Upholmitous abscess: symptoms, causes, treatment

Hypertrophic abscess - often one of the complications of nasopharyngeal diseases, if not timely to stop this condition, it can lead to more severe consequences. Especially often it occurs in children.

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Pharyngeal abscess: what is

This term is called inflammation of the locatedin the pharyngeal space of tissues: cellulose and lymph nodes, accompanied by the release of pus. It develops because of traumas of pharyngeal tissues or the spread of harmful microorganisms from a foci of infection located in the nose or throat.

More often this disease affects small children under four years, because their fiber is loose enough, it has lymph nodes that are atrophied at a later age. Thus, the tissues in young children are much easier to damage, more ways of occurrence of the inflammatory process. The most common abscess occurs in children under one year.

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In adults, this disease is often a complication of another nasopharyngeal or trauma, in general in adults it is rarely diagnosed. Although recently there are quite a lot of patients for various reasons.

Depending on the location of the abscess, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • epipharyngeal, with the location above the palatal curtain;
  • mesopharyngeal, with the location between the base of the tongue and the palatal curtain;
  • is hypopharyngeal, located below the base of the tongue;
  • is mixed if the inflammatory process occupies several zones.

Regardless of the location of the inflammation, you need to start treatment as soon as possible, so that severe complications do not develop.

Causes of

Hypharyx abscess in children is more common for a number of reasons. They have an infection easier to enter the lymph nodes and penetrate deep into the tissue, the abscess can develop against the backdrop of many diseases of the nasopharynx: sore throat, rhinopharyngitis and others, the likelihood is present, including in inflammatory diseases of the ears. Also, the systemic viral infection can cause this condition: measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria and others.

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Infants can develop an abscess due to infection if the nursing mother has a nipple crack or mastitis in the initial stage. Also, the factors that affect the development of the disease include weakened immunity, lack of nutrition, and other diseases that weaken the body.

Hyperal abscess in adults is usually provoked by various mechanical injuries of the zasopharyngeal space, the disease due to infections is rare. Trauma can occur in everyday situations: acute fish bone, foreign body entry into the pharynx, damage due to rough structure of food. Also, cellulose can be injured during improper medical procedures: gastroscopy, bronchoscopy and others.

The probability of an abscess increases with endocrine diseases. More often diagnose the disease in people with diabetes, malignant tumors, HIV infection.

Important! In rare cases, the disease occurs due to the specific microflora present in tuberculosis or syphilis.

Symptoms of

If the abscess is formed against the background of an already developed infection in the body, there is a sharp deterioration in well-being. The temperature rises to 37 - 39 degrees, weakness increases, there is a chill. Young children become whiny, refuse to eat.

One of the main signs of an abscess is the appearance of severe pain in the throat. Its localization depends on the location of the inflammation. Painful sensations are accompanied by breathing disorders, the voice becomes hoarse, nasal. The pain can be so strong that the patient can not eat. Also, pain can resemble the sensation of a foreign body in the throat.

Also worth paying attention to the lymph nodes. When abscesses cervical and occipital lymph nodes inflame, you can notice with palpation that they are swollen, touching them and head movements become painful. In special cases, edema can occur from the side of the formation of the abscess, a local increase in temperature.

Important! With this disease during sleep, bubbling can occur in the throat due to the accumulation of purulent secretions in the pharynx.


To correctly diagnose, there are not enough symptoms. Mandatory pharyngoscopy, bacteriological analysis of the smear from the throat, a full examination of the otolaryngologist. In addition, a blood test is taken to detect the presence of infection and the inflammatory process in the body. It is also important to find out the pathogen of inflammation in order to find the most suitable treatment.

Depending on the concomitant diseases and symptoms, additional research, for example, X-rays, may be prescribed in the body. A characteristic radiographic evidence for the retropharyngeal abscess is the expansion of the shadow, its appearance in the lumen of the pharynx.

Depending on the cause of the abscess, you may need the help of other specialists. A traumatologist is required if there is a suspicion of mechanical damage to the tissues of the pharynx or osteomyelitis of the cervical vertebrae, a phthisiatrist is suspected of tuberculosis, an oncologist if there are signs of malignant formation.

Complications of

Complications can occur due to the spread of infection through the respiratory tract. In this case, the disease can provoke the development of pneumonia, other inflammatory lung diseases. Also, there is a risk of getting an infection with a blood flow into the brain, then probably the appearance of purulent meningitis. In general, the appearance of an abscessed abscess can worsen the course of the disease, which caused the development of this condition.

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A more dangerous, but rather rare consequence, asphyxia, suffocation that occurs if the abscess blocks the airways. This can lead to a laryngeal edema or spontaneous opening of the inflammatory focus, as a result of which pus is poured and closes the lumen. In this case, vascular damage can occur when pus penetrates the cellulose, this can lead to jugular vein thrombosis, phlebitis, sepsis.

Important! Complications can also occur due to improper treatment of an inflammatory disease.

Treatment of

Self-medication with gullet abscess is often extremely dangerous, in most cases - impossible. Usually patients, especially children, are hospitalized in an acute condition to relieve inflammation and drain the focus of suppuration.

Treatment at home is acceptable after removal of the main inflammatory process, when emergency intervention is no longer required, but it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of complications. In general, the prognosis for this disease is favorable, usually therapy after opening the abscess takes a week or two, depending on the severity of the condition.

After opening the abscess, older people can be rinsed with antiseptic solutions and physiotherapy, usually using UHF therapy.

Surgical intervention

Since spontaneous dissection of the abscess is dangerous due to the occurrence of asphyxia and the spread of infection through the bloodstream and the respiratory tract, if an inflammation focus is detected, it is attempted to be surgically opened as soon as possible. The operation can be performed by an exceptionally trained doctor - an otolaryngologist.

Read it! What is an abscess of Bartholin's gland.

During the operation, a needle is inserted through the mouth opening, the abscess is pierced, after which the pus is sucked off with a syringe. Depending on the age and condition of the patient, local anesthesia or anesthesia may be used. After the opening of the abscess, drug therapy is required, further treatment can be carried out at home, if there is no indication of being in the hospital.

Important! Specific "cold" abscesses that occur with syphilis or tuberculosis, usually do not open.


With a gullet abscess in most cases there is a bacterial infection to get rid of it, prescribe antibiotic treatment. A suitable preparation is selected by a doctor, the course of treatment lasts 5-10 days, depending on the indications. The most common drugs in this case include Flemoxin Solutab and its analogs.

In some cases, antihistamines, various anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed. Any drug before taking should be agreed with the attending physician.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with the help of folk remedies is allowed only at the stage of abating inflammation, before autopsy and immediately after them should not be used. Usually, based on folk recipes, rinse solutions with disinfectant and healing properties are prepared.

  1. Rinse aid based on sea salt. For one glass of warm, but not hot water, take a teaspoon of salt, you can less. Rinse preferably at least once a day.
  2. Infusion of chamomile. One teaspoon of dried grass should be poured a glass of hot water, insist for 20 - 30 minutes, then cool. Rinse should be at least once a day.

After the main course of treatment with antibiotics and other drugs, you need to re-take tests and make sure that the infection is completely gone. In general, if the focus of inflammation in the gullet abscess was eliminated in a timely manner, the prognosis is favorable, complications should not arise.

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