and the latest generation of fluoroquinols.

Complementary medicines:

  • antipyretics - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol;
  • to drip the nose with vasoconstrictive drops - Nazivin, Nazol;
  • with a strong cough - ACTS, Ambroxol;
  • antihistamines - Zodak, Claritin.

During treatment, it is necessary to include in the diet a sufficient amount of protein food, foods with a high content of ascorbic acid, vitamin A, B. Abundant drink will help to remove toxic products from the body faster, you can drink black currant cockles, broth of wild rose and black chokeberry. It is necessary to refuse sharp, fried, fatty and salty food.

Swine flu during pregnancy

In expectant mothers, immunity is weakened, they can easily become infected with swine flu. The longer the gestation period, the higher the likelihood of infection.

Important! Swine influenza is bad for fetal development, especially if infection occurred in the first trimester - the risk of neural tube defects increases 2 times.

In pregnant women, the disease often occurs in severe form, the likelihood of developing pneumonia, dehydration, breathing becomes difficult. Against the background of high fever, miscarriage or premature birth may occur.

During pregnancy, an infected woman should drink more warm drinks, provided that there is no strong puffiness.

Than it is possible to treat swine flu in pregnant women:

  • antiviral drugs for mild forms of the disease - Viferon in the form of suppositories, intramuscular injections of Panavir, Arbidol;
  • in severe forms - Tamiflu;
  • for decreasing temperature - Ascorutin.

Relenza drug can be used as inhalants - the drug will act solely on the respiratory system, it does not penetrate the blood and the placenta.

During the swine flu epidemic, all pregnant women are subject to urgent hospitalization when the first signs of intoxication appear.


Specific preventive measures are carried out with vaccines against the H1N1 virus - Padermix, MonoGripol. They protect against swine and seasonal influenza. After vaccination, a person can not get sick, you need to vaccinate every year, but you can not do it during the epidemic.

Important! Vaccination is indicated to all pregnant women, regardless of the period. WHO recommends vaccinations for children, people of advanced age.

As prophylactic drugs, doctors recommend using Cagacetol, Arbidol, pregnant women - Viferon. Strengthen the protective functions of the body will help onions, garlic, tinctures of ginseng, echinacea, ascorbic acid.

During the epidemic, it is necessary to limit visits to places with a large number of people, often wash their hands, wear gauze bandages that need to be changed every 4 hours. Before each exit from the house you need to lubricate the sinuses of the nose with Oxoline ointment.

Swine flu is a dangerous disease that occurs in severe form, can lead to the development of serious pathologies, fixed lethal outcomes of the disease. Timely prevention and vaccination are effective methods of protection against swine flu. Do not self-medicate. When the first signs of infection appear, you need to call a doctor.

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