Perforated ulcer of the stomach: symptoms

Stomach ulcer is accompanied by a number of unpleasant phenomena always. It worsens the digestive process, which brings discomfort, pain, and heaviness. Acute and chronic ulcers occur frequently in patients. The perforating ulcer makes itself felt instantly, is dangerous for human life, requires immediate intervention by specialists. The perforated ulcer of the stomach, the symptoms of which manifest themselves in an unpleasant, painful way, are treated surgically, but when the hole in the stomach is small, doctors give the patient a chance to treat this problem in a conservative way. Symptoms of this type of disease will be noticeable to a person immediately, if they are detected, the patient needs urgent help.

Related articles:
  • Signs of stomach ulcers: symptoms and treatment
  • Treating stomach ulcers at home: the best recipes
  • Diet for stomach ulcer
  • Treating stomach and duodenal ulcer with medicines
  • Treating stomach ulcers in folk ways
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What is this disease

When interviewing different categories of people, the experts managed to clarify the following situation:

  • with the definition of a perforated stomach ulcer, that this was not practically encountered by anyone, but many people have a risk of iteffects;
  • people do not consider this problem very dangerous for their life;
  • 50% of patients with this diagnosis can not resolve it without surgery.

Doctors say that 3 million people in the country are facing this kind of problem. A whole 6% disease occurs and ends with a fatal outcome.

The disease occurs as a consequence of acute or chronic gastric ulcer. At the site of the inflammatory process, a small hole is formed, through which all the contents of the stomach pour out into the abdominal cavity. This leads to a shock state. The problem requires an immediate solution.

The disease develops in a matter of hours, the period of the full outflow of gastric contents into the abdominal cavity is measured by hours. The signs of the onset of this stage of the disease are harsh.

Please note! If a sudden pain in the abdomen, vomiting, other manifestations of the same nature, a person needs to call an ambulance. If he does not do it in time, the disease can deprive him of life.

Stages of development of the problem, symptoms of

There are three stages in the development of a perforated stomach ulcer, the symptoms of which are severe. After the moment of signs of a perforated stomach ulcer, the manifestation of the problem begins, accompanied by such stages:

  1. Chemical peritonitis - lasts from 3 to 6 hours. Accompanied by acute pain in the stomach zone, the navel, right hypochondrium. There is vomiting, there is a decrease in blood pressure.
  2. Bacterial peritonitis - manifests itself for several hours. The person feels a decrease in pain, the contents of the stomach starts to flow into the abdominal cavity, the body temperature rises, the pulse becomes faster, the intoxication of the organism begins.
  3. Acute, infectious stage - begins after 12 hours have passed since the beginning of the process. The patient almost does not feel pain, his temperature rises sharply or decreases, there is a strong constant vomiting, dry skin appears, general weakness is felt.

Attention! At the last stage of the development of the problem, the patient can completely lose consciousness. Based on this, he needs to call the doctors at the first stage of the onset of a stressful condition for the body.

The main symptoms of perforated gastric ulcer manifest themselves as follows:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea, severe vomiting;
  • pressure reduction;
  • increased heart rate;
  • sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • feeling of general fatigue;
  • changes the skin's moisture level.

Important! In our articles we already talked about the first symptoms and treatment of stomach ulcers.

The whole process of hole formation in the stomach occurs quickly, its contents are completely poured out into the abdominal cavity in a few hours. After this comes intoxication, from which a person can not get rid of yourself. The manifestation of the disease is not of an individual nature, for all it is the same. The stages of peritonitis change within a few hours, after the onset of the last person loses consciousness. If he is not provided with qualified assistance, there is a possibility of a lethal outcome.

Diagnostics - what methods are used to determine the ulcer

If a person has an acute or chronic stomach ulcer, he should be constantly monitored by a gastroenterologist. To prevent the appearance of this problem, the patient will be able, if he will undergo such studies:

  • radiography;
  • total blood test;
  • electrogastroenterology;
  • endoscopy;
  • laparoscopy.

Please note! All studies of this nature are made for medical purposes. Before the beginning of their passage, the specialist should perform an external examination of the patient. It is he who will find out if the patient has contraindications to a particular type of procedure.

After the disease has passed into the active phase, additional diagnostics will be superfluous, because doctors will have to solve this problem urgently. If the patient enters the hospital unconscious, he is immediately prepared for surgery. When the patient is of sound mind, he refuses to perform a surgical procedure, a large number of drugs intended for removing toxins from the body are injected through the vein through him. Such treatment does not give a full result, but excludes the possibility of a lethal outcome.

Methods of treatment - medicamentous, surgical, using traditional medicine

Conservative treatment of perforated stomach ulcers will not be able to solve the problem completely. Medications, methods of traditional medicine are the means that help to eliminate unpleasant manifestations of the problem, and its primary source remains active. The perforation of a stomach ulcer is a process that entails a number of negative consequences, it is necessary to get rid of it by effective methods.

Important! How to treat a gastric ulcer of the duodenum? Read here.

Use of medicines

Treat a perforated ulcer with drugs, patients prefer more than give in to surgical intervention. The presence of ulcers involves the use of patients the following groups of drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • pain relievers;
  • eliminating the effects of toxic elements;
  • promoting wound healing.

To facilitate a person's condition, permanent intravenous injections, Festal preparations, Mezim, strong antibiotics, medicines for normalization of cardiac activity will be able.

Treatment with traditional medicine methods

To alleviate symptoms, manifestations of perforated stomach ulcer, a patient, as a supplement to medicines, should use traditional medicine. It is folk remedies that a person can solve the problem of symptomatology favorably, but the patient will not be able to completely eliminate the disease in such a way.

Important! You can find out more about the treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies on our website.

A stone oil solution as a way to alleviate the symptoms of

disease. To improve the condition of a patient who preferred treatment without surgery, a stone oil solution is suitable. Cooking it is as follows:

  • 5 grams of powdery substance dissolved in 7 liters of water;
  • mix the ingredients until uniform;
  • should be placed in the refrigerator.

Take the solution inside three times a day. The reception takes place half an hour before the meal, at a time the patient should use a tablespoon of the remedy.

Please note! Before using the product, the patient should consult his doctor. A person should know whether he has any contraindications to the use of this particular component.

Infusion of flax seeds

Enveloping, soothing, healing effect, have flax seeds. Use them to treat this type of peptic ulcer is completely safe. To prepare an effective remedy, 1 part of flax and 30 parts of water are taken. Components should be boiled, leave for several hours to insist. The drug must be filtered, taken every day 3 times, for one intake you need to drink 50 ml of medicinal infusion.

Honey and milk

With a stomach ulcer, honey is not used in pure form, but if you combine a small amount of it with milk, a person will feel relieved. A teaspoon of honey is added to a glass of milk. The mixture should be warm.

Important! What kind of diet should be observed with a stomach ulcer, find out here.

Treatment by surgical intervention

Patients suffering a perforated stomach ulcer in 99% of 100% of the procedure are indicated, although almost half refuse to eliminate the problem in this way. Patients who have decided to go through this path expect a long rehabilitation period, the diet after a perforated stomach ulcer operation will be strict. The intervention is carried out in this way:

  • complete pumping out the contents of the stomach;
  • suturing of perforated ulcers;
  • if necessary, excision of inflamed tissues.

Additional treatment after the operation will take several weeks. This time the patient should spend in the hospital room.

Important! On the treatment of stomach ulcers at home, you can find out here.

A perforated ulcer is the most serious manifestation of an inflammatory disease of the stomach - the main digestive organ. It is necessary to struggle with it for a long time, it is a complex process, requiring from the person of organization, endurance. If you run the ulcer to a critical condition, in one of its walls there is a hole through which all the contents of the stomach pour out. For a person, this condition is shocking. If the problem is not solved in a timely manner, it kills a person from within. When it occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor, starting a productive course of treatment. To defeat the ulcer can only organization, perseverance of the patient.

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